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Rift: Planes of Telara |OT|


Lost all credibility.
This game is great. I basically play MMO's in small spurts, I usually stop after about a month or after I've spent a few weeks at level cap. I had tons of fun leveling my Warden healer to 50. The dungeon queueing system made it so easy to get into groups. My favorite thing to do in MMOs are the 5-man dungeons and Trion put work into theirs to make them awesome experiences and true "dungeon crawls" as opposed to "here's 3 bosses you'll blow through in 15 minutes."


Sorry I mean Seastone.

Dayblind might be full? I don't know, I was just on it a minute ago.

it's pvp too.

Weird. Well it looks like there's 2 US PvE servers that are worthwhile: Greybeard and Wolfsbane. But the forums for Wolfsbane are complaining about queues (lol after a year it's out and there's queues? Insane) so Graybeard it is!

Let's see how this is (after I'm done downloading the client).


How is the PvP in this?
I played a bit a while back, but only PvE. Never made it past level 20something.

I'm thinking of giving this another shot. My SWTOR time ran out and I just have too many issues with the core gameplay and design in that - not to mention the unfinished feeling it exudes. But it did get me interested in PvP healing again. I thought about WoW for a bit but by now it's probably all just people's alts with great gear so I wouldn't even be able to compete.

I remember Rift, combat-wise, was pretty solid. But how is the PvP balance? Are the Warfronts or whatever any fun?

It looks like they merged a lot of servers. It's down to like less than 20 now. But whatever. I never see anyone outside of the capital cities in WoW and SWTOR was always a ghost town on my server.
With so few servers I imagine I'll see more people here than those 2 games at least.

If anyone else was starting fresh and wanted to hang out, I'll roll wherever you do. I was thinking Wolfsbane personally, even with queues, but I'll go wherever anyone who wants to play goes. I don't like being alone. It makes me sad.


Get into a guild and chat on mumble it makes everything worth it.

I'm only lvl 26 or so myself, but the pvp was okay i guess?

Guild applications make me sad.
Would anyone even be recruiting newbies at this point?

I don't mind sitting in vent or ts or mumble or whatever. Not really one for voice chatting myself though. Especially in MMOs.


I didn't think so either, then I started when playing Swtor, now half the reason I don't want to stop playing is because I get to voice chat and hang out with these internet friends I made.


Friends are 95% of the reason I stay in any MMO long term.

But voice chatting has never gone well in MMOs for me. Discrimination and all that. So I usually just listen until I'm way more comfortable and know the people won't make a big deal out of nothing.

I'll check around the official forums for recruiters and stuff.


What kind of discrimination?

We have a brazilian dude, a scottish dude, a french dude, and like two married women.

At most people will be like "OH MY GOD A GIRL?" "AHHUEHEUEHE A GIRL GUYS DUR" then its over because people get that out of their systems because it doesn't matter what the person sounds like.


What kind of discrimination?

We have a brazilian dude, a scottish dude, a french dude, and like two married women.

At most people will be like "OH MY GOD A GIRL?" "AHHUEHEUEHE A GIRL GUYS DUR" then its over because people get that out of their systems because it doesn't matter what the person sounds like.

There are different kinds for different people.
First impressions mean a lot.

For example, people may stop making a big deal all the time when a girl is talking. But there's always a ton of drama whenever that girl ever does anything successful. Like if they get good gear, some people will always accuse her of playing the guild leader or something. Or that she's getting preferential treatment because the guild leader just wants in her pants.

Or if you have an accent that people may not easily understand. People will make fun of it or think poorly of you or just not want to play with or deal with you because of communication barriers.

So I'm rarely comfortable speaking until I can be sure people won't think differently about me because of who I am. It's not that they are bad people. It's just the way internet communities generally work. I don't hold it against anyone.


The brazillian guy, everyone loves him because he knows his shit about the game and he's an interesting person, but most of us are like "Huh? I'm sorry I don't know what you said" and he just laughs.

My guild loves to tease, and while I've seen that before in other guilds we don't really have any girls that show up in mumble or in guild. Like one is married to one dude and another is someone's girlfriend I think?

Ironically there's been drama between the guys not about a girl or something, but because of how a person behaves. Like we started a guild Bank alt, and were doing contests and shit and found out later that the guy doing the bank alt thing stole like 1-2m credits for his own stuff. I don't remember what happened with that.

