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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now

Wow, Resident Evil has a chance of not being shit again.


yep. they've mentioned before that they were listening to fan feedback that the series was getting too action oriented, so it makes sense that they are trying to dig deep and revisit their roots and try to actually scare us again.

i don't care if they're ripping off PT or not. i just want some scares and i want RE to be RE again. not this steroid-abuse-drop-kicking-daylight-alien-parasites travesty it's become- regardless if those games work well as action games or not. the series has become almost as bad at what it's supposed to be as the movie series.

now where the hell is that demo i'm becoming impatient and i just want it downloaded tonight before bed. :(


The characters (all two of them) looked generic as heck, which is absolutely the anathema of every RE game ever. That sucks. I mean, I hope those are just the characters for the trailers/demo/early game.


Is there still a virus and stuff?

Yes. Directly after RE6

I don't have a source, but in the trailers posted there were a bunch of over-the-shoulder shots spliced in.

Of course, that could be cutscene, bit either way, this teaser stuff isn't indicative of anything.

Nope entirely FP.

from the press release.

The Resident Evil saga started 20 years ago with the launch of the 1996 original, and this exciting new evolution makes now the perfect time to be a fan. Experiencing the exploration and immersive atmosphere in the new, unnervingly intimate first-person view of Resident Evil 7 is guaranteed to be the stuff of nightmares when the game releases for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on January 24, 2017


A bit from the plot.

Of course, a horror story is only as frightening as its setting, and Resident Evil 7 pays tribute to the franchise’s origins on this front as well. Resident Evil 7 is set after the events of Resident Evil 6, taking place in modern day and revolving around a foreboding, derelict plantation mansion in rural America. Players must explore and survive the horrors within the mysterious, sprawling estate.

I think you mean after.



Japanese title:

Amazing, it's like they've got Kojima in to deal with the names, Resivels Hazardists 7II.
As long as they don't turn this game into another Outlast, I'm good. So sick of playing horror games where your only solution is to either run or hide.


A change in direction was certainly needed but I'm skeptical. The combat in the pre-4 games is not engaging and feels like it's only there so you can play the ammo and health management game. Those games always felt more like classic adventure games than "horror" games. Also, this new one better have some of the old characters.

As long as some of it has that /comfy/ gothic/victorian aesthetic that's pretty much a series tradition, I will be happy. The setting certainly could accommodate that.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
so which part of the trailer convinced you that this game isn't going to have any of what you remember from previous RE games?

what if it turns out that this game still has inventory management and action gameplay and it happens to be certain other people who are setting themselves up to look like asses, nay, already look like asses? based on less than two minutes of teaser footage?
Being all first person has already killed it. I don't care what kind of shit they try to come up with, gaming mechanics have forms and limits. It is impossible to do RE proper in first person. Other people may not mind and try to say oh I'm wrong if it ends up being a good game, but good game or not this will be throwing away what RE is for something else and I completely disagree that 4 or 6 did that.

As for other worries, like the other aspects of gameplay being all wrong, tone/style being all wrong, the setting/story/characters being all wrong, I haven't made let alone committed to any claims on that, although what is seen here and what is said by Capcom is extremely worrying. People saying RE "needed" this aren't really coming off like people who liked the franchise much. I loved everything about it, primarily the action/sassy/campy/horror style of world and characters they built with consistency. While going first person sucks, that can just be one title; if they end up throwing out the style/world/characters as well, they are pretty much killing the franchise while keeping the name.

Some people feel that happened with 4 or 6, but as I said I completely disagree with it. Those brought development on all fronts, not a change into something else from what makes it what it is. Since so many on GAF so often seem to assume I'm attempting an objective argument when I'm not, please be aware that people can go ahead and disagree about whether or not this is a "legitimate" RE and that neither of our opinions are objective reality. Nothing I'm saying is some kind of objective declaration on the game for quality as standalone or whether or not people will or should enjoy it or consider it RE. You can think and enjoy whatever the fuck you want. I'm just saying what I think from my own view of what makes the essence of franchise and how this seems in comparison.


WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS GAME. I was shocked positively shocked during the Sony thing. Demo out now. WHAT THE FUCK is the demo u guys!?


You know what, this is cool, very cool. Not sure about the first person perspective, but understandable after PT. The japanese title makes me all warm inside.


Why couldn't they keep the characters ?

A big part of RE is the charismatic characters..You just don't get that with First Person.

AHHH This series is just destined to be difficult to handle.

Yeah, it wouldn't make sense to abandon the third person narrative.

I want my fashion damnit! :p

I love the experimentation though.
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