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Royal Rumble 2015 |OT| 30 Men enter. Roman remains.

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Sheamus is going to win looking like this.




So, Sunny McBuns, you gonna be commentating this thang or something? Are we going to know who the entrants are representing and whatnot?

I'm going to watch the boy play Suikoden for a while and then banish him to his bedroom with dinner while I watch. I expect amazing production values.


So not worth it
GAF Rumble Lottery

Right, so all you need to do is enter your GAF username in the form right here: http://goo.gl/forms/uSPTpMNg3d

Please use your exact username as it is on GAF, obviously. You can enter throughout Sunday, list will likely be made available around 5 PM EST that day. I am European and I cannot accept entries after this time due to being asleep and all, so make sure to enter in time. I will make as many 30-person lists as usernames allow, with the remainder making up the final list randomly. This means that multiple people will have the same number, of course.
128 entries so far, keep them coming, you have less than 24 hours until the numbers are assigned.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Bad Predictions:

New Day Lose

NAO Lose unless this is part of a hilarious ploy to get the Ascension shamed into joining the Wyatt Family

Lesnar wins, but Rollins takes title after a cash-in plus a Heyman betrayal.

Bryan wins Rumble, last two are him and Reigns.


It's a tradition that makes even the most miserable of rumbles more enjoyable, you should throw yourself in as a not so surprise entrant if you haven't already for old times sake.

Yeh, I'm glad it's something people have gotten into. I can't claim to have invented it but I did bring it to GAF. I have entered this years, hoping I get a good number!


Bad Predictions:

New Day Lose

NAO Lose unless this is part of a hilarious ploy to get the Ascension shamed into joining the Wyatt Family

Lesnar wins, but Rollins takes title after a cash-in plus a Heyman betrayal.

Bryan wins Rumble, last two are him and Reigns.

What do you mean bad prediction?

Their gimmick sucks.

Its like they pushed them because of the salon article and they had no ideas.
Admittedly, I just wanted to use that GIF since it's been in my head to make and use it for a few days now.

Enjoy your #mmmgorgeous avatars.
So I guess this year WWE better give the fans the winner that they want to see after that backlash of Batista winning last year. Either Reigns or Bryan.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Welcome to Cuteville, friends.

Tyler Breeze! Though he did get squashed at Mania by Bork.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Good god :lol

Also, :lol @ Tyler Breeze winning the Avatar Royal Rumble. I didn't enter this year. Looks like I am spared from that.

"Spared"? He's a fantastic winner, probably the best out of our 3 years doing it. I'm happy. I was worried as fuck when he was dwarfed by Yoko, Fake Diesel, and more.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
WWE can do whatever they want :)

Prince Pretty won the Avatar Rumble so it's really gonna be tough for me to care about the Royal Rumble.
Well, in Vince's warped brain, Reigns really is what the fans want. Just like they wanted Batista back to win last year.

My question is that would Batista have garnered that type of reaction if GoTG was released and after his performance gained critical acclaim for Drax. I think as a heel his promos were great and it was some of his best work.
My question is that would Batista have garnered that type of reaction if GoTG was released and after his performance gained critical acclaim for Drax. I think as a heel his promos were great and it was some of his best work.

Of course he would have. It's a fucking past his prime part-timer coming back and being granted the 'Mania main event that the fans felt the hard working fan favorite deserved.
I'm watching old Royal Rumbles to get me hyped for tomorrow's Royal Rumble and yo... 1994 Royal Rumble.. Dat casket match..

Undertaker Vs Yokozuna.

If you have the WWE network check this match out.
This match makes Undertaker look like the ultimate badass(I know wrestling is fake). He takes on what feels like half the WWE roster. The speech he gives after the match is badass plus what he does with the titantRon and the sillouette is something we prolly won't see in this Era of the WWE.

"I will not... Rest in Peace!"


Bryan will win unless the rumor of the city hosting WWE Fast Lane said on their notes that
WWE Royal Rumble 2015 winner Roman Reigns, will face Show on a Last Man Standing match
are true.


