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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Man some of these replies both here and in the god of war thread... some people really just want the same game regurgitated over and over again huh? :/


Different logo?!


Oh no it's Resident Evil 6's logo all over again.


With the RE styles being as fragmented as they were for years, each with their own fanbase, I guess what Capcom always wanted was to win everyone's favor ("return to the horror roots" right?) but seems like they just ditched all of RE's (current) styles for the mainline and brought a brand new one with this announcement (creating yet another fanbase while at it, from what I can see). One that has even less in common with the other styles/fanbases that already had little in common with themselves. IMO, not very good for the series or Capcom's reputation but... the next months sure are going to be interesting. lol

As for myself, I wasn't expecting much from Capcom and really couldn't care less about this FPS/VR game that they put the RE brand on. The only RE-related thing I'm still looking forward to is REmake 2.


They really need to ditch the ridiculous lore from the previous installments. I actually thought this was a reboot for the franchise.

Cue in Wesker appearing eventually somewhere throughout the game. Ugh.

Yeah probably my biggest issue with this is ALL the goddamn baggage. And it's not even good, like there's any kind of payoff. They really should just reboot the whole series. Weird they didn't because this seemed like a perfect time to do so.
Hate to be another voice in the crowd, but I agree with this sentiment that this doesn't really invoke Resident Evil to me at all. The thing I've always appreciated about the series is the horror elements in combination with some of the cheesy writing, and over the past 20 years, I've grown to be fond of the characters.

I'll reserve judgement until I see more, and play the demo, but I'm a little worried this game is just slapping the RE name on it, and will just continue to wait for the RE2 remake.


Yep, turning the next mainline RE into a PT/Amnesia/Outlast clone is just what the franchise needed.

I'm incredibly wary of this tbh and I really need to play the demo.
If it's just like every other fps horror game aimed to attract the youtube pewdiepie fake scream crowd then the game can float in the flames of hell for all I care.

However I've been thinking about it and this could be an interesting step for resi evil to take.

If they make it a slow paced horror games set in a large environment where you have to solve puzzles using the move controllers and explore/uncover the secrets of wherever it is set then that could be pretty could. Ammo and weaponry could be scarse and each encounter with an enemy would be a choice of do I use ammo that could be useful later to make now easier or do I try and slip past unharmed. Combat would of course be a mixture of guns and melee weaponry all aimed through in first person through using the motion controls of the move. VR is mandatory for the game.

Essentially what I'm trying to describe is a classic style resident evil game that is in VR first person. This would give classic fans the experience that they want whilst appealing to the newer audience as well. Sadly I don't think we're getting this.

Anyone else agree with me?


They really need to ditch the ridiculous lore from the previous installments. I actually thought this was a reboot for the franchise.

Cue in Wesker appearing eventually somewhere throughout the game. Ugh.

The continued lore has been one of the most enjoyed aspects of the series and its history. If you don't like it, just ignore it and play the game. The actual stories are never going to be all that good.


It looks good, problem is until the logo there was absolutely nothing about it that stood out from most other horror games. I actually thought it was some indie game like Outlast 2.

I'm noticing a trend where old IP names are used for what is basically actually new IP with some token characters/lore thrown in. MGSV kinda did it, God of War seems like it's doing it, and so is this. I think it's just the reality of modern AAA game development. As long as the game is good I'm fine with it, but I can see why it pisses off fans of the previous games.


is a goddamn bear
The ghosts headline I guess is more of a media misunderstanding within the game for story purposes. Much like in the Outbreak games there were files that had people detailing how their loved ones had gone missing. I suppose it makes sense that people see the dead roaming after their supposed funeral, they would call them ghosts.

Or zombies. But the monsters in this game could be ghost like because of a new virus. After the invisible monsters featured in Rev 2 and RE4, that isn't too far-fetched.
It's not the gameplay I'm worried about, it's the tone. Resident Evil has always been the definition of campy to me but the trailer seems to take itself to seriously. The characters are also a big part of the franchise and it seems this has more of an isolated atmosphere. Still, the intent with the trailer was to trick you into thinking it was something else so I will have to play it for myself to judge. But right now, I am pretty worried.


They really need to ditch the ridiculous lore from the previous installments. I actually thought this was a reboot for the franchise.

Cue in Wesker appearing eventually somewhere throughout the game. Ugh.

Wesker is super dead....

decapitated by a duo of rocket launchers in an exploding volcano...

I dont think he's coming back.


for the ones wanting to try the jap demo. if you have never been a ps+ member before. if you try to use the cloud storage sony gives you 24h of free ps+.


So Resident Evil is allowed to transition from tank controlled fixed camera style to 3rd person tank control shooter to 3rd person shooter but because it's shifting to another perspective it "isn't Resident Evil"

What the hell even is Resident Evil at this point? It's whatever they decide it to be.


Being all first person has already killed it. I don't care what kind of shit they try to come up with, gaming mechanics have forms and limits. It is impossible to do RE proper in first person. Other people may not mind and try to say oh I'm wrong if it ends up being a good game, but good game or not this will be throwing away what RE is for something else and I completely disagree that 4 or 6 did that.

As for other worries, like the other aspects of gameplay being all wrong, tone/style being all wrong, the setting/story/characters being all wrong, I haven't made let alone committed to any claims on that, although what is seen here and what is said by Capcom is extremely worrying. People saying RE "needed" this aren't really coming off like people who liked the franchise much. I loved everything about it, primarily the action/sassy/campy/horror style of world and characters they built with consistency. While going first person sucks, that can just be one title; if they end up throwing out the style/world/characters as well, they are pretty much killing the franchise while keeping the name.

Some people feel that happened with 4 or 6, but as I said I completely disagree with it. Those brought development on all fronts, not a change into something else from what makes it what it is. Since so many on GAF so often seem to assume I'm attempting an objective argument when I'm not, please be aware that people can go ahead and disagree about whether or not this is a "legitimate" RE and that neither of our opinions are objective reality. Nothing I'm saying is some kind of objective declaration on the game for quality as standalone or whether or not people will or should enjoy it or consider it RE. You can think and enjoy whatever the fuck you want. I'm just saying what I think from my own view of what makes the essence of franchise and how this seems in comparison.

This is a capable team. I fully expect novel gameplay features suited to first person. They've done the other games to death. People acted like you when 4 was announced.
This new format is the best thing that could have happened to Resident Evil. I can't wait to try to play it in vr, if I can even handle it.
Entire reason they're giving you a demo TONIGHT is to calm all of you down freaking out over the perspective shift, try it before you judge please. :eek:
the demo might not even be indicative of how the full game will play since its more based on the Kitchen demo. Capcom are trying recreate what P.T would've been to Silent Hills.
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