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Royal Rumble 2015 |OT| 30 Men enter. Roman remains.

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Should people accept shit, everyone has been telling vince don't let reigns win , hell HHH probalbay told him dont do but he didnt listen.

Who protests by purchasing a product just to shit all over something they already believe is shit? It ruins the experience for people who don't live in the smark echo chamber. It's literally not good for ANYONE.


Just forget the main product and watch NXT.

WWE are going to disappoint you guys for YEARS to come.

NXT is almost enough to keep the sub, I really do like the guys on there. The only sad thing is knowing they're going to get called up and fucked up over.
I'd so rather sit through another 5 years of Cena on top then a second Cena. I guarantee they will make Reigns the longest reigning champion just to take that from CM Punk.

So I guess Cena's maineventing days are kinda done?

Until they turn Roman Heel and CenaWinsLOL.

just saw this on twitter and was a bout to post it. SO GOOD.


Unconfirmed Member
Most of the people the WWE forces on the fans fail, even in the attitude era. Rocky, Edge, Ringmaster, all failures at one time or another. They had to go to plan b before those guys could find their places naturally, and have the fans connect with them on the way.
Let's not forget that Vince though Chilly McFreeze was a good name for Austin.

Vince knows raunchy and he's actively trying to keep his company away from that.


The Rumble finish was legit terrible. Honestly though, I couldn't care less if Roman deserves it or not. He's not the worst decision in the world and he's a decent wrestler. The company makes terrible decisions and should be taken to task, but the smarks are incredibly obnoxious and reacting like petulant children. This promotion and its fans deserve each other. We all knew what was going to happen, the people who bought tickets all knew what was going to happen, but they still fork over their money just so they can mercilessly boo? Fuck a duck.
I agree... The 'WWE Universe' is terrible, and the company's booking is just as bad. They do kind of deserve each other.

The fans won't stand for anything other than Daniel Bryan winning. Even Undertaker or Sting would've gotten booed tonight if booked the way Reigns was.


Okay, so what happens next?

A) WWE debuts a character called Doc something so Roman can say "What's up Doc?" at some point.


B) Roman has a handicap tag team match with Adam Rose and the Bunny and says "Be barry barry quiet, I'm huntin wabbits"


Unconfirmed Member
Meh i think people just boo everyone that gets leaked as a winner on the internet, it was the same for Batista last year, and that is kinda stupid. And to tell the truth after the triple thread and Brock getting hit by infinite finishers and objects him Vs Bryan with a possible clean Bryan win wouldn't be the most believable thing, while Reigns might have all the problems in the world but he does look able to take Lesnar at least....

Even without the leaks, it doesn't exactly take a genius to see that WWE is clearly trying to set Reigns up to be the next Cena, and was the favorite to win the rumble.

Batista would have been a bit more of a surprise, and the boos probably wouldn't have started from his first appearence but I also don't think people would like someone like him winning either way.
I hope that Cena turns heel, and like Hogan before him, becomes the most popular wrestler for a time. Just to piss the living fuck out of Vince.
NXT is almost enough to keep the sub, I really do like the guys on there. The only sad thing is knowing they're going to get called up and fucked up over.

I have the same problem, I never know what wrestler is going to be taken and fed to Cena or stuck on Superstars. I really hope HHH can expand it into it's own thing.


If you don't like Reigns that's fine but then to go on to say that Ziggler should have won is ridiculous. Dude doesn't have main event written on him at all.


Here's the question....

Do we see a repeat of last year, where every crowd suddenly becomes a smart crowd and shits on the winner of the Rumble? Or is this a one night thing, and Roman is cheered at every show from now on?
Is WWE's mishandling of Bryan because they are sorta screwing him over behind the scenes instead of doing it as an angle? I mean if they had him really feuding with the Authority this whole time, and that is what keeps him out of the top spot, wouldn't that at least allow you to get a ton of legit heat on your head heels (Steph and Hunter)?

Isn't it more that Vince doesn't think of Bryan, he just ignores that he exists. So when Vince writes/rewrites scripts Bryan ends up as an after thought unless the people around him force the issue.