Okay marks, this is what's happening.

Sheamus is returning. One of the final three with Bryan and Reigns.

Bro kicks Bryan out of the Rumble. Sheamus heel turn, sets up for match with Bryan at Mania. INSANE X-Pac heat, Vince thinks it's genius. Reigns eliminates Sheamus, wins Rumble.

Championship match: standard match, Brock pins Rollins clean. Rollins isn't cashing in until after Mania. The only reason Rollins was brought into the match was so that Cena didn't take another clean pin from Lesnar. Gotta protect Cena, that man feeds us.

Lesnar vs. Reigns at Mania, just as planned.

I agree with everything you've put here... with the exception of how the Rumble ends.

Roman doesn't just "eliminate" Sheamus. He superman punches Sheamus over the top rope.
And Sheamus won't even come after him for revenge the next night on RAW.
Nope... he'll just lay out D.Brine by brogue kicking him in the mush and then dropping him neck first into assorted objects around ringside like the announce table and the steel stairs. The commentary crew will act incensed and speculate that D.Brine's career is over as he gets a neck brace put on and stretchered to the back.

The next match will feature a seemingly unphased Brie Bella joining her sister at ringside in a rematch of tonight's tag contest (because that's what this company does). She's a heel now so showing concern for her husband isn't allowed for some reason.

The main event will feature Cena & Reigns "who have vowed to avenge their little buddy" against Sheamus & Rollins. Rollins will flee like a chickenshit with J&J at the mere threat of Reigns attempting to punch him. While Sheamus is distracted wondering why his partner is high tailing it out of there, Reigns will superman punch him and Cena will then hit the five knuckle shuffle for the pin. They'll celebrate while Cole applauds that they've defied the odds and lead the arena in a YES! chant for their fallen comrade.

The next week will feature the WrestleMania main event contract signing between Reigns and Lesnar so they can stare at each other and point at the sign.
Vince loves contract signings in lieu of having a main event match.


Brock retains. Daniel Bryan wins Rumble. Daniel somehow beats Lesnar at Wrestlemania and Seth cashes in. Becomes champ and the ultimate heel.
Prediction: Rollins wins without having to cash in Money in the Bank, and some bylaw in the WWE rules leads to him surrendering the briefcase. Reigns wins the Rumble. MitB Ladder Match is held at 'Mania and is won by Ambrose who cashes it in just before Rollins/Reigns to make it a triple threat.
It will come down to Sheamus, Bryan and Reigns. Reigns is temporarily knocked out, Bryan and Sheamus go at it. Bryan finally manages to throw him over but gets his beard locked up with Sheamus' side burns and goes out with him.

You're Royal Rumble winner, ROMAN REIGNS!


Unconfirmed Member
Odds still moving! (All aboard Orton!)

Man, what happened to Cesaro? Seemed like he was an easy top three choice for a rumble win coming out of wrestlemania.

Also, is Big Show doing stuff on raw to make people think he has a shot? I haven't been watching.
Okay marks, this is what's happening.

Sheamus is returning. One of the final three with Bryan and Reigns.

Bro kicks Bryan out of the Rumble. Sheamus heel turn, sets up for match with Bryan at Mania. INSANE X-Pac heat, Vince thinks it's genius. Reigns eliminates Sheamus, wins Rumble.

Championship match: standard match, Brock pins Rollins clean. Rollins isn't cashing in until after Mania. The only reason Rollins was brought into the match was so that Cena didn't take another clean pin from Lesnar. Gotta protect Cena, that man feeds us.

Lesnar vs. Reigns at Mania, just as planned.


Big Shoe is elimimating Bryan. Reigns supermanning Shoe out of ring to win

Sheamus waltz in on Monday night Raw in a tag match with Bryan and then turns on him


OK, if Reigns is going to win, make it like this:

  • Rock is a surprise entrant
  • Last three are: Bryan, Reigns and Rock
  • Rock and Reigns turn heel and eliminate Bryan
  • Rock eliminates himself
  • Rock did it for the family

Would be fun to see
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