If you do want to play, now's a good a time as any.

As long as you've never used a free trial, click this link when you want to try out a trial or subscribe later:


I'll level with you even though im lvl 26 atm


The brazillian guy, everyone loves him because he knows his shit about the game and he's an interesting person, but most of us are like "Huh? I'm sorry I don't know what you said" and he just laughs.

My guild loves to tease, and while I've seen that before in other guilds we don't really have any girls that show up in mumble or in guild. Like one is married to one dude and another is someone's girlfriend I think?

Ironically there's been drama between the guys not about a girl or something, but because of how a person behaves. Like we started a guild Bank alt, and were doing contests and shit and found out later that the guy doing the bank alt thing stole like 1-2m credits for his own stuff. I don't remember what happened with that.

If you do want to play, now's a good a time as any.

As long as you've never used a free trial, click this link when you want to try out a trial or subscribe later:


I'll level with you even though im lvl 26 atm

I own the game. I played it for 20something levels many months ago but stopped because I was disillusioned by WoW-likes. Since I already have an account, I don't think the invite thing works?
In any case, I resubbed like an hour ago. But I'm at work so I can't play until tonight. I'll join any gaffers who want to play.


Played for like 2 hours tonight.
All I can say is that it feels so good coming from SWTOR. That's a fine game and all but wow... the combat is like night and day. Rift feels infinitely better and tighter. The class mechanics are the tried and true formula, but they're re-used so often for a reason - they work. Mana is infinitely better than Force. Everything is super responsive. I don't need to rely on a stupid pet (companion) to be productive. It is an amazing feeling.

I don't even care about the dialog stuff. The moment to moment gameplay is just so vastly superior, I don't see myself playing much of SWTOR anymore. Now I just need to hit lvl 17ish so I can check out Warfronts.

And to top it all off, it runs great and has a fully customizable UI AND a combat log. I'm very happy I came back.

EDIT: Oops double post. Should have just edited my post above. Sorry.


You can do free transfers every 30 days for any character over 15 iirc

I can't play right now but im lvl 26, and I THINK I'm on Briarcliff but i'm not sure


Oh i forgot that matters, defiant

Oh my character is Guardian. I have an older Cleric that is level 20something from when I first played the game months ago that is Defiant, but I don't like how she looks anymore so I'll probably start over.

Also, I just found out you can loot without dismounting. That is great.
The level range chat is also a great feature. Everyone from 1-29 is in the same chat. The game feels so much more alive and active.


Sorry double post, but I kind of want to bump the thread for this.

Is healing in this game hard, or did I just get really unlucky?

I got into Realm of the Fae. The tank was taking a ton of damage, I never stopped healing but couldn't keep him up. He'd fall like 50% in less than 3 seconds. He left.
Then my group was like "lets keep going" without a tank. And I couldn't keep them up either. In the end, everyone insulted me and left.

I'm really sad.
I've never had problems like this before. I've played healers in MMOs for over a decade. I don't know if I'm just missing something or if this wasn't my fault. I'm not feeling very good about myself. I've never had people tell me I suck at my job before :(

Any other healers have tips?
I am a Sentinel/Warden/Purifier - 16/5/0 right now.


I was a cleric back when I played this at launch, it definitely felt challenging to me, but I'm no expert healer. I tried all 3 specs a fair bit though, and certainly back then Sentinel (despite seeming like the 'obvious' healer spec) felt the hardest BY FAR. I usually rolled as a warden primary, because it was the most fun and felt the most versatile, but Purifier was EASYmode, tanks simply don't die. Sentinel was absurdly hard in comparison to either. (Warden feels very much like an old school resto druid rolling lifeblooms)

My best recommendation would be to just buy a few specs and try em all out.


Lost all credibility.
Any other healers have tips?
I am a Sentinel/Warden/Purifier - 16/5/0 right now.
Like Yanger I mostly played Warden, I found that one to be the most "comfortable" and tons of mobility. Don't get too discouraged about Realm of the Fae, despite being the "entry level" dungeon, that one is actually pretty difficult compared to the rest of the dungeons.

