Sununu is part of the campaign and can be held accountable.How do you explain these Sununu comments?
You realize that he believes these things are states rights. Guarantee he won't do anything about this at the federal level. Look at the Affordable Care Act. Essentially Romneycare and he has come out against it at the federal level.Romney let same sex marriage pass in Massachuessets, Romney raised taxes in MA. Romney stated that he believes in seperation of church and state and is not very religious.
I just can not justify myself to vote for President Obama sorry and I like the image he portrays of our country abroad.
Hollywood claims to be so liberal and to have this moral enlightened artist high ground yet they all cave to their beliefs apparently. Matt Damon is one of the few to express disappointment (and I am not really a fan just saying) but maybe more do I just do not hear about it on the news. The real union so many actors/actresses support the Democrats is the union. Other forms of entertainment like athletes are split.
I just do not appreciate the sort of social bullying to vote for President Obama or you are not "cool".
That is not the reason I am not voting for him though... The performance of the president versus what he claimed he would do as a canidate is why.
Yes, the English have been holding their shit together against terrorism forever, its more under control than the us has it most likely, so figer pointing is stupid. Romney should shut it, he obviously is just taking another chance at being an international dick.I'm no fan of Romney but what exactly was the dick move here? If there are questions about security should we all just keep our mouths shut?
You have zero idea of how politics work.
After Obama was criticized by Republicans for going on a world apology tour, Romney thought he had to prove his conservative credentials by going on a world insult tour.
He is voting for Romney leave him alone.
Romney let same sex marriage pass in Massachuessets, Romney raised taxes in MA. Romney stated that he believes in seperation of church and state and is not very religious.
I just can not justify myself to vote for President Obama sorry and I like the image he portrays of our country abroad.
Hollywood claims to be so liberal and to have this moral enlightened artist high ground yet they all cave to their beliefs apparently. Matt Damon is one of the few to express disappointment (and I am not really a fan just saying) but maybe more do I just do not hear about it on the news. The real union so many actors/actresses support the Democrats is the union. Other forms of entertainment like athletes are split.
I just do not appreciate the sort of social bullying to vote for President Obama or you are not "cool".
That is not the reason I am not voting for him though... The performance of the president versus what he claimed he would do as a canidate is why.
Romney has consistently said he opposes same-sex marriage, and reiterated his view in interviews following President Barack Obamas announcement in May that he supported marriage rights for gays and lesbians.
"My position is the same on gay marriage as it's been well, from the beginning, and that is that marriage is a relation between a man and a woman, Romney told KCNC in May. That's the posture that I had as governor and I have that today."
He could vote for whoever he wants. It's his justification which is confusing as well as intriguing at the same time.
I hope that I'm not paying any tax money to put Romney up.
I hope that I'm not paying any tax money to put Romney up.
you are paying for his secret service detail
Romney let same sex marriage pass in Massachuessets, Romney raised taxes in MA.
Hollywood claims to be so liberal and to have this moral enlightened artist high ground yet they all cave to their beliefs apparently. Matt Damon is one of the few to express disappointment (and I am not really a fan just saying) but maybe more do I just do not hear about it on the news. The real union so many actors/actresses support the Democrats is the union. Other forms of entertainment like athletes are split.
I just do not appreciate the sort of social bullying to vote for President Obama or you are not "cool".
Did you want him to do what he said to begin with or not? Because Romney sure as fuck won't. And doesn't it concern you the rift between Romney's performance in Massachusetts and what he campaigns on now?The performance of the president versus what he claimed he would do as a canidate is why.
don't worry, the underhanded insults are just part of their 'shared anglo-saxon heritage'.
Romney let same sex marriage pass in Massachuessets
Romney stated that he believes in seperation of church and state and is not very religious.
Aww diddums, still bitter about the League Cup final in 2005?
To be fair, London seems to keep stumbling in getting the city and events ready for the Olympics. Romney should never have said that, though.
Not when:
A. You just had one of your people make some remarks about how in touch with your forefathers you are (yes us).
B. You are supposed to be "presidential" and making an impression at home about your diplomatic prowess.
C. The issue was resolved weeks ago and by the Army no less who will ace it.
Damn Utah-GAF, you just gonna take that insult?
I mean I hate Mitt Romney as much as any other intelligent person but as an American I don't like it when people talk shit about one of our states. Mitt needs to respond with "Well obviously a city is going to be busy when it is the only city in the country."
Yeah if I was from Utah I'd be a little salty.
So the leader of the free world shouldn't comment on potential security issues at a global event?
You have to be doing some pretty big mental gymnastics to make this a left/right Democrat/Republican issue. It's not. I'm not even voting for Romney. But this is a security issue, and a candidate who managed the Olympics prior should be able to comment.
Yeah if I was from Utah I'd be a little salty.
More like his daddy was smart. Mitt was just competent enough to keep the gravy train from derailing.He's not dumb, or he wouldn't have made so much money. We mostly say he's spineless and unethical, traits which are pretty positively associated with making so much money.
Doesn't matter what Romney said. GAF would shit all over it if all he said was, "Great job, London."
Anyone remember anything about the SLC Winter Olympics?Pretty forgettable even for Winter Olympics.
Republicans are known to vote against their interests, nothing LostVoyager is saying should be a surprise.You realize that he believes these things are states rights. Guarantee he won't do anything about this at the federal level. Look at the Affordable Care Act. Essentially Romneycare and he has come out against it at the federal level.
You have some confusing talking points.
Romney has been keeping the Bush Era tax cuts. Has been against same sex marriage. What are you even talking about?
Wait, you're trying to say I was speaking in generalizations? Good eye.
I'm a Wichitan, but I have a raging hard on for KC.
Love that city.
No one has said it isn't, I have a friend who visited and raved about it. Just that the logistics of setting up an Olympics are a whole lot more simple there.But it's pretty nice, even so.
This guy is a complete imbecile. If your goal is to become the president of the USA then you don't start off your campaign by immediately burning diplomatic bridges.
Are you kidding me?! The prep is disconcerting!!! Have you not been paying attention to the news?'s not outrageous that he said it. He ran the winter olympics before so he is a good source.
Totally, everyone has come together in the hate of the London Olympics logo and mascots.
He more or less already did, in his book.
He more or less already did, in his book.
England [sic] is just a small island.
Romney has been keeping the Bush Era tax cuts.
This is amazing.
I don't usually get defensive about my country, but this has made me dislike him even more.