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Royal Rumble 2015 |OT| 30 Men enter. Roman remains.

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Sooooo shouldn't WWE be on panic mode?

They cant be losing subs when they're barely gaining subs..
What can they do?
Wrestlemania card is currently:
Reigns V Lesnar
HHH V Sting
Cena V Rusev
Wyatt V DBry

Rollins is the biggest young star they have. He's going to be somewhere in the big matches. He absolutely should be main eventing this - dude has really gotten good on the mic and can completely wrestle.




People liked Roman where he was: a growing talent.

People are upset that he's being pushed as a main event player for the companies big title. He's not ready for it at all.

Pretty much.

They're trying to push him to the Moon, when he has no real business being there yet.

I mean, I like Roman, but even I'll say they're trying to do this way too quickly.

Still needs some more wrestling experience and he can barely do a scripted promo to save his life (ironically, I have to wonder if he'd be more charismatic if he was just doing it on the fly).

He basically needed more work before they started pushing him like they have.

Conversely, Ambrose and Rollins are in a pretty good spot.
Rollins is consistently killing it almost every damn night, and Ambrose is entertaining as hell to watch.
They do the "wassssssup" spot with Bubba and Truth, yet don't even say the words. Would have made sense after sitting through Truth trying to rap his horrible theme song.

The Rumble was one booking blunder after another.
Roman vs the champ should be happening at Summerslam this year. He's far too exposed right now. The fans do not buy him at all, and I don't see it changing in the next two months.

These images are killing me. Was the reaction to Roman in the rumble worse than Batista? I can't see that being possible.
Well, there weren't loud "BULLSHIT" or "WE WANT REFUNDS" chants last year, but both Rumbles have felt pretty bad. This is a company deeply out of touch with their fanbase and showing it two years straight.


I want someone to explain to me in what way was Reigns ever written like a worthy future world champion.

Heel run? Fecal. Oh hey, we're this group of good wrestlers who attack who we think are evildoers. Nah, just kidding, we're actually hired hands for the heels. No wait, we had this change of heart, we're good now.

Then, they split. Ambrose can wrestle and can cut promos, let's stick him in the midcard. Rollins can wrestle and can talk, let's slowly build him up as the next top heel. Then, let's pick the only one of the three who can't wrestle nor talk, who is supposed to be strong but has never shown anything like BatistaBombing a 320 pounds Kane or Goldberg, and put him straight in the main event or upper midcard. Because hey, he totally got screwed by Rollins in what was a betrayal with no real loss, why wouldn't people LOVE him completely from day one?

If people want a lesson on how to build a babyface, they should watch this.

Backstory: Cena was stripped by Angle of the US title in July 2004, and it had took him 4 months (best of 5 series vs Booker) to get it back. He's back in his hometown, and then this happens. Then, he regains the title two months later, only to eventually getting it stolen by Orlando Jordan after he becomes #1 contender for the WWE title.

What they did with Cena afterwards was awful, it doesn't change that the way they've written Reigns, or even the character itself doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the title.


Unconfirmed Member
People liked Roman where he was: a growing talent.

People are upset that he's being pushed as a main event player for the companies big title. He's not ready for it at all.

Not even that. I bet if Roman beat a non-fan favorite for the title at a PPV like Payback or Money in the Bank, people would be really into it.

Problem is he basically beat Daniel Bryan and other fan favorites for his big match, and is now facing the legendary brock lesnar for the title in the main event at wrestlemania because of it. That's literally the biggest single accomplishment you could ever achieve in the WWE. It's what CM Punk always wanted and could still never get. And now he gets it without having even one single memorable promo or match of his own, presumably because he simply has "the look".


These images are killing me. Was the reaction to Roman in the rumble worse than Batista? I can't see that being possible.

It was worse, because Bryan went out at like number 15, and the crowd hated the rest of the Rumble. At least last year Batista was in at 28, and the crowd only turned on the match after number 30 came out.

This year the crowd hated the match from about number 15 on, and Reigns was instantly hated.

People shouldn't have boo'd Batista. He is great.

No, they should have, because it was the wrong story for WM on every level. Never mind that Batista was better off as a heel soon after the Rumble, otherwise he'd have been boring babyface Batista for WM.


As for the reaction:

Oh hey, this underdog character who got his dream shattered much like his neck weeks after winning the title is back. We can totally expect a SCSA 2001-like comeback story (with no heel turn please), right?

Nah, his time is done, let's push this guy nobody wants instead.

Roman buried

Rock card lost and buried with booooooohs

Bryan pissed

Rusev totally ignored and going directly to the his buried by Cena hands

Bray trying to escape from his past buriedcenation

Dolph & ambrose like garbage

Kane and Big show dominating -> totally no sense

And Cena... again cena...

good Vince good...

At least we had a good Lesnar vs Seth.
Roman is a guy who can't really wrestle but has a look and a persona which will probably appeal to kids. So he'll sell a lot of merchandise, get in movies and be booed by adults.

He'll be both a heel and a face and will generate huge interest as people post and tweet their outrage while still tuning in, if only to complain about him.