I also found Warden a lot of fun in Warfronts. The nice thing about Rift is that healers are pretty integral for Warfronts like Black Garden where a person takes more damage the longer they hold the Fang. Despite most people seeing Purifier as the de facto heal throughput spec, I was able to keep fang-holder up super long with Warden. It was SO satisfying winning the warfront with a score of 500 - 0 because of all the heals on the fang-holder.


Thanks both of you.

I'll give Warden a shot. I do notice it has lower cast times in general, so that could help.
I'm not really into HoT-based healing, but I'll see how it goes.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Hey guys: is there anyone here who was having latency issues during world events back at launch still playing?

I was wondering if I should get back and play this some more, but I'll only resub if I'm able to find feedback from someone who was having those crazy lag moments like I was last year.


Thanks both of you.

I'll give Warden a shot. I do notice it has lower cast times in general, so that could help.
I'm not really into HoT-based healing, but I'll see how it goes.

Although it has hots, and you need to keep them up on the tank, your best heals are still cast time (Deluge is a beast). It took me a bit to figure out exactly how to best handle it but I was playing almost with a 'rotation' and then you just have a ton of minor CDs as necessary (orbs and ripple and shit). Always make sure to have sentinel for healing breath too though (I think that's it, the big instant one).


I remember healing Realm of the Fae as a Chloromancer at launch and it was STUPID easy: just DPS the mob for a massive AoE heal on every hit and use direct heals on the tank once in a while.

We'll see if it's still like that. I'll prolly resub later this week (I doubt the gf would like to watch me play this tomorrow lol) but I'm hopeful!


Although it has hots, and you need to keep them up on the tank, your best heals are still cast time (Deluge is a beast). It took me a bit to figure out exactly how to best handle it but I was playing almost with a 'rotation' and then you just have a ton of minor CDs as necessary (orbs and ripple and shit). Always make sure to have sentinel for healing breath too though (I think that's it, the big instant one).

Sounds like a Resto Druid, like you mentioned in a previous post. It'll be fun to learn how to heal in a new way.

I ended up rolling a new character instead of respecing, so still working my way up. Can't wait to see how I do once I'm able to queue for dungeons.

I remember healing Realm of the Fae as a Chloromancer at launch and it was STUPID easy: just DPS the mob for a massive AoE heal on every hit and use direct heals on the tank once in a while.

We'll see if it's still like that. I'll prolly resub later this week (I doubt the gf would like to watch me play this tomorrow lol) but I'm hopeful!

Sounds like the Shaman from WAR. I'd rather just focus on healing though. Mana-based DPS isn't really my thing.

On another note, I ended up rolling Defiant on Wolfsbane since it's supposed to be the most populated server. There's like... no one. Guardian side was way more active. Is Defiant less played in this game?

I'll probably transfer to that other server where I can at least be on the same server as someone else from GAF. I just wanted to have people to chat with for the time being. But there are only like 6 people in Freemarch.

EDIT: I just learned that soul quests aren't in game anymore. I put in a ticket saying I was bugged and couldn't get the quests. GM responded saying I can just buy the souls. That's a great change. Those quests were annoying to do.

EDIT2: Having a great time in Rift right now. I think SWTOR was exactly what I needed to bring me back into WoW-likes. I was very jaded and unsure about the genre for a while there, but SWTOR really made me appreciate that design done well. The further away I get from SWTOR, the worse I think of it. Heh...
I have so many alts on so many servers...
I tried a Rogue today. It's a lot of fun. I'm way softer and have died a few times. But I kill things like twice as fast at least. I love my outfit. My cleric looks kind of silly.
It's nice to not have any responsibility for a bit. But I'll probably main my cleric for love of being a healer.

I wish there was an active GAF presence in this game.
But I understand why there isn't. When I first played this near release, I did not enjoy it all that much. It felt derivative and I was really down on WoW-likes at the time. Figures it took a month of playing a terrible implementation of the formula in another game for me to appreciate what Trion did here.
Lets see if this high lasts long enough for me to experience what end game is like.