I agree... The 'WWE Universe' is terrible, and the company's booking is just as bad. They do kind of deserve each other.

The fans won't stand for anything other than Daniel Bryan winning. Even Undertaker or Sting would've gotten booed tonight if booked the way Reigns was.

Naw, the crowd would have been alright with ziggler and Dean or bray.


The heel Lesnar was cheered more than the first face Reigns.

Just shows you how stupid HHH and Vince are. I hope Austin DESTROYS HHH tomorrow.


Yea I'm not going to cancel like some. Ultimately the network is worth it for old content and there are some talent who actually do put on good matches even in spite of Vince trying to screw them all.


Just got back and without reading the thread I probably agree with the reaction. They had to know that the crowd would shit on the match after Bryan got eliminated and still decided to have him go out barely halfway through the rumble. And then going all in on Reigns by having The Rock come up to try and get him cheered by proxy and he still got heavily booed. I know Bryan marks can be out of control sometimes but I don't see how you could argue that they went way out of their way, in spite of themselves, just to say fuck you to a significant part of their fanbase with the way they booked Bryan. At least the first 3/4 of the PPV was good, but geez.

When an entire audience is vehemently booing your winner, it's time to retire the idea that it's "just angry Bryan marks". Because either most of WWE audience is "Bryan marks" or your audience at large just really disagrees with your booking.
Here's the question....

Do we see a repeat of last year, where every crowd suddenly becomes a smart crowd and shits on the winner of the Rumble? Or is this a one night thing, and Roman is cheered at every show from now on?

Neither. Every show becomes a TNA house show.


Here's the question....

Do we see a repeat of last year, where every crowd suddenly becomes a smart crowd and shits on the winner of the Rumble? Or is this a one night thing, and Roman is cheered at every show from now on?

Since he only cheerd by woman and kids probably boos.
Here's the question....

Do we see a repeat of last year, where every crowd suddenly becomes a smart crowd and shits on the winner of the Rumble? Or is this a one night thing, and Roman is cheered at every show from now on?

Assuming the people who go to shows get the network then Reigns is already dead.


I got grudge sucked!
I don't know. Rusev has been quietly destroying people in singles matches for a year and people love that. They should have challenged Reigns to come on every week and show what he's got in singles matches. Instead they protected him in tags and triple threats.

WWE knows how to book a monster heel because thats how they made money with Hogan in the 80s so Rusevs current run (which is about to end) isn't surprising. Its also going to be the end of him being a main eventer because once the monster gets pinned, he's no longer a monster, and the appeal is gone. Rusev is a really good worker and didn't need the monster heel booking to get over. He could have lost a match to Swagger when that feud was still hot, but still won the feud and come out on top. Once you get buried by the top face, they won't have anything left for you.

Reigns needed an upper mid card run desperately and if the IC belt was what it used to be, he should have had a run with that first. Feuds with Barrett, Sheamus, all would have been great for him, now he's doomed to flame out.


Junior Member
Here's the question....

Do we see a repeat of last year, where every crowd suddenly becomes a smart crowd and shits on the winner of the Rumble? Or is this a one night thing, and Roman is cheered at every show from now on?

He will get booed from now on. No way around that fact. They fucked it up. 2 years in a row they take a face and make them a heel without intending to in the same match.
You gotta put some blame on Daniel Bryan. Does this dude not just realize what is best for the company just silently takes what they plan for what it is. If the plan was for Reigns to win the Rumble he should have spoke against getting eliminated that early or just not being involved in the match at all due to his ability to get fan reactions and from last years's result. Dude definitely has that much leverage in the WWE instead of being a yes man to whatever they say. But again WWE booking is so stupid as well, if Reigns was injured just bring him back at the Rumble, I don't get why WWE brings superstars back on RAW to announce they will be participating in the Rumble. I think the fact that the audiences know that they are going to get some surprise entrant promotes the match.


Bill Simmons ‏@BillSimmons 13m13 minutes ago
The city of Philly just tipped over the Roman Reigns bandwagon and set it on fire.
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