Sad Affleck
The last thing Batman v Superman honestly needed was an extended cut. It honestly needed the complete opposite and needed a reduced cut.
-- Cut the Justice League teases
-- Cut the nightmares
-- Cut Luthor
-- Cut Doomsday
-- Cut Wonder Woman
The JL and nightmare sequences were honestly unnecessary to the plot. Doomsday is a stupid video game final boss stapled on to the end of the movie. Wonder Woman is the best part of the movie, but she's simultaneously the most unnecessary part of the movie because she only ties into the Justice League and Doomsday crap. Make the movie purely about Superman and Batman having a major idealistic clash regarding crime fighting and end the movie with them resolving their differences and realizing their two sides of the same coin. You don't even need the Lex Luthor pulling strings in the background shit either, the movie did a fine job of establishing how Batman and Superman clash.
Spot on. Your list describes everything that I didn't like about the movie.