EDIT3: I'm always surprised at the turn-out for Rift Invasion event thingies. There's always a lot of people participating. But no one ever queues for dungeons. I've been trying to complete this quest forever but queue never pops.
I'm also looking forward to getting out of Silverwood and Freemarch. I've been in those zones for the first 20 levels on my Guardian and Defiant. I wonder how big the world is. I'm not going to look at the world map. I want to see for myself. I hope there is variety and it's a decent size.
In any case, (sorry for putting SWTOR down again!) my first 20 levels in the same zone for both factions still feels more varied and open and less linear than SWTOR's planet system (except maybe Hoth). The scenery is way more pretty and I like this world more. I spent some time just exploring and enjoying the world here - as I do in all MMOs except for SWTOR.
I'm enjoying the class system. I'm sure there are "optimal specs", but whatever. I'll worry about that later. For now, I'm just doing what I want. I feel I have a lot of options to build how I want to. I love the macro system. It takes away the need to have 20 buttons that just attack. I can make a macro with the abilities in the order I want them to be used. It's nice when I want to be relaxed. When I don't, I switch to my other Role where I have the same spec but no macros.
Healing on a Warden is waaaay easier than Sentinel. Sentinel has such long casts at lower levels and people are so undergeared, I can't keep up. With Warden, I just have to maintain HoTs and stuff and throw out the big heal during burst. I do feel I'm watching the buff counters a lot more though. I feel like I'll switch back to Sentinel or give Purifier a try at higher levels.


Patch 1.7 is out and

Patch 1.7 includes...

A new chronicle (River of Souls)
Completely revamped PVP progression
A new master mode dungeon (Caduceus Rise)
The merging and buffing of expert dungeons

Here's the big change:

* In order to reduce queue times to as near-zero as possible, players may be added the opposing faction's Warfront team as a "Mercenary".
* Queue for Warfronts as normal and you may be assigned as a Mercenary when the Warfront map loads. You'll receive a Mercenary buff and on-screen callout and will be placed as part of the opposite faction's team.
* Coin is now granted for completing Warfronts.
* Damage dealt by your pet is now included in your leaderboard totals.
* Warfronts: The quests given in Port Scion are now automatically removed when your character leaves the Warfront.
* Warfront: Stockpile - Black Garden: The leaderboard now displays the number of stones you've carried throughout the game properly.


* As a note of caution, Dwarven weddings can get pretty rowdy! You may see your PvP flag turn on when entering the Dwarf-themed wedding instance.


EDIT2: Having a great time in Rift right now. I think SWTOR was exactly what I needed to bring me back into WoW-likes. I was very jaded and unsure about the genre for a while there, but SWTOR really made me appreciate that design done well. The further away I get from SWTOR, the worse I think of it. Heh...
I have so many alts on so many servers...
I tried a Rogue today. It's a lot of fun. I'm way softer and have died a few times. But I kill things like twice as fast at least. I love my outfit. My cleric looks kind of silly.
It's nice to not have any responsibility for a bit. But I'll probably main my cleric for love of being a healer.


RIFT is an extremely competent and technically flawless MMO. It had the best launch of any MMO I've played, and the underlying systems are very well tuned.

I left a max level warrior with a nice chunk of gold (not sure what's high anymore) that was T1 raid ready. It just got very boring at level cap after launch. Being done with hard mode dungeons to farm gear, but without quite enough people to run raids, there wasn't much to do. The collections stuff was interesting, but didn't attract me. The story quest was less engaging than FFXI's or TOR's, and the dungeons themselves just have *so much trash*.

If Trion had built TOR, TOR would be incredible.


Patch 1.7 is out and

Patch 1.7 includes...

A new chronicle (River of Souls)
Completely revamped PVP progression
A new master mode dungeon (Caduceus Rise)
The merging and buffing of expert dungeons

Here's the big change:

* In order to reduce queue times to as near-zero as possible, players may be added the opposing faction's Warfront team as a "Mercenary".
* Queue for Warfronts as normal and you may be assigned as a Mercenary when the Warfront map loads. You'll receive a Mercenary buff and on-screen callout and will be placed as part of the opposite faction's team.
* Coin is now granted for completing Warfronts.
* Damage dealt by your pet is now included in your leaderboard totals.
* Warfronts: The quests given in Port Scion are now automatically removed when your character leaves the Warfront.
* Warfront: Stockpile - Black Garden: The leaderboard now displays the number of stones you've carried throughout the game properly.


* As a note of caution, Dwarven weddings can get pretty rowdy! You may see your PvP flag turn on when entering the Dwarf-themed wedding instance.

