Nah, top selling overall.Top selling for a week then dropping off the face of the earth. No one is asking or wants this and 300? For that? Nah ppl won't bite. Mark my words.
Thy didn't learn from the "SAD"
What needs to be the reply? Same CPU just lower GPU... It'll be more powerful than an X1X. You don't have to buy one if you don't like it. Easy as that.Great replies guys. Thanks for the chat.
So they will only sell the Lockhart for a single year? That thing will be dragged along kicking and screaming all generation.
So for the price of a Switch:
- 1080P box (most people here say it), like the Switch home
- is not both mobile and a home console
- bad controler
- does not play Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Smash, Mario Kart.
Good luck with that.
Well the main focus will be lockhart not xsx. Just like now ps4 and x1 are main focus rather than pro and x1xImagine this being a success because of price and selling more than the xsex...what would happen to game development?
No not Lockhart, that was a comment on you saying that you didn't like the cross-gen games idea. And even though Lockhart will be here for 3-4 years, it won't impact the XSX, and games on XSX will still look better than games on the PS5. So gamers buying the XSX for that premium experience, won't be let down.So they will only sell the Lockhart for a single year? That thing will be dragged along kicking and screaming all generation.
Well bloomberg says sony wants to drop the price on both ps4 and pro so I m assuming pri will stick around another couple of years
If you want my totally uneducated guess, $499.99 for the PS5, and not a penny lower. Struggling to hit $450 on the BOM alone (as the rumors suggest) would probably still make the PS5 a slight loss at $500. There's no way it comes in at more than $100 less than the XSX. The gap may well be less than that.This is exactly where my mind went, too. Why else would they feel they need this at launch? And IF the XsX needs to cost 599, what will the PS5 need to cost? I had hoped for 449 but maybe it’s higher too.
I dunno. Again, I’m hoping the reveal is very specific about what the console is meant to do and who it is intended for
No not Lockhart, that was a comment on you saying that you didn't like the cross-gen games idea. And even though Lockhart will be here for 3-4 years, it won't impact the XSX, and games on XSX will still look better than games on the PS5. So gamers buying the XSX for that premium experience, won't be let down.
Imagine this being a success because of price and selling more than the xsex...what would happen to game development?
I really don't see the need for it.
Yes, the GPU could be reduced and therefore resolution/details can be reduced (the easy way) until it runs well (that is the easy part). But I really don't see how they would reduce costs so far that the price could make a real difference.
In best case, if we reduce the GPU, we might get a $30-$40 lower SOC price. CPU should be untouched, else it would make it harder for developers to adapt to that.
They can't strip out the SSD at best they could use a bit slower SSD (because smaller assets are used) but that wouldn't change the price much.
They can strip out the BR-drive and again make a digital only console, but that would be at best another $30 (digital only xb1 wasn't that much cheaper).
But on the other had, with a lower end GPU, they also can't really use the RT-hardware (because you need at least a decent enough chip to use it) so developers can't even rely on that.
Memory might be reduced to by one or two gigs. Maybe that is why the xbox one x has such a strange interface.
It only makes sense if they want a replacement for the xbox one x like a xbox one x "mini". They did something similar when the xbox one was released. They introduces an even smaler xbox 360 in xbox one design.
Next month for some Xbox stuff. Maybe more console news. Hell, even price and release date. June for games. (xbox stuff... no idea of ps news)
Thts not all true in history. Sad is dead tht was cheaper, pstv was 100 at some point tht died and let's, look at ps3 versus Xbox 360Nah, top selling overall.
Also, "no one is asking for this" is always funny to me as it has no basis. Cheaper versions sell more if they're not butchered. $500 vs $300 for instance is a huge difference to a lot of people, possibly the difference between buying something and not.
Don't expect Sony to kill PS4 Pro anytime soon. PS4 is still selling really well, Xbox One isn't
They could stop making the PS4 Slim and price drop the PS4 Pro
What needs to be the reply? Same CPU just lower GPU... It'll be more powerful than an X1X. You don't have to buy one if you don't like it. Easy as that.
No not Lockhart, that was a comment on you saying that you didn't like the cross-gen games idea. And even though Lockhart will be here for 3-4 years, it won't impact the XSX, and games on XSX will still look better than games on the PS5. So gamers buying the XSX for that premium experience, won't be let down.
Waiting to see how people spin this into a good thing.
If 10TF is "underpowered" and "anemic" then what's this?
I can't get my head around how anyone thought this would be a good idea.
Remember the 10.28tf Ps5 is underpowered. Now watch the spin that a 4tf Lockhart is such a great deal and a great console because reasons. Lmao![]()
3rd party games won't focus on anything special for SSD, since otherwise they would also exclude PC players. So it's purely about power. Who has the most power, bandwidth and better CPU? The XSX.You’re making a lot of baseless assumptions here.
I think that if a 1.23 teraflop console (Xbox One S) can co-exist with, and play the same games as a 6 teraflop one (Xbox One X), we have to consider that the nature of game development has changed, re: scalability.
It remains to be seen, but I think it’s possible that a 4 TF Lockhart could get along just fine. Granted, you’d be playing those games at far less fidelity (resolution, framerate, and asset quality all on the table for cuts), as we see with the S.
U quoted urself and praised urself and called urself tom Warren?Good to see Tom W on Reeeeeee, give the same type of outlook. Lockhart in May... let's see some games in June.
