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Rob Ford: Still smoking crack. On video. Taking leave of absence.

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I remember hearing about it for a while on the morning radio (I live in Windsor, which would probably just be a suburb of Detroit if there wasn't an international border there). I remember he was living in a mansion in Texas while the trial was going on and he had written a book and was going on tours to promote the book. This was all a big deal because he was to be making repayments to the City of Detroit for all the money he has stolen, and a lot of people felt that these weekly (monthly?) payments were far too small considering he was living in a mansion. Of course he continued to claim he wasn't making enough money to make bigger repayments.

I guess my point is that yes, these things do take a while. Although presumably once Rob Ford get's arrested there's no way he could possibly be re-elected, right?

He can. I'm pretty sure you can be reelected in prison too, but if you attend council meetings for 3 months then council can vote you out.


The problem is that his talking points (like the US style conservative politics that he plays up) works surprisingly well. He's been talking about the gravy train and saving a billion dollars forever, and people buy into it without ever fact-checking anymore. When people call his bullshit out, his rebuttal is "are you calling me a liar". It works so well with his base that it doesn't matter what he does, even if it should.

Yesterday's debate was fantastic at highlighting this: by arguing with him, you lower to his level, and you'll never win.

Yup. Every time he talks, it's just these points verbatim:

  • I have a proven track record. (LOL.)
  • I ended the gravy train. (No you didn't.)
  • I privatized garbage collection west of Yonge. (Doug Holyday did that.)
  • There have been no strikes under my watch. (Library strike.)
  • I keep an eye on every dollar. (Penny wise, pound foolish.)
  • I saved the city a billion dollars. (Proven bullshit.)
  • I got subways built. (Built? Nothing has even been signed yet.)
  • Streetcars cause traffic. (LRTs aren't streetcars. How many times do we have to tell you?)
  • I wasn't elected to be perfect. (Pretty low bar you set there.)
  • That's the past. I'm moving on. (Good for you. We're not.)


Speaking of those talking points, there's a debate going on at Ryerson right now.

Someone asked Ford about his drinking and drug use, and he replied with the usual "I'm not perfect, maybe everyone here is."

He got laughed down by the audience, mostly college students, and people yelled "ANSWER THE QUESTION."

He didn't answer the question.

Edit: My favourite tweet on the matter:

@inducedcoma He can't answer questions, robotically recites his script...OMG! He's like a living Country Bear Jamboree!


Rob Ford deserves his celebrity status. His addiction should prompt national discourse on drug addiction being an illness and not something worthy of incarceration.


Rob Ford just cast lone votes against a) naming a street in honour of Nelson Mandela, and b) congratulating Canadian Olympic athletes.

Both pass 40-1.



Funny stuff. I just read about it on ctvnews.

Ford, who was the only person to vote against the motions, said he had hit the wrong button.

"I guess I pushed the wrong button," Ford said.

"Of course I support Nelson Mandela -- I was the one who wished him a happy birthday ... and the Olympic athletes, of course I do," he said.

Ford asked for a re-vote, but his request was denied.

The council meeting briefly debated Ford’s vote, but eventually moved on to other business.



I would bang a hot farmer!
Hey, pushing buttons is hard. I mean look at it. Green = Yes and Red = No? Who comes up with these obtuse ideas?

I don't get how people like Nigel Wright, David Livingston and Sandro Lisi get charged with whatever crime, but the people who were responsible for them like Harper/McGuinty/Ford get away scott free.

Do the police think that these people have a fanatical devotion to their employer? Who is going to risk 5 years or more years in prison to defend people like this?

Why would Nigel Wright pay Duffy $90k?

Why would Livingston delete Liberal emails?

Why would Lisi extort and torture people to retrieve the Ford video?

What's their motive?

Logic would say because Harper, McGuinty and Ford told them to. But the police don't seem to follow these crimes to their natural conclusions. I wonder why that is...


Ford says he has been ‘cleared’ as OPP end oversight of case

The OPP said its veteran officer assigned to the case, Detective-Inspector Chris Nicholas, determined that there is “no further role” for the force, said a spokesman for the force, Sergeant Pierre Chamberland

“Everything that was there when we were called in was already before the courts in some way, shape or form, so therefore there was nothing for us to do and there was no new information,” Sgt. Chamberland said. “If anything new does come forward, and we’re requested, then we’ll look at it.”

Toronto Police maintain that the investigation into the mayor, dubbed Project Brazen 2, is ongoing and the lead investigator, Detective Sergeant Gary Giroux, expressed bafflement about the OPP’s remarks.

“Our investigation is still ongoing and so the comment about the withdrawal is confusing to me because it’s a bit of a disconnect,” he said in an interview. “I certainly haven’t heard that they’re no longer engaged.”

Det. Sgt. Giroux said the OPP’s mandate, as he understands it, is to get involved if information arises relating to possible new charges.

“It’s not an investigative review, but it’s going forward in relation to a determination as to whether or not there may or may not be any charges in relation to any other parties. So I’m not aware that they’re out, put it that way,” he said, later adding that he has not had “any direct involvement” with the OPP.

Asked about Mayor Ford’s statement that he had been cleared, Det. Sgt. Giroux said: “I don’t think it’s really accurate because, like I say, not until all of the data and all of the information is available to the investigators can you honestly say that you are concluded. I wouldn’t say we are concluded.”


He can say whatever he wants. If the police [eventually] conclude otherwise, he'll just kick and scream and yell "conspiracy" and other such nonsense. Hopefully before the election.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Dafuk? So the Toronto police says they're still going while the Ontario police says they're done?


So basically, the OPP said "nothing new has happened since we were put in charge of oversight" in the most confusing words possible?

It doesn't mean they're backing off. It just means that everything the TPS has filed has already been taken care of with regards to the OPP's role, so the OPP has nothing to actually do at the moment.

But in any case, this whole investigation has been a massive fuck-up from top to bottom. Detectives were eye witnesses to all kinds of criminal offenses (trafficking, drunk driving, etc.), but they never bothered to collect any actual, hard evidence.

He also said he wanted to have sex with his opponent

The recording, covertly taped by a patron of Sullie Gorman’s Monday night, captures the mayor being unruly as he’s ordering booze, complaining about his wife Renata and making lewd comments about mayoral contender Karen Stintz.
“I’d like to f-----g jam her (Stintz), but she doesn’t want ... I can’t talk like this ... I’m so sorry,” Ford says on the recording. “I forgot there’s a woman in the house.”

A bartender at the watering hole — located in a plaza near his mother, Diane Ford’s home and across from a park named in honour of his father, Doug Ford Sr. — described the mayor as being “in fine form.”



Black Canada Mafia
This guy has the world looking at him, and he still thinks he can sneak crack?

Whatever, the most embarrassing thing about him is seeing how many damn crazy people exist in the city, who say shit like "everyone makes mistakes, it doesn't mean he shouldn't be given another chance" or "his personal life doesn't matter if it doesn't affect his work, and it doesn't, he's still a great mayor". What I hear is "holy shit, I am such a goddamn prideful idiot that I will pretend that this motherfucking mayor is something other than an absolute joke, because I don't want admit I was wrong or that the shit I want is stupid"


Canadians burned my passport
Look at that pipe he's using, brass! That's a people's pipe, not some fancy schmancy liberal glass pipe. Man of the people!


He also said he wanted to have sex with his opponent

Nice. Well to his credit, Karen Stintz from what I've seen is one of the more decent looking mid 40s politicians I've seen. She seems like a nice lady. Wonder what she thinks of this coked out flattery.
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