Warfront Mercenary thing sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to checking that out.
MMO weddings creep me out.


RIFT is an extremely competent and technically flawless MMO. It had the best launch of any MMO I've played, and the underlying systems are very well tuned.

I left a max level warrior with a nice chunk of gold (not sure what's high anymore) that was T1 raid ready. It just got very boring at level cap after launch. Being done with hard mode dungeons to farm gear, but without quite enough people to run raids, there wasn't much to do. The collections stuff was interesting, but didn't attract me. The story quest was less engaging than FFXI's or TOR's, and the dungeons themselves just have *so much trash*.

If Trion had built TOR, TOR would be incredible.

I'm not writing SWTOR off just yet. But the problems I have with that game are pretty major. At first, I was able to justify playing it because of the class story stuff, but as time went on, I realized BioWare's brand of story-telling just can't hold me for very long. So I was left with the game mechanics, which aren't very good right now in my opinion.

I'm not sure how well Rift will hold up for me, but I'm enjoying the leveling process. I can see me falling off at end game though. I don't really like the end game in WoW-likes.


The game has been riding on profit for quite some time now. If you want a free trial, please look at my previous posts and use that instead of getting a free trial via the site (help your fellow gaffer since it's literally the same damn thing)


The game has been riding on profit for quite some time now. If you want a free trial, please look at my previous posts and use that instead of getting a free trial via the site (help your fellow gaffer since it's literally the same damn thing)

Used your link. Going to give this a try.

frequency said:
If anyone else was starting fresh and wanted to hang out, I'll roll wherever you do. I was thinking Wolfsbane personally, even with queues, but I'll go wherever anyone who wants to play goes. I don't like being alone. It makes me sad.

You're Lumines on SWTOR right? I'll try rolling with you; never played Rift before so I'll be totally lost.


Used your link. Going to give this a try.

You're Lumines on SWTOR right? I'll try rolling with you; never played Rift before so I'll be totally lost.

Yup that's me. Didn't think the connection was so easy to make. Heh.

I have multiple characters in Rift.

Greybriar - Guardian:
Lumines - Level 20 Cleric
Indivi - Level 18 Rogue

Wolfsbane - Defiant:
Lumines - Level 12 Cleric

Briarcliff - Defiant:
Luminess - Level 21 Cleric

Alsbeth - Guardian:
Lumines - Level 23 Rogue

And a bunch of other ones spread out on different servers under level 15.

Why do I have 3 clerics and 2 rogues? Because I'm dumb. :p

I've been working on my Greybriar and Briarcliff characters but I would play on any of those characters.
Soul Calibur has been eating my soul this weekend though.


Yup that's me. Didn't think the connection was so easy to make. Heh.

I have multiple characters in Rift.

Greybriar - Guardian:
Lumines - Level 20 Cleric
Indivi - Level 18 Rogue

Wolfsbane - Defiant:
Lumines - Level 12 Cleric

Briarcliff - Defiant:
Lumines - Level 21 Cleric

Alsbeth - Guardian:
Lumines - Level 23 Rogue

And a bunch of other ones spread out on different servers under level 15.

Why do I have 3 clerics and 2 rogues? Because I'm dumb. :p

I've been working on my Greybriar and Briarcliff characters but I would play on any of those characters.

Oh those are all really high level. I only have a level 5 Guardian.

What's up with the skill trees; am I unable to just go straight up one tree? Is the game basically forcing me to do a certain skill build since it's not letting me put all my points into certain skills but is having me put them into multiple trees.


Oh those are all really high level. I only have a level 5 Guardian.

What's up with the skill trees; am I unable to just go straight up one tree? Is the game basically forcing me to do a certain skill build since it's not letting me put all my points into certain skills but is having me put them into multiple trees.

I can start another character. I really don't mind and am in no rush to reach cap or anything like that. As you can probably tell with all my alts... of the same class. Heh.

The skill trees aren't that different from other games.
You start with only 1, but by the end of the starter area, you'll have all 3. You get 1 point every odd number level, and 2 points every even number level. But you can only put as many points into one tree as your level. So basically, you can put 1 point into your main tree every level, and every other level you'll have an extra point to spend on a side tree.

Or you can spread out those points if you don't want to invest in a "main tree".

