I imagine Rob Ford as just saying "Rob Ford" like Hodor.
I imagine Rob Ford as just saying "Rob Ford" like Hodor.
This guy has the world looking at him, and he still thinks he can sneak crack?
Whatever, the most embarrassing thing about him is seeing how many damn crazy people exist in the city, who say shit like "everyone makes mistakes, it doesn't mean he shouldn't be given another chance" or "his personal life doesn't matter if it doesn't affect his work, and it doesn't, he's still a great mayor". What I hear is "holy shit, I am such a goddamn prideful idiot that I will pretend that this motherfucking mayor is something other than an absolute joke, because I don't want admit I was wrong or that the shit I want is stupid"
At least he wasn't lying.A few weeks ago when asked directly if he was continuing to use, Mr. Ford said: You guys ask stupid questions.
What's the big deal, he was already videotaped smoking crack, and admitted that he smoked crack... did anyone think that was just a one time thing?
Got $100K?I really want to see Rob Ford smoke some crack, is the video released?
Got $100K?
At another point in the tape, someone asks Ford, "How do you f--k your wife?"
"Brother, I'd f--k her wife every f-----g," he says before the audio becomes indiscernible.
"F--k bro, I'd pound this every day," Ford says, apparently referencing shots of alcohol.
At that point, someone can be heard saying that it is 9 p.m.
At another point in the tape, Ford says to someone, "If you don't get a shot in two seconds, I'm going to knock your f-----g teeth out."
"Once I'm done, I'm done. I'm going to California," he says.
Ford mulls over which party he could vote for if he cannot vote Conservative.
"I can't vote Liberal cause I don't like what Wynne is doing. Not because she's gay. I just don't like corruption," he says.
"NDP? I'm just not left-wing," he continues. "I might have to vote Green."
Ford criticizes Tim Hudak, the leader of the Ontario PC Party, for voting in favour of a motion to fly a rainbow flag at Queen's Park provincial legislature during the Sochi Olympics.
"Hudak comes out and says, 'Yeah, I agree with all the gays. Right there, he lost my vote."
"Brother, I'd f--k her wife every f-----g," he says before the audio becomes indiscernible.
fuckingI actually have no idea what this expletive is
It's probably just "fucking". Ford isn't very coherent when he's sober, let alone drunk,I actually have no idea what this expletive is
But it's not surprising. He never shows up for any Pride festivities and then the one time he does he looks pissed to be there.Full transcript:
So he's mad at Hudak and won't vote for him because Hudak came out in support of the whole gay rights flag thing during the Olympics. Sad.
My guessI actually have no idea what this expletive is
But it's not surprising. He never shows up for any Pride festivities and then the one time he does he looks pissed to be there.
looks like he's powering up to meBut it's not surprising. He never shows up for any Pride festivities and then the one time he does he looks pissed to be there.
But it's not surprising. He never shows up for any Pride festivities and then the one time he does he looks pissed to be there.
How about if we reelect him?The GOAT returns (and leaves). This guy, man. This guy.
Edit: you're on, TorontoGAF. Impress us
How about if we reelect him?
Lolol nearly ate my face.looks like he's powering up to me
Jonathan Kuehlein @JPKnews
Dealer says #RobFord beat up pal Lisi, used n-word on same night he smoked crack. Friday's @TorontoStar A1. #TOpoli
Adam C-F ‏@AdamCF
Add violence and more racism to the list of things Ford did recently. Close-up of tomorrow's Star front page #TOpoli
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford had his high school players roll in goose droppings, threatened to beat up a teacher, showed up drunk at a practice and reneged on a promise to buy $5,000 worth of football helmets for his team, according to internal school board documents released today.
What a trashy dude, that's coming close to abuse of minors.I just saw this headline on the CBC and it's too good not to share:
Rob Ford threatened teacher, had students roll in goose dung: documents
Think this was yesterday, he was going to Don Mills to make his presentation on extending that subway line.Holy crap. How recent is that?