Dark Schala
Eloquent Princess
And now he's feeling "a little upset" because he craves the attention that much.He thought Kimmel was going to prop him up somehow. You know, the guy who's been making fun of him for the past six months.
And now he's feeling "a little upset" because he craves the attention that much.He thought Kimmel was going to prop him up somehow. You know, the guy who's been making fun of him for the past six months.
I get the feeling Rob Ford still thinks he can win, and with a council that's friendlier to him.
Up until a few days ago, it consisted of a blue placeholder page with a simple Ford for Mayor logo and a brief message: Thank you for visiting the website. If you would like to contact Mayor Ford please call 416-233-6934. Now, the site features photos of the mayor with celebrities, such as Drake and talk show host Kimmel, hobnobbing at the annual Ford Fest barbecues, and attending various Toronto street festivals.
Ford boasts about repealing the vehicle registration tax, getting the TTC designated an essential service and abolishing the 5-cent bag tax. The mayor said he has focused public debate on building subways, reduced council expense budgets and led a trade mission to Chicago.
So, the OPP has agreed to "assume oversight" in the Project Brazen 2 investigation.
Shit's about to get real?
Why would Blair do this if he the investigation was going to peter out with nothing to show for it? Boogie can you comment?
Fuck this dude is a fucking total messFour parts on YouTube --
Hilarious, to say the least. Hope the links work for you!
Toronto Police travelled to Apple’s headquarters in California to gain access to data from an iPhone belonging to Alessandro Lisi, a friend of Mayor Rob Ford – efforts that are delaying Mr. Lisi’s court proceedings on an extortion charge.
Domenic Basile, one of Mr. Lisi’s lawyers, said in court on Friday that he has not yet received “important disclosure” from the Crown relating to the contents of the cellphone.
“I need that disclosure … before my client can decide what election to make,” Mr. Basile said, adding it would affect the decision of whether to choose a trial by judge alone.
Outside court, Mr. Basile said police took Mr. Lisi’s iPhone to Apple’s headquarters in California to retrieve data. Data from iPhones are typically stored on the cellphones themselves as well as on iCloud, Apple’s data storage service. Last fall, police sought an “assistance order” from Apple Inc.
Mr. Lisi, 35, is known for making secret video and audio recordings of his interactions with others.
He did not appear in court on Friday but Mr. Basile said his client is “anxious to have these matters dealt with.” The case was held over until April 2.
Mr. Lisi was charged with extortion last fall for alleged threats against two men who investigators believe attempted to sell a video purportedly showing Mr. Ford smoking crack cocaine.
According to a court document, Mr. Lisi used “threats or violence or menace” against Mohamed Siad, the man believed to have tried to sell the video, and Liban Siyad between May 16 and May 18. The existence of the video was first reported by Gawker and the Toronto Star on the evening of May 16. Mr. Siyad is one of the accused in Project Traveller, a police crackdown on drugs and street gangs in the Toronto neighbourhood of Etobicoke that led to dozens of arrests in mid-June.
On Oct. 31, the same day Mr. Lisi was charged, Chief Bill Blair revealed that police computer technicians had recovered a video showing the mayor that was consistent with the media reports. The city’s senior cop also said he had viewed the recording and was “disappointed” by what he saw, a comment that led to intense criticism of the chief by Mr. Ford and his brother Councillor Doug Ford.
In November, the mayor admitted to smoking crack cocaine.
A police document revealed that investigators tracked the mayor and Mr. Lisi for months across the city using undercover officers and a surveillance aircraft, and documented their meetings at all hours of the day and night in often unusual locations, including empty parking lots and gas stations.
The mayor has described Mr. Lisi, who served as his occasional driver, as “a great guy” and “straight as an arrow.”
Mr. Lisi also faces several drug-related charges.
Police travelled to Apple HQ to get data from Ford friend Lisis phone
well this should be interesting.
Police have taken out a new search warrant in the Project Brazen 2 case connected to Mayor Rob Ford, the first court order since the Ontario Provincial Police assumed oversight of the year-long probe.
The warrant, filed in court Friday, is sealed. Unlike previous warrants, the Star was not able to determine what police are seeking. Previous warrants have related to a Toronto house, telephone records and access to data on an iPhone.
If they're denial/scapegoat machine wasn't in full force before...
Will he distance himself from Lisi or back him to the bitter end?
Well, Ford said he doesn't throw friends under the bus... so he'll probably say Lisi made friends with Kathleen Wynne.
Why would Blair do this if he the investigation was going to peter out with nothing to show for it? Boogie can you comment?
Around 9:30 p.m. Saturday, a tweet from Fords Twitter account read: Daylight Saving Time starts this evening, turn your clocks back and change batteries in the smoke alarms.
Unfortunately, the Mayors tweet included a couple mistakes, which twitter users were quick to point out.
New drunk video from last night.
New drunk video from last night.
"A woman... was surprised to see the mayor stumbling and swearing..."
Damn pinkosShe sounded like a supporter so she probably thought everything was made up by the extreme left-wing communist plot started by The Star.
New drunk video from last night.
More ITOs unsealed today.
They pretty much re-confirm what we already know.
It's incredible he's still Mayor.
What's worse yet is it's very possible that he gets re-elected because of the conservative challenger vote being split and Olivia Chow stealing the progressive vote unchallenged.More ITOs unsealed today.
They pretty much re-confirm what we already know.
It's incredible he's still Mayor.
John Tory seems to have the worst timing. Seriously man. You should have run last election.
More ITOs unsealed today.
They pretty much re-confirm what we already know.
It's incredible he's still Mayor.
John Tory seems to have the worst timing. Seriously man. You should have run last election.
What needs to be understood is that the Ford family can win just about any election that takes place in Etobicoke. They have a massive list of supporters and a sign company that can plaster the former borough in an instant. You have to take a certain percentage of Etobicoke if you want to be mayor. Last election Rob Ford - as expected - took around so much of Etobicoke that the others could not win unless they did unrealistically high in the other suburbs and downtown.
John Tory did the math and saw that he couldn't win. Others did the same. This time around they think they can make a bigger dent in Etobicoke and the other suburbs. That's why they're out. It's now or never.
What needs to be understood is that the Ford family can win just about any election that takes place in Etobicoke. They have a massive list of supporters and a sign company that can plaster the former borough in an instant. You have to take a certain percentage of Etobicoke if you want to be mayor. Last election Rob Ford - as expected - took around so much of Etobicoke that the others could not win unless they did unrealistically high in the other suburbs and downtown.
John Tory did the math and saw that he couldn't win. Others did the same. This time around they think they can make a bigger dent in Etobicoke and the other suburbs. That's why they're out. It's now or never.
Internal Ford polling suggested Tory would enter 9.5 points ahead of Ford and 11 points ahead of George Smitherman.
. Dat suburban GTA bias.
With Miller deciding he was tired of being mayor, Smitherman imploding, and Giambrone getting completely frazzled and knocked out by scandal Ford really was facing an incredibly weak field and was the only recognizable right wing contender.
Adam Giambrone was discovered having an affair, and Ford Nation acted like it was the biggest crime in the history of Toronto.
Then they turn right around and give their man-child a pass on 50,000 bigger indiscretions.