There's a lot of build variety in this game. You'll eventually get like 5 different spec slots and you can use any combination of the trees that you want.


Yo frequency, im lvl 31 on briar, level up that defiant and i'll group with you, im a necrolock mage

I'm working on it!
I rolled on that server because you mentioned it.

Oh I lied. My name on Briarcliff is Luminess
Two S's.

Lumines was taken. I'm convinced someone saw me somewhere else and stole it!


Seems Rift has gone WoW and lets you try Rift for free for levels 1-20 for an unlimited time.

Just got an email about it. Very nice.

Impressions to follow.


Seems Rift has gone WoW and lets you try Rift for free for levels 1-20 for an unlimited time.

Just got an email about it. Very nice.

Impressions to follow.
Please don't sign up for that, please use the link I posted earlier. It's the same exact free trial but it benefits existing users.


After playing SWTOR and a little bit of Rift, I'm glad I've never played WoW so I can't say that.

Not sure that makes sense, since wow is still better than either. Rift is better than star wars I'm pretty sure now though. I like levelling more in SW due to the quests, but I 'enjoyed' playing rift more.


Not sure that makes sense, since wow is still better than either. Rift is better than star wars I'm pretty sure now though. I like levelling more in SW due to the quests, but I 'enjoyed' playing rift more.

I played WoW for like 10 minutes with that Lite version of the game and I really disliked the art style and graphics right from the start so for me, I can put SWTOR and Rift above it based on that alone.

Yeah, I realize it's not fair to dismiss a game after only 10 minutes of playing and prioritizing aesthetics over actual gameplay is silly, but whatever.


Not sure that makes sense, since wow is still better than either

Hahahah, noooo, I so disagree with that. WoW is wildly worse than either. Unless you're already settled into the game and are focused on raiding, WoW is borderline unplayable to me nowadays. It's just such a mindless hodgepodge of stupidity.

Rift and SWTOR are both good emulations of WoW during it's heyday, both with their own tweaks and boons and things that make them stand out but the genre needs something a little more imaginative, and I hope Guild Wars delivers on that since it's featureset alone seems to actually get the problems with the genre.


Hahahah, noooo, I so disagree with that. WoW is wildly worse than either. Unless you're already settled into the game and are focused on raiding, WoW is borderline unplayable to me nowadays. It's just such a mindless hodgepodge of stupidity.

Rift and SWTOR are both good emulations of WoW during it's heyday, both with their own tweaks and boons and things that make them stand out but the genre needs something a little more imaginative, and I hope Guild Wars delivers on that since it's featureset alone seems to actually get the problems with the genre.

I fail to see how two games that attempt to copy an older game, and offer only the most superficial of innovations can be better. If you played wow and got tired of it so be it, it's an old game. But for someone who never played it to act that way is ridiculous. There is nothing superior about either ToR or Rift, just the benefit of 'it's not wow' for people that don't want to play wow anymore. /shrug.


I'd argue that Rift is a superior game to WoW. Systems that existed in WoW (like talent trees, dual-spec, crafting, etc.) feel like they have all seen major improvements. In some cases, these systems have been abandoned in WoW or are otherwise being minimized, but Rift took all the mechanics that made WoW great and ran with them. The game really just feels like WoW 2 to me. You can see the obvious influences, but there is a real sense of major genre progression.

Everything just feels a bit more polished when you compare it to a game that launched in 2004. The UI in particular is great, allowing you to customize everything right out of the box. Going into the menu and clicking the "Edit UI" button was mind-blowing for me. You can get all of that functionality in WoW through multiple addons, but it's nice to have a great UI without any extra legwork on your part. Some UI stuff in WoW like the guild finder tool you look at and think "it took you HOW long to make this piece of junk?". I know everyone loves Transmog, but that implementation of cosmetic armor is completely laughable compared to Rift or even LOTRO. You really get the impression that Trion has built a better game, technically, that they can update faster and smoother.

They also seem much more willing to listen to feedback, and to act on it quickly. It took years for WoW to give us a LFG tool that was worth using. They only conceded to allow cosmetic armor after 7 years of refusal when they started losing massive numbers of subscribers and were looking for a bandaid fix for some quick extra content. Trion implemented both of these features in short order after launch, and quickly made changes to them that players requested. People requested server transfers and Trion implemented them shortly after for free for everyone. You can tell that they're a really competent group of people who really care about their game.

