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Resident Evil 7 Biohazard announced (PC/XB1/PS4), Jan 2017, PS4 demo out now


so do we have confirmation yet whether it is First person or not?

I hope the actual game is 3rd person and they just demo'd the VR version


Because capcom doesn't know how to kill off popular characters.

This should be a Resident Evil spin-off and they are calling it Resident Evil 7. This is my main problem.

Also apparently judging from the posts made a couple pages ago, people had no idea that this was played entirely in first person. There you go. When I made my post, I already saw that it was first person only and it is specifically designed to be a VR experience. Now you guys get it?

I seriously hope they are just joking with this calling this Resident Evil 7.... because otherwise the re-release of the HD remasters doesn't make any sense. What are they aiming for here.
So it doesn't matter if it was a prequel.

They didn't try to force him in even there, and the fact is he stayed Dead in 6. There is little reason to assume Capcom will force Wesker when they can have references with characters that are possibly alive.
It matters because there was no reason to bring Wesker back in REV2 when we had another version of Wesker character in the game. Plus he's already a playable character in raid mode.


There should be more tampons in gaming
If Capcom wanted to revisit their horror roots while retaining their identity, why didn't they look to Dead Space? It is an example of a game that would satisfy all Resident Evil fans- you can satisfy those fans that want horror, inventory management, puzzles and key collecting while still having enough satisfying action to make the gunplay enthusiasts happy. This thing is just emulating and piggybacking off the hype of PT. I wish Capcom had a fucking creative bone in their body and this showing demonstrates that they don't listen to fans. I understand that me saying they should look at DS as inspiration doesn't result in them being creative either but this shouldn't even be called Resident Evil/Biohazard. The early build of RE4 is what they should've gone for if they wanted horror and action that still resembled RE. /rant


Maxis Redwood
Gives me warm fuzzies that fans of 4-6 can feel the same way about this title as I once did as a big fan of 1-3.

I'm quite interested in playing 7 - at least it sure looks like survival horror, and that counts for a lot in my book.


If you log into your Japanese account, just go try uploading a game save and it will offer you two-days free without needing a credit card or anything. You can download the demo.

I love you!!!! I just tried it on my account and I got 2 days free to try on. I don't have a Japanese account though so I still gotta wait. :/


Kinda bummed they're calling it Resident Evil 7. I wish they would have just called it Biohazard.

In any case, it looks amazing and I can't wait to see more.

They aren't going to drop the Resident Evil naming randomly. Way too big. It's even got Resident Evil in the title in the Japanese name now.


You know I think something is up here. Now that I've slowed a bit.

You have RE7 which was converted from Kitchen
You have Remasters coming out
You have Umbrella Corps
You have a canon CG movie coming with Leon, Chris, and Rebecca
You have RE2make coming
You also have the live action movie coming

I feel like Capcom is just going all in. I wouldn't be surprised if we do see another game like RE6. At this point seems they're just trying to fill every hole they can.

The biggest question is why call it 7. I wonder if it was a case of getting screwed over on the phanta Rhei engine and having something cover RE would be better than nothing.

Yeah I had the same question in my mind. Why call it 7? Because it will be loosely linked to the hot mess that were the previous entries story wise? I wouldn't be surprised if we do get a 6-2 at some point. I really hate the game but considering it sold a ton and the final movie at the end of 6 implied we would see more Jake I'm a bit puzzled it never happened.

Really bold move by Capcom. Hopefully it's good.

Beth Cyra

It matters because there was no reason to bring Wesker back in REV2 when we had another version of Wesker character in the game.

It was multiplayer RPG mode that had nothing to do with the story.......this argument might be the most nonsensical thing I've ever seen as a way to tear down a game or the companies ability to not fuck it up.


Where is my over the top third person action game?!?!?!? I want the sequel to this:


Save the Outlast shit for a spin off. I really hope it is just a misleading trailer. :(

No, man.


That awful crap should be a spinoff. And then said spinoff should be thrown into a dumpster fire.


Junior Member
"She's back."

Who is she? Jill, Rebecca and Sheva are the only main female characters that haven't been playable recently.
Title has a '7' in it. Why will you thought its a reboot?

For one, it looked nothing like the previous installments. Also, none of the cast from the previous games made an appearance. Hell, no one knew it was RE until the end of the trailer. I just thought it was something new in the same universe but didn't directly follow anything that happened after 6. Hopefully none of the plot points from 6 make it into this.


With all due respect, glad this stuff is Deader than a Crimson Head.

Resident Evil is finally reborn and rising from the ashes.

Dino Crisis should pick up this torch, since Dino Crisis 2 was the prototype for all that shit anyway. God was that game fun.

I definitely find this to be interesting looking. Not sure how I feel about it as a Resident Evil game, but I'll have to play it first. Will totally check the demo out. I still think Umbrella will be responsible for everything in this one too, hahaha.


Neo Member
i'm a big fan of RE, i have all the games, the 2 CG movies, the books, the mangas … and now i'll pass 7. They made it a first person game ... what the hell capcom?!
so do we have confirmation yet whether it is First person or not?

I hope the actual game is 3rd person and they just demo'd the VR version
Love seeing posts like this because I am now realizing people still don't get it. The game is designed for VR and still in first person.

Capcom's attempt to cash on P.T and a huge slap to the fans of Resident Evil.
This is going to bomb so hard. Don't really know what Capcom is thinking here, especially considering RE6 didn't meet their expectations. This won't sell half of what 5 and 6 did.

Seems like they threw in the towel on making a competitive action game and are just using this change of direction as a justification to radically lower the series' budget.


They aren't going to drop the Resident Evil naming randomly. Way too big. It's even got Resident Evil in the title in the Japanese name now.

Can they even legally use the Biohazard name outside of Japan? I was under the impression that the band of the same name took umbrage with it.
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