Although it has hots, and you need to keep them up on the tank, your best heals are still cast time (Deluge is a beast). It took me a bit to figure out exactly how to best handle it but I was playing almost with a 'rotation' and then you just have a ton of minor CDs as necessary (orbs and ripple and shit). Always make sure to have sentinel for healing breath too though (I think that's it, the big instant one).
Sounds like a Resto Druid, like you mentioned in a previous post. It'll be fun to learn how to heal in a new way.
I ended up rolling a new character instead of respecing, so still working my way up. Can't wait to see how I do once I'm able to queue for dungeons.
I remember healing Realm of the Fae as a Chloromancer at launch and it was STUPID easy: just DPS the mob for a massive AoE heal on every hit and use direct heals on the tank once in a while.
We'll see if it's still like that. I'll prolly resub later this week (I doubt the gf would like to watch me play this tomorrow lol) but I'm hopeful!
Sounds like the Shaman from WAR. I'd rather just focus on healing though. Mana-based DPS isn't really my thing.
On another note, I ended up rolling Defiant on Wolfsbane since it's supposed to be the most populated server. There's like... no one. Guardian side was way more active. Is Defiant less played in this game?
I'll probably transfer to that other server where I can at least be on the same server as someone else from GAF. I just wanted to have people to chat with for the time being. But there are only like 6 people in Freemarch.
EDIT: I just learned that soul quests aren't in game anymore. I put in a ticket saying I was bugged and couldn't get the quests. GM responded saying I can just buy the souls. That's a great change. Those quests were annoying to do.
EDIT2: Having a great time in Rift right now. I think SWTOR was exactly what I needed to bring me back into WoW-likes. I was very jaded and unsure about the genre for a while there, but SWTOR really made me appreciate that design done well. The further away I get from SWTOR, the worse I think of it. Heh...
I have so many alts on so many servers...
I tried a Rogue today. It's a lot of fun. I'm way softer and have died a few times. But I kill things like twice as fast at least. I love my outfit. My cleric looks kind of silly.
It's nice to not have any responsibility for a bit. But I'll probably main my cleric for love of being a healer.
I wish there was an active GAF presence in this game.
But I understand why there isn't. When I first played this near release, I did not enjoy it all that much. It felt derivative and I was really down on WoW-likes at the time. Figures it took a month of playing a terrible implementation of the formula in another game for me to appreciate what Trion did here.
Lets see if this high lasts long enough for me to experience what end game is like.
EDIT3: I'm always surprised at the turn-out for Rift Invasion event thingies. There's always a lot of people participating. But no one ever queues for dungeons. I've been trying to complete this quest forever but queue never pops.
I'm also looking forward to getting out of Silverwood and Freemarch. I've been in those zones for the first 20 levels on my Guardian and Defiant. I wonder how big the world is. I'm not going to look at the world map. I want to see for myself. I hope there is variety and it's a decent size.
In any case, (sorry for putting SWTOR down again!) my first 20 levels in the same zone for both factions still feels more varied and open and less linear than SWTOR's planet system (except maybe Hoth). The scenery is way more pretty and I like this world more. I spent some time just exploring and enjoying the world here - as I do in all MMOs except for SWTOR.
I'm enjoying the class system. I'm sure there are "optimal specs", but whatever. I'll worry about that later. For now, I'm just doing what I want. I feel I have a lot of options to build how I want to. I love the macro system. It takes away the need to have 20 buttons that just attack. I can make a macro with the abilities in the order I want them to be used. It's nice when I want to be relaxed. When I don't, I switch to my other Role where I have the same spec but no macros.
Healing on a Warden is waaaay easier than Sentinel. Sentinel has such long casts at lower levels and people are so undergeared, I can't keep up. With Warden, I just have to maintain HoTs and stuff and throw out the big heal during burst. I do feel I'm watching the buff counters a lot more though. I feel like I'll switch back to Sentinel or give Purifier a try at higher levels.