Lastly, I think Rift is pumping out better content then WoW at this point. The dungeons feel like dungeons, especially at level cap when leveling dungeons that could have been boring rehashes at 50 see a bunch of extra bosses and new areas. People complained that leveling dungeons shouldn't take a long amount of time because it's too much of a commitment for something that was a side-dish to the main course that is leveling. Instead of making 20 minute dungeons like WoW did as a response, Trion made dungeons that are quick and simple while leveling but grow into bigger experiences when you hit the cap and that becomes your main form of content. It was a brilliant move, and I absolutely love the dungeons at 50.

I'd often log into Rift at night on my level 50 cleric not sure what to do, and then I'd see a zone event happening and 3 hours later I'd look at the clock and be surprised how late it had gotten. The game is really smart about putting content in front of you that isn't just static dailies/weeklies or one raid zone every 6+ months. I always know what I'm going to do when I log into WoW because my options never really change. I do my profession dailies, maybe a dungeon depending on whether I've hit my cap of 7 that week, and then I log out.

The only reason I'm playing WoW right now and not Rift is because WoW has my established guild full of people I like and Rift doesn't. I respect Trion much more as a company, and I think they've made the better game though.


Unconfirmed Member
Would someone be able to explain how the specs in Rift work so I can easily understand, please?
I find them very confusing to follow. While I haven't had the patience to look at them lately from I what I remember they seem to give you a lot of useless spells, a lot of similar spells and it just doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense to me straight away how I'm supposed to effectively make a proper, functional build. I can never tell if the different "callings?" are supposed to have any synergy or not and what that synergy is supposed to be.
Of the three you can choose am I supposed to have one dominant calling, one that I spec farther in, then the others sort of (can't think of the proper word...) play off, improve on that main calling?
Also, how do I know which spells I'm supposed to be using? As I come from WoW, these builds feel like I'm trying to play 3 classes at once lol. I feel stupid. >_<

:eek: I'm now officially a member, thank you very much mods! :)

Edit: Btw, if it matters at all I'm only level 15. Also, the ones I was looking at were Warlock/Pyromancer/Archon


Would someone be able to explain how the specs in Rift work so I can easily understand, please?
I find them very confusing to follow. While I haven't had the patience to look at them lately from I what I remember they seem to give you a lot of useless spells, a lot of similar spells and it just doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense to me straight away how I'm supposed to effectively make a proper, functional build. I can never tell if the different "callings?" are supposed to have any synergy or not and what that synergy is supposed to be.
Of the three you can choose am I supposed to have one dominant calling, one that I spec farther in, then the others sort of (can't think of the proper word...) play off, improve on that main calling?
Also, how do I know which spells I'm supposed to be using? As I come from WoW, these builds feel like I'm trying to play 3 classes at once lol. I feel stupid. >_<

:eek: I'm now officially a member, thank you very much mods! :)

Edit: Btw, if it matters at all I'm only level 15. Also, the ones I was looking at were Warlock/Pyromancer/Archon

Just look at the tooltips and your talents. Some talents make certain abilities more effective. And some spells get stronger than others as you buy higher ranks.
If you have multiple spells/abilities that are exactly the same, just pick the prettier one.

The build variety in this game is great. You can do whatever you want with the 8 callings. If you want to focus on one, great. If you want to spread out, also great. Just do whatever you want. If you want "optimal specs", I'm sure you can find a ton online.

Personally, I like to focus in one tree. You get a second point to spend on a side tree every other level if you put the max points into your main tree every level.

Some callings work better together for different circumstances. For example, as a mage, you might want to use the pet class as a side (or even main) tree to help you level.

In regards to Rift vs WoW, I can't say definitively which is better since I haven't played enough of Rift yet. But I can say that right now, I prefer Rift to what WoW has become. Rift feels like it's somewhere between TBC and WotLK. TBC WoW is my favourite of these style MMOs.
But WoW still has a much bigger and more varied world. And that's a huge part of MMOs for me. So I can't say that Rift is better.


Unconfirmed Member
^ Thanks for the helpful response, much appreciated. I'll take a proper look tonight if I get the time.
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