Recent leaks have talked about Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Gears of War: Ultimate Edition -or a remastered collection of the franchise, on PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch. According to our sources, some of the closest releases are Killer Instinct and Starfield, which has been in development for at least PS5 since its launch on Xbox Series and PC -late 2023-.
There are more games in development, including Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 or Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, the latter which was found on online testing late last year; Tom Warren speculated with Age of Mythology: Retold and Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2. We have information about another game that has already started its port to PS5 and/or Switch 2: the new Fable by Playground Games, which may make possible its simultaneous release in all platforms.

Starfield, Fable y Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 llegarán a PlayStation 5 y Switch 2, según nuestras fuentes
Tras el anunciado Forza Horizon 5 y los rumoreados Halo: The Master Chief Collection o Gears of War, Microsoft adaptará más títulos de su catálogo pasado y futuro.