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Royal Rumble 2015 |OT| 30 Men enter. Roman remains.

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love on your sleeve
Philly would have cheered the fuck out if anyone winning expect Reigns, because he was the favorite. If Reigns isn't ready, Rusev ain't either.

What a difference a year makes though. Last year people were pissed Bautista beat Reigns, and now this year's favorite wins and people are still pissed.

My dude, The Miz would have been cheered over Batista last year. Nobody cared about Reigns and I'm honestly amazed anyone saw that ending and believed the crowd was behind Reigns more than they just hated Batista.


I am just perplexed at how much of a bubble this company is in. Reigns, if used right, could very easily be a main eventer. As he is now, he's just being thrown in there, and isn't ready for it. It looked like he broke down crying from his reaction after winning the match and before the post-show interview. Maybe he knew that this is an awkward situation to be in.

Then there's Cena putting down yet another up and coming talent in Rusev who will eventually be buried to be a forever midcarder as the top of the roster is bathed with people who were top guys a decade ago, save for one or two new faces.

WWE constantly pulls this shit, and it seems they aren't learning. Isn't this the same company that financially has been on a consistent downward spiral? None of this changes anything..


Junior Member
Can't disagree with that. Orton at some point became lazy and it affected his in-ring capabilities, but damn towards the end before he was written off to do his filming, he really turned it on.

I do miss him.

Yup I miss him as well. When the guy is on he is on of the best the WWE can have in the ring.
It's not even "Reigns won", it's the whole thing, Bryan getting dumped out like a jobber halfway through, guys like Ziggler and Ambrose being ragdolled out like they were trash by two old guys, even stuff like Mizdow being in for 10 seconds and doing nothing.
It all screams "tone deaf", where they had no idea how to do anything the crowd wanted.

Oh they knew exactly what they were doing. They brought these guys out like Mizdow that they knew would get a great reaction, only to shit on them, over and over again with quick eliminations. They even had the foresight to do the ending of the Rumble over after Rock came out, thinking it would change the ending to cheers for Reigns so they can show clips of it with people cheering for the Roman win. They knew exactly what they were doing and the problem with it, and they still did it as a fuck you to fans..
So what is the backup plan? They have to have one right? Reigns heel turn? Align with Heyman? #occupyraw?

Even though he lost I think Rollins came out of this looking really good. I was not his biggest fan but if he can carry some sort of momentum out of this there is always the possibility of Brock beating Reigns at Mania and Rollins cashing in to win the belt and have his "Mania Moment".



Awful punctuation.


I just heard a report that a Cena-Rusev segment started on the post-game show as if they're going to begin a program? Is that true?


Nah cause Reigns is nowhere near ready. Rusev IS. He can work the mic, has tons of moves and can sell.

Doesn't get gassed like Reigns does.

"Get out of my ring, before I crush you."

That's really working the mic! Rusev without Lana is a Russian Jack Swagger.

And seriously, does anyone on the roster gets gassed nowadays? Matches on RAW are like 10 minutes long followed by 20 mins of bad acting and skits.
Don't get me wrong, the audience would've still been pissed. But booking a big Bryan vs Reigns finale would've at least kept them from completely losing interest in the middle of the rumble. DB's early exit really left time for it to sink in and turn the crowd against Reigns... As a potential winner that isn't a smark favorite, coming in after DB's elimination sealed Roman's fate.

If you needed Reigns to win, the way to book it would've been to have him come in as DB was about to be eliminated by a bunch of heels. Let it come down to those two, giving them good time before Reigns would get the win somehow. Forget The Rock appearance, let the crowd boo if they want, and let Reigns stay in character giving no fucks.

Yup. Or have Reigns "save" Bryan from Kane/Show bullshit right towards the end. Could have been booked so much better with the same result.
When do they push the Sting/HHH storyline? They could have absolutely saved the show with an authority beatdown on Roman, with Sting dropping from the rafters and clearing the ring with a bat. I'm baffled they aren't going to try and relive one of the biggest WCW moments of all time. They've milked to death every attitude era moment that ever stood out. Beer truck, DX hijinks, etc.

Is Sting in good enough shape to drop down like he used to? I assume the guy would need really good knees to absorb the impact of a harder landing.


Junior Member
My dude, The Miz would have been cheered over Batista last year. Nobody cared about Reigns and I'm honestly amazed anyone saw that ending and believed the crowd was behind Reigns more than they just hated Batista.

They didn't really hate Batista, they hated what he represented at that time. A guy coming back to be pushed to the Main Event at WM because of an outside source. It compounded the issue when at 30 Rey came in and the roof just imploded with Boos. Understand that, the crowd booed Rey Fucking Misterio.
LAW guys seem to think that we'll start to see a shift towards Brock as face and Reigns as heel towards Wrestlemania, with the full turn occurring there with Heyman turning sides.


Unconfirmed Member
When do they push the Sting/HHH storyline? They could have absolutely saved the show with an authority beatdown on Roman, with Sting dropping from the rafters and clearing the ring with a bat. I'm baffled they aren't going to try and relive one of the biggest WCW moments of all time. They've milked to death every attitude era moment that ever stood out. Beer truck, DX hijinks, etc.
Owen Hart, that's why.


Junior Member
When do they push the Sting/HHH storyline? They could have absolutely saved the show with an authority beatdown on Roman, with Sting dropping from the rafters and clearing the ring with a bat. I'm baffled they aren't going to try and relive one of the biggest WCW moments of all time. They've milked to death every attitude era moment that ever stood out. Beer truck, DX hijinks, etc.

I don't think you will ever see anyone drop from the rafters in WWE cause of Owen.


Good Art™
First Rumble i see live. It's a shame it was on french tv with the most horrible commentary in the world, but it as free at least!

Just to say for people saying fans are crazy cause they wanted Reigns to win one year ago.

That is so symptomatic of how clueless and out of touch WWE is.

Last year, not only Reigns, even if we could feel he was not a great wrestler (nor speaker) was new and fresh, and it would have been ballsy to have someone like him win last year, when batista was the money choice. But the Rumble story was actually built around him, making him look awesome, and he had the momentum. Him winning last year would have been an nonkayfabe anti authority moment. Everything was there for that to happen, and they went for the conventional planned road.

One year later the fruit is rotten and Reigns is in the same place as Batista. That's how bad they are.
"Get out of my ring, before I crush you."

That's really working the mic! Rusev without Lana is a Russian Jack Swagger.

And seriously, does anyone on the roster gets gassed nowadays? Matches on RAW are like 10 minutes long followed by 20 mins of bad acting and skits.

That is why Reigns is having to lie on the matt 90% of his matches and does three moves and wins?

Rusev can actually deliver promos no matter how short. He has done more in the last couple of weeks and show he can talk.



Yup. Or have Reigns "save" Bryan from Kane/Show bullshit right towards the end. Could have been booked so much better with the same result.

Nah, the crowd aren't stupid. WWE thinks they are, but they aren't, they knew full well what WWE were doing with Reigns. Everything WWE did, the crowd saw through it, even the Rock, they cheered the Rock doing his moves, then immediately booed Reigns, including Rock holding up Reigns' arm.
I just want everyone to acknowledge how terrible this PPV could've been if Brock wasn't here

Vince needs to get on his knees and beg Bork to stay
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