Seems like a smart move to me. Cena can't carry on forever after all.
Sooooo shouldn't WWE be on panic mode?

They cant be losing subs when they're barely gaining subs..
What can they do?
Wrestlemania card is currently:
Reigns V Lesnar
HHH V Sting
Cena V Rusev
Wyatt V DBry

Bryan does not even have a rumored match and Wyatt is rumored to be facing Undertaker if he comes back. Also putting Bryan vs Wyatt does nothing for either of them Bryan has never beaten Bray Wyatt and having Bryan beat him after the massive rebuilding job they have done on him is stupid. Bryan is their most over face having him lose again at wrestlemania will just enrage the crowd more especially after what happened at the rumble.

Out of Reigns V Lesnar, HHH V Sting, and Cena V Rusev the best match on paper is probably Cena vs Rusev because Sting does not have it anymore. Him wrestling in TNA towards the end of his run was sad. It was sorta like the Undertaker vs Brock last year.
I want someone to explain to me in what way was Reigns ever written like a worthy future world champion.

Heel run? Fecal. Oh hey, we're this group of good wrestlers who attack who we think are evildoers. Nah, just kidding, we're actually hired hands for the heels. No wait, we had this change of heart, we're good now.

Then, they split. Ambrose can wrestle and can cut promos, let's stick him in the midcard. Rollins can wrestle and can talk, let's slowly build him up as the next top heel. Then, let's pick the only one of the three who can't wrestle nor talk, who is supposed to be strong but has never shown anything like BatistaBombing a 320 pounds Kane or Goldberg, and put him straight in the main event or upper midcard. Because hey, he totally got screwed by Rollins in what was a betrayal with no real loss, why wouldn't people LOVE him completely from day one?

If people want a lesson on how to build a babyface, they should watch this.

Backstory: Cena was stripped by Angle of the US title in July 2004, and it had took him 4 months (best of 5 series vs Booker) to get it back. He's back in his hometown, and then this happens. Then, he regains the title two months later, only to eventually getting it stolen by Orlando Jordan after he becomes #1 contender for the WWE title.

What they did with Cena afterwards was awful, it doesn't change that the way they've written Reigns, or even the character itself doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the title.

Because he has the look and he's cousins with Rock. Only reason. Fuckin WWE logic.


Drunky McMurder
These images are killing me. Was the reaction to Roman in the rumble worse than Batista? I can't see that being possible.

I've never heard such a negative crowd. Bryan went out around #16? I'd say a dozen guys got a reaction similar to Rey at #30 and the loudest cheers were for Sandow (who was eliminated in about five seconds), Ambrose, and that time Ryback clotheslined Reigns.


Roman is a guy who can't really wrestle but has a look and a persona which will probably appeal to kids. So he'll sell a lot of merchandise, get in movies and be booed by adults.

He'll be both a heel and a face and will generate huge interest as people post and tweet their outrage while still tuning in, if only to complain about him.

Seems like a smart move to me. Cena can't carry on forever after all.

Kids love superheroes. Goldberg was able to do this. Cena was able to do this, please notice the kid in the background.

When has Reigns EVER given the impression of being in the same league as these two, let alone Batista? Has he ever looked like this to you?
I've never heard such a negative crowd. Bryan went out around #16? I'd say a dozen guys got a reaction similar to Rey at #30 and the loudest cheers were for Sandow (who was eliminated in about five seconds), Ambrose, and that time Ryback clotheslined Reigns.

Cesaro, Rusev(lol), Ziggler got pops. Hell they were starting to cheer Big Snore over Reigns.


Roman is a guy who can't really wrestle but has a look and a persona which will probably appeal to kids. So he'll sell a lot of merchandise, get in movies and be booed by adults.

He'll be both a heel and a face and will generate huge interest as people post and tweet their outrage while still tuning in, if only to complain about him.

Seems like a smart move to me. Cena can't carry on forever after all.

If only there was some babyface that the entire crowd cheers for, children and adults alike. Some guy guaranteed to be the most over guy on every show.
Alas, there's definitely no one in the WWE like that...


Junior Member
The "no one likes Roman" makes no sense, dude was the most over member of the shield and even 2 weeks ago he was still one of the most over guys. Thing is after the injury they gave him nothing to do, just some heat with Show that no one cared about, he was thrown in the rumble as the one that will win it but they made nothing in the weeks before to actually justify why he would win. Damn even Bryan was more hyped by the WWE for the RR match. Also the fact that this year's rumble lacked a number of potential winners(just Bryan and him) really affected the final part of the match . I don't know what they could have done at that point, there was no win-win situation

He will join the likes of the following as being pushed too soon to the title.

1. Miz
2. Lashley
3. Swagger
4. (not title but MIB Damien Sandow)
5. First Punk run(simply cause he was booked horribly)
6. The first Orton Reign

In all of the above cases for the exception of Punk and Orton they went on to simply crawl up and die as far as being Main Eventers in the WWE.


