With Creed out of the way can Sly finally put Carl Weathers in an Expendables flick?
Is Gonna Fly Now in this?
They keep hinting at it in the trailers, and Rocky himself is in the movie, so I'd imagine at some point they bust it out.
Can't imagine they wouldn't. You got a crowdpleasing weapon like the Rocky Fanfare in your arsenal? UNLEASH.
Fuck! My hype has increased too much after reading some of the reviews in this thread.
Damn Carl still looks pretty fit
Hayden Christensen is playing him.I hope ghost Apollo shows up in Creed.
See Balboa, definitely.
It's a really good Rocky movie, and it takes on a little bit of extra depth, metatextually, when you realize this is as close as Stallone's come to actually making a biography. A lot of the themes, and Rocky's characterization, is built on Stallone realizing how and why he's been fucking up his own legacy and career, and trying to own it in his own way.
Balboa is probably the Rocky movie that most obviously and thoroughly blends the man making the movie with the character that defines him.
Balboa is like JCVD, then?
Just 2 more days. Get hype.
It really is. It isn't as blatant as JCVD just straight up playing himself and launching into a 5 minute monologue about his career, but it's definitely like it.
Fuck Thanksgiving, it's all about CREED
If the turkey dinner doesn't knock me out, the movie will
I might have to check it out.
But you already sawled it, my d00d.I don't get to see it till Tuesday night.
"Creed got me fiyahed up...on a Tuesday..."
It's my favorite Rocky movie. If you had to press me, I could make an argument for Rocky I, but they're both so different. Balboa in particular is just such a savage movie.
I loved Balboa...imagine a world where Rocky 5 was never made...how much stronger is the movie? Anyhoo...
Two things
1) that scene in the meat locker with Paulie... ;____;
2) so glad they went with the theatrical ending...so much stronger than the alternate.
Never seen Rocky V. Seems like it was the right move.
Balboa is like JCVD, then?
More often, though, the movie is invigorating in its ability to reach its unexpected emotional crescendos with its visuals and music, and its use of Rocky iconography as touchstones rather than strict blueprints. Creed works far better than it should, and does so twice: as the unexpected payoff to a nearly 40-year-old series, and as the confirmation of a major talent in its director.
One need not be proficient in Rocky lore to appreciate Creed, but for those who have followed the exploits of Sylvester Stallones Philadelphia boxer, Ryan Cooglers latest film pays unexpectedly rich emotional dividends. Creed is so reminiscent of the 1976 film that introduced us to Rocky Balboa that I sense newcomers will fall for Creeds characters the way viewers fell for Rockys 40 years ago. Though 2006s Rocky Balboa was a fitting final chapter for its titular hero, Creed finds more of his story to explore. In the process, the film reminds us that, employed by the right director, Sylvester Stallone can be a wonderful actor.
This is one of the best films of 2015.
Rocky Balboa also has one of the best movie speeches of all time. Yes, it's compare-able to Chaplin's The Dictator, Pacino's Any Given Sunday, and Baldwin's Glengarry Glenross speeches.
Here is the speech - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Vg4uyYwEk
Guess minor spoilers, does his son appear at all in this?
From locked thread where someone said Balboa was no good.
Rocky, Rocky 4, and Rocky Balboa are exceptional movies.
Rocky Balboa also has one of the best movie speeches of all time. Yes, it's compare-able to Chaplin's The Dictator, Pacino's Any Given Sunday, and Baldwin's Glengarry Glenross speeches.
Here is the speech - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Vg4uyYwEk
Is Rocky Balboa streamable on Amazon or Netflix? I really want to see it again before watching Creed.
Netflix brought all the Rockys back this month... EXCEPT Balboa.
Netflix brought all the Rockys back this month... EXCEPT Balboa.
Man, the scene in Rocky 1 when micky comes to Rockys apartment and tells him he wants to train him. Stallone is so emotional and you can almost see mickeys heart break while he walks outI was -super- pissed at this until I realized I had the Blu-Ray somewhere.
I'm rewatching Rocky I in different blocks when I can. It's such a damn good movie. Both I and Balboa are really freaking dark sometimes, mostly when Rocky is being introspective.
Took you long enough to get here. Took you ten years to get to my house. Huh, what's the matter? You don't like my house? Does my house stink? That's right-it stinks! I didn't have no favors from you! Don't slum around me. Talkin' about your prime. What about my prime, Mick? At least you had a prime! I didn't have no prime. I didn't have nithin'! Leg's are goin', everything is goin'. Nobody's getting' no nothin'. Guy comes up, offers me a fight. Big deal. Wanna fight the fight? Yeah, I'll fight the big fight. I wouldn't wanna fight. Know what's gonna happen to me? I'm gonna get that! I'm gonna get that! And you wanna be ringside to see it? Do ya? You wanna help me out? Huh? Do you wana see me get my face kicked in? Leg's ain't workin', nothing's workin', but they go, "Go on, fight the champ." Yeah, I'll fight him. Get my face kicked in. And you come around here. You wanna move in here with me? Come on in! It's a nice house! Real nice. Come on in and move. It stinks! This whole place stinks. You wanna help me out? Well, help me out! Come on, help me out. I'm standin' here!
Oh shit. Creed opens tomorrow. I skipped like 3 screenings
I couldn't say no for some reason. It's like I was obligated to...say yes.
Man, the scene in Rocky 1 when micky comes to Rockys apartment and tells him he wants to train him. Stallone is so emotional and you can almost see mickeys heart break while he walks out
Just say...yes?
Screenings are tough around here. Either you are in the city, or you get the token one at a regular cinema. The city ones are tough because either you find friends, or you are paying more than the cost of a regular ticket.
My friend texted me tonight that she bailed on me to see Legend for free. THAT BITCH