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It's based on community votes. Anyone can vote, you just have to full out a Google form. So it's not fully reliable although it is generally accurate. MLiD had a ton of fake leaks, jez on the other hand is accurate when it comes to windowscentral articles but absolutely crap when it comes to podcasts or there a list of why certain people are which tiers? MLiD seems better than a 4 and jez is a 2?
Good point. I can see that if someone is moving to PlayStation. If they are moving to PC (or whatever the next Xbox is) I am sure they will carry over.
lol, watch Sony get blamed for why Fable looks the way it does.
DonkeyPunchJr going to be telling us that Fable was made to look this way to cater to the PS taste lol
The Pro update is ... loading. Just Bethesda things.When is Starfield getting it's Pro update?
10/10 made me cackle
If the main games come out on the PS5 (and they will, this leak seems real) that's the end. There was a console called Neo geo CD that had the brilliant idea of releasing its games days later on other competitors at the time and what happened was the end of the company as a console manufacturer.
Since 2013, Microsoft has been betting on dozens of ideas based on failed ideas on old consoles. It's as if they said with us it will be different but it's a serious mistake.
Some people are expecting an abrupt death of Xbox hardware, but I think MS will make it slow and painful.If you’re going to completely abandon Xbox then please be fair to your customers and give some advance warning.
Hopefully one day when you're already retired and passed the NDA period you will do an exlucive interview or disclosure and spill how much exactly are you getting paid doing this sort of work for them because its really interesting seeing you so dedicated to this job.
The twist is the Pro version still identifies as a girl
I believe we are ending cycle and another will begin. It's impossible to port games to a competitor and continue to exist as a competitor.I think some ideas are good but we hear about them too early and the execution is always terrible and they’re just too slow so competitors are often ahead in the end.
Prediction 1: Valve will release a living room focused Steam machine serie or have preinstalled Steam OS on prebuild PCs _before_ MS release a Xbox-PC hybrid with a new OS with Steam access.
Their actions are giving me all the warning I needed. Sold my Series X three months ago and just picked up a cheap used Ps5 slim a few weeks ago. I can either play Xbox games on the Ps5 or my Legion Go.If you’re going to completely abandon Xbox then please be fair to your customers and give some advance warning.
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+ Switch 2.Yeah another XBOX console at this rate is pointless. I’m even doubting the success of a portable XBOX. Hey guys, want our new ultra-powerful next generation Series ZZ? Look at these shiny new games, graphics and timed exclusives!!! Nah, we know most of your exclusives are coming to PC, PS5 Pro and PS6 eventually, so why bother?
PS5 vanilla will have superior versions let alone PROso......the PS5 pro is the superior version for xbox first party games!??
Xbox can keep them allYea xbox can keep that one.
Yeah, I’ve never heard of him but their tiers are all over the place.If Jizzz is like that as a Tier 2, imagine a Tier 6.
If you’re going to completely abandon Xbox then please be fair to your customers and give some advance warning.
There is a new Xbox coming and I’m sure they will take advantage of the new Xbox specs. It’s always leapfrogIt just hit me that the best console versions for Xbox games will be playable on a Playstation console.
Imagine saying this just 5 years ago. Hell even 2.
Same here but honestly Xbox barely moves MS's stock. Unless it's something huge like the Activision acquisition.
This is a note from Reddits Auto-moderator under this post. Tier 6 is the lowest, obvious click bait from YouTube channel with less than 1k subscribers - lots of salt needed.Middleagegamegy is a Tier 6 - Generally Unproven Source as determined by the community.
Everything is coming full circle.
The best version of playstation games will be playable on the NextBox when it's released with steam compatibility.
That's probably another reason why Sony is gearing up it's own store in addition to the whole revenue take.
That's what the rumours are. Expensive premium hardware with the handheld as well.A Steam compatible “Xbox” is a PC
If Microsoft allow Steam compatibility then expect it to cost the same as any other OEM PC
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But, but, but Phil said it’s going to be on a case by case basis.I mean, this is a given at this point.
Its a matter of when.
That's what the rumours are. Expensive premium hardware with the handheld as well.