I really find it weird that if Taker was available they'd skip the dream match against Sting to do a Taker-Bray ...
And I think that WM will end with Rollins getting the pin on Brock since the commentator have been mentioning for the past months how he cannot pin Lesnar lol
As for the reaction:

Oh hey, this underdog character who got his dream shattered much like his neck weeks after winning the title is back. We can totally expect a SCSA 2001-like comeback story (with no heel turn please), right?

Nah, his time is done, let's push this guy nobody wants instead.

It's really something how they've blundered Daniel Bryan's return. They paraded the guy out on Raw to increase ratings, but jobs him out in his first Raw match back and then has him lose in the Rumble like he did tonight. Daniel Bryan needs to grow some balls and say something backstage to end this shit.


Roman vs the champ should be happening at Summerslam this year. He's far too exposed right now. The fans do not buy him at all, and I don't see it changing in the next two months.

Well, there weren't loud "BULLSHIT" or "WE WANT REFUNDS" chants last year, but both Rumbles have felt pretty bad. This is a company deeply out of touch with their fanbase and showing it two years straight.

the crowd response to Roman was worse than Batista. Even the fucking Rock couldn't save it.

People shouldn't have boo'd Batista. He is great.

It was worse, because Bryan went out at like number 15, and the crowd hated the rest of the Rumble. At least last year Batista was in at 28, and the crowd only turned on the match after number 30 came out.

This year the crowd hated the match from about number 15 on, and Reigns was instantly hated.

No, they should have, because it was the wrong story for WM on every level. Never mind that Batista was better off as a heel soon after the Rumble, otherwise he'd have been boring babyface Batista for WM.

We were more prepared to be angry at this one.

I've never heard such a negative crowd. Bryan went out around #16? I'd say a dozen guys got a reaction similar to Rey at #30 and the loudest cheers were for Sandow (who was eliminated in about five seconds), Ambrose, and that time Ryback clotheslined Reigns.

By a fucking country mile. And lasted for almost an hour I think.

Wow. Now I have to see this. I almost feel sorry for Reigns.


MITB Damien Sandow was not a push. He did nothing but lose every match for three months, then he cashed in on a one armed Cena and lost.


All this complaining, you will all watch Raw tomorrow, and will be there for the next ppv in Feb.

Get out of the cycle.


Was the reaction to Roman in the rumble worse than Batista? I can't see that being possible.

Yes, the crowd reaction to Roman was far worse than Batista's and just like with Dave, it was due to fans wanting Bryan to win and WWE saying, "screw what you want". Just so you can understand how bad it was, when it became clear Reigns was going to win, the Philly crowd began chanting in favor of Rusev. Yeah, you read that last part correctly and no, I'm not exaggerating. It was really sad to see.

MC Safety

Wrestling fans will get the conclusion they so richly deserve when Mr. Imperfect returns to claim his main event match at WrestleMania.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Rollins is cashing in, so it's okay guys.

glhf seth

All this complaining, you will all watch Raw tomorrow, and will be there for the next ppv in Feb.

Get out of the cycle.

Nah man. Some of us only know about Raw through hearing others talk about it. Frankly, I'm completely done once Brock's gone. He's the lone thing that makes me tune in. And even then, I just watch his stuff.
Rollins is cashing in, so it's okay guys.

It's just the fact that a goof like Reigns will most likely beat the main who destroyed Taker with 2 spears and a superman punch after a horrible 30 min beat down from Lesnar. Lesnar should no sell that whole match and destroy Reigns then leave WWE.


I feel bad for Roman since it's not his fault that WWE is pushing him too early and making him say awful lines. He seemed like a pretty cool guy when he visited Giant Bomb too.

I really do hope Rollins cashes in on Roman after he beats Lesnar at Mania. But then Rollins will become way too likable for the crowd to remain a coward heel.
All this complaining, you will all watch Raw tomorrow, and will be there for the next ppv in Feb.

Get out of the cycle.

That's why Vinny Mac is laughing at all of the marks. They can chant 'BULLSHIT' all they want, they already gave him $300 for a front row seat and guess what, they'll be back to boo Roman Reigns the next time WWE is in town, paying another $300.


Unconfirmed Member
All this complaining, you will all watch Raw tomorrow, and will be there for the next ppv in Feb.

Get out of the cycle.

The cycle for me is watching from the Royal Rumble to Wrestlemania, and giving up soon after. By all rights I should have quit at the Royal Rumble last year, but fans forced things to turn it around, and it ended up being a damn good time with Bryan winning everything.

If fans don't revolt like they did against Bootista, I'll give up, but honestly, the revolt and eventual rewrite could be good yet again.


I feel bad for Roman since it's not his fault that WWE is pushing him too early and making him say awful lines. He seemed like a pretty cool guy when he visited Giant Bomb too.

I really do hope Rollins cashes in on Roman after he beats Lesnar at Mania. But then Rollins will become way too likable for the crowd to remain a coward heel.
This seems like a universal thing people agree on. We want to like Roman but he's just getting pushed way too soon and he's not ready yet. He's Lex Luger 2.0 or Neo Big Daddy Cool
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