Remember the 10.28tf Ps5 is underpowered. Now watch the spin that a 4tf Lockhart is such a great deal and a great console because reasons. Lmao![]()
Oh crap, so there will be like 3 xbox consoles to purchase (High End > SEX, Mid End > One X, Low End > Lockhart)
I think SEX games will run on One X at ~2K res.
RT most likely accounts for very much of the GPU usage next-gen. By removing RT and lowering the resolution as well as texture quality by 2-4x you will need far less TFLOPs, Memory and CPU power. So asynchronicity compute could still be a thing. I'm not sure if anyone understands this, but even a 2080ti is humbled @ 1080p with Hardware RT. If a lot of people think that wont still be the case for Next-Gen consoles, you're all crazy as fuck.MS, just cancel Lockhart. It's redundant. There's no genuine purpose for it. XSX and Xcloud are enough. If people want to get in on next-gen cheaply, literally just let them use Xcloud streaming on their One X/XBO or Samsung phone.
Just focus on XSX and price it right, because the more I hear about Lockhart (especially in light of the already great Xcloud and Gamepass services), the more I dislike it. The whole thing is feeling like a stopgap and a constant road bump to a smooth next-gen with XSX, Xcloud and Gamepass.
Hearing it could have critical next-gen features cut back just makes it sound even worst. Put that Lockhart production budget towards XSX, more software development or securing 3rd-party deals (or even a VR/AR headset). All of those would be better use of that Lockhart money, IMHO.
But that's the thing; GPU isn't just for graphics. Asynchronous compute will be a massive thing for next gen, arguably more than the SSDs IMHO, and while non-graphical features of games are very scalable these days, there's a point to where you scale down so much it becomes a completely different gaming experience.
Just my opinion, but the whole thing with Lockhart feels very 32X-ish. A potential long-term anchor solution for a short-term problem (recession and casuals not able or willing to jump in @$450/$500). It just feels redundant now thanks to stuff like Xcloud streaming.
Maybe the ONLY way I could see Lockhart being justified is IF it's a streaming device, perhaps they could get it to $199. In that case, I can see it being of some value and not have any big impacts on XSX. But you don't need 4TF for a streaming device IMO....not even for 4K60 I would assume.
What would be a point of a machine weaker than the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X?
This is entirely the problem though, the longer the generation went on the more that machine got forgotten about and ended up with rough treatment as far as games go. In the last 6 months it's become clear that the console has very much become an afterthought as far as developers go. It was weak and underpowered at the start of the generation and that only got worse as time progressed.
Oh crap, so there will be like 3 xbox consoles to purchase (High End > SEX, Mid End > One X, Low End > Lockhart)
I think SEX games will run on One X at ~2K res.
What would be a point of a machine weaker than the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X?
No not Lockhart, that was a comment on you saying that you didn't like the cross-gen games idea. And even though Lockhart will be here for 3-4 years, it won't impact the XSX, and games on XSX will still look better than games on the PS5. So gamers buying the XSX for that premium experience, won't be let down.
Ppl are going to say accessibility at a lower price point. Not everyone can afford a 500 console but my opinion is game enthusiasts wantvthe best and will pay for it. Casuals want to by the best from word of mouth unless the system is offering some gimmicky, new, fun way to play like the wii. I don't see lockhart having a place because of this.
The games aren't being made for the 6TF X and then scaled down for S, though. The 6TF X is just boosting some aspects of the game that was targetting the shitty hardware levels.I think that if a 1.23 teraflop console (Xbox One S) can co-exist with, and play the same games as a 6 teraflop one (Xbox One X), we have to consider that the nature of game development has changed, re: scalability.
It remains to be seen, but I think it’s possible that a 4 TF Lockhart could get along just fine. Granted, you’d be playing those games at far less fidelity (resolution, framerate, and asset quality all on the table for cuts), as we see with the S.
Oh I agree, from a business standpoint it could get messy. It'll create confusion and potentially hurt salesNot even just a technical thing, I personally question the logistics behind Lockhart financially as a 4 TF local-hardware gaming device, even at $299, because what can MS realistically cut while still keeping things at a baseline that won't hurt XSX. 4 TF is a smaller GPU, cool. But then what? They'd still need the same SSD as XSX, and they'd probably need 12 GB RAM... that's not too much less than the 16 GB in XSX or PS5.
Then MS already has the Xbox One X which is stronger than this proposed box, which they could price drop on.
Lets do some paper math. Assuming Series X BoM is ~$500, I don't see how Lockhart can shave $150-200 off it.
APU - Series X has 360mm2 size, lets assume they keep the same CPU, how much die space they are saving on a smaller GPU? If Lockhart has 22CUs @1.4GHz. Savings would be the tune of ~70-75mm2? How much would the savings be here? ~$40-50.
RAM - We don't know the setup except that total size is 12GB. Let's assume they are buying 4 less modules than Series X. Savings would be another ~$40.
SSD - Apparently same, so same price.
PSU - Don't need to be as big or powerful, $10 savings.
Cooling - No vapor chamber required, $20-25 savings.
Other peripherals - I assume no separate PCBs in Lockhart, with overall skeleton of box being cheaper to build too, $10-20.
After adding all of this, I'm still struggling to go anywhere