I'm kinda hoping that Hale has a true resistance to the Chimera effect, and doesn't go much more hybrid than he already is. I think his infection and subsequent "greater resistance" to the infection is a clever device to give him his limited self-healing, but that might be about it. But that unseen, "greater resistance" may be the most powerful and compelling thing about him, which opens up a lot of avenues...
You could be right about him changing further, and even gaining another set of eyes. After all, everyone could see the infection in his eyes, so that seems to be the first outward effect. I don't see this happening though.
I do think we'll see a lot more of an interplay between these mysterious factions like the Cloven and the US Spec Ops. troops. Those are two storylines that I can't wait to get into. We obviously don't know who to trust, if anyone. Are the Cloven friend or foe or somewhere in that grey "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" area? Or could they be seen down the road as even a bigger threat than the Chimera? (Think about how the Allies thought of Stalin's Soviet Union neer the end of WWII.) And both the British and the US appear to be hiding some stuff, even from each other. Or are they? Perhaps, as is often the case in war, the higher-ups might not telling the people on the ground about the big picture.
If I was writing the story, I'd use Hale as the football that gets passed between all these groups to tell their stories.
The story set up by Resistance: Fall of Man is wonderfully open-ended, and provides many opportunities to advance the story in many ways. I've considered a lot of options, and many different storylines. Here's just one of my fanfic/stories for Resistance 2:
Hale is in U.S. custody, where he's poked and prodded by physicians to try to see why he's got this unique Resistance. Since it's the 1950's, they won't get very far, as their scientific understanding of DNA isn't developed yet.
The Cloven are resistant to a degree, but not as much as Hale, thus, they take on more Chimeran characteristics, gaining some of more of the Chimera's strengths, but perhaps may also be more susceptible to the psychic "pull" of the Angels. This weakness keeps them somewhat disjointed internally and more nomadic rather than a true unified and organized force to be reckoned with. Obviously, whatever Cloven leadership there is would like to get ahold of Hale as well, to try and figure out how he is able to overcome the Angels' mind power.
The Brits/Euro Allies, (perhaps with the Americans,) are working on their own "Manhattan Project" weapon, or some secret to use against the Chimera/Angels. They seem to know more than they are letting on...and may have a plan up their sleeves.
In the story I cooked up in my head, the Cloven end up with something the Allies want badly, and a trade is made. Like Jack Bauer in 24 was "traded" to the Chinese, well...the Cloven want Hale.
So, since they weren't getting anywhere studying Hale anyway, and he's only one man in a global war after all, the CIA and MI5 agree to give Hale to the Cloven in exchange for whatever the Cloven have that's so important to them, and attempt to covertly track Hale's movements like they did before with the Spec. Ops.
Unfortunately, the Chimera attack the Spec Ops, and Hale finds himself alone with the Cloven, and fighting the Chimera deep within the Euro/Asian wasteland.
This is where we get to learn all about the Chimera, and finally meet their leader,
the most advanced human/Chimera hybrid yet; a Cloven which has taken on the Angels' mind power enough to not only block their influence from his (or her!) troops, but is able to use that mind power to coordinate other Cloven!
Even better, the Cloven leader can use that power to tap into the mind of an Angel. This is very dangerous for the Cloven leader though, and the effect is very limited.
However, through this "mental diving" into the mind of an Angel, the Cloven leader realizes that this is a way to enter the Angels' psychic network, and find out the grand scheme for the entire Chimeran invasion!
But there's a catch, of course...
The Cloven leader must use the Allies' secret weapon, against the Angels, and Hale's own mind, as an amplifier, to create this mind bridge!
But of course, the Cloven can't be trusted by the Allies, right? After all, all the Allies know about the Cloven is that they are brutal hybrid fighters who devour their enemies.
And, as we'll find out, there are forces within the Allied leadership that want to stop this plan as well. Everything is not what it seems, and all this can be traced to the one of the secrets of Hale's own resistance.
So, what happens in my story?
-Is the Cloven leader able to tap into the Angels' mental network?
-What is the secret of the Chimeran invasion? What is their goal?
-How does all this set up Resistance 3?
Well, I've got all that worked out in my story too, but I'm not telling...