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Royal Rumble 2015 |OT| 30 Men enter. Roman remains.

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I don't know. I didn't think they chanted that they wanted refunds or that what they were watching was bullshit last year, to the volume that was this years event.

It comes off as a bittersweet oddity for wrasslin fans, and January started off hot with Wrestle Kingdom, only for the Rumble to be wet farts save for Lesnar and Rollins being allowed to be on their A-game.

January started off hot with Wrestle Kingdom last year too. And the year before as well (WK7 is still the best major wrestling show I've ever seen). And that didn't stop WWE from having shitty Rumble's.

I'm not sure why people keep expecting this company to suddenly change, WWE is garbage tier.


Thanks for the responses, Gaf! I always like learning new things from the past eras of wrestling.

Ultimate Warrior is the ultimate vince body guy. He couldn't work a match unless it was planned out with macho. Best wrestlers are like the best improve comedians. They can work with the crowd and with what TV audiences like and create something.

Vince body guys have size and muscles and would look great as bodybuilders but most of them don't have the training that other guys do.

That's not saying that big guys can't be great in the ring. Its that Vince has a market he wants to hit and he believes at this point that Cena type characters are the best money makers.

The problem is he isn't making any money.




AFTER Roman wins the title, sheesh.


legit lol'd



who busted Reigns up? I don't feel like watching the rest of the Rumble. It's so depressing to watch after Bryan got eliminated. :/
WWE fans worldwide are enraged over Sunday night's Royal Rumble pay-per-view, specifically Roman Reigns standing tall when all was said and done.

The live crowd gave Reigns a thunderous rejection even before the match was over in a scene that rivaled last year's Batista Rumble incident. The backlash is continuing online, with WWE fans canceling their WWE Network subscriptions en masse.

#CancelWWENetwork was the #1 worldwide trend on Twitter for a good period of time late Sunday evening and into Monday morning.

Many fans were even tweeting screenshots of the cancellation page after they dumped the Network, with others saying the cancellation page crashed at one point.

A poll on WWE's Facebook page with over 23,000 votes had 75% of fans giving the show Thumbs Down.

oh my...
Ultimate Warrior is the ultimate vince body guy. He couldn't work a match unless it was planned out with macho. Best wrestlers are like the best improve comedians. They can work with the crowd and with what TV audiences like and create something.

Vince body guys have size and muscles and would look great as bodybuilders but most of them don't have the training that other guys do.

That's not saying that big guys can't be great in the ring. Its that Vince has a market he wants to hit and he believes at this point that Cena type characters are the best money makers.

The problem is he isn't making any money.

Thanks! I kind of figured that with regard to Ultimate Warrior, but not to that extent!


Well the title match was great and the Rumble started out great, but Vince continually insists on cramming people down our throat. I don't know what this is supposed to accomplish. Ironic part is as I recall last year the crowd wanted Reigns to win and were pissed, now Reigns wins and they're pissed.


Why does Dwayne have to shit on interviewers for no reason? Is being a shitty schoolyard bully going to always be his gimmick?

he was just doing the michael cole thing on the new michael cole


the most painful part about that interview was him trying to get reigns over. just felt so forced, like everything else about roman.
The dreadful Reigns and Rock promo after the show: https://vimeo.com/117773491

rewatch the ending. you can hear backstage people laughing. rock gets legit pissed. I don't know what's going on here but you can tell they were shook. for some big guys the yhave the most fragile egos. reigns is trash and gets booed so I'm guessing things were tense and awkward once they got backstage. rock sticking up for his family and people in general laughing about the event. I'm not sure what is going on but you can tell some shit went down backstage.

Dead Man

The problem is, when Rock bullies people, calls them gay, slut shames/body shames women, he's doing it as a baby face. He's worse than Sheamus as far as faces who act like a dicks go.

Yeah, I do wish he would lay off the gay jokes and the body shaming, makes it hard for me to appreciate his gimmick these days. I think what shits me is that he doesn't need to do that for his gimmick, he can still be a smart arse and insult people without calling people gay. Not sure I'd call him a babyface though, but maybe he is these days.


fuck it, call up Sylvester Lefort
Except you can't be a superhero with no voice.

Brock was a babyface early in his career against angle because he was such a badass.

Reigns can't compare to Brock, Cesaro, or even Cena with strength.

The Kane big show spot was the one they wanted Rollins and Ambrose to do.
The problem is, when Rock bullies people, calls them gay, slut shames/body shames women, he's doing it as a baby face. He's worse than Sheamus as far as faces who act like a dicks go.

morally I'm not behind anything the rock says but he has always been an asshole on tv and does heel stuff. It's not okay morally but if we are just talking about him not staying true to being a face then I say who cares.


Part of your job as a wrestler is cutting 30 second, 1 minute,and 2 minute promos.

No scriptwriter should tell you word for word who you are.


Enzo is the only upcoming guy the WWE has who feels completely natural on the mic. Too bad he's relatively short.

He will be a good midcarder if they dont fuck with him too much.
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