You Are Viewtiful
I remember hearing about it for a while on the morning radio (I live in Windsor, which would probably just be a suburb of Detroit if there wasn't an international border there). I remember he was living in a mansion in Texas while the trial was going on and he had written a book and was going on tours to promote the book. This was all a big deal because he was to be making repayments to the City of Detroit for all the money he has stolen, and a lot of people felt that these weekly (monthly?) payments were far too small considering he was living in a mansion. Of course he continued to claim he wasn't making enough money to make bigger repayments.
I guess my point is that yes, these things do take a while. Although presumably once Rob Ford get's arrested there's no way he could possibly be re-elected, right?
He can. I'm pretty sure you can be reelected in prison too, but if you attend council meetings for 3 months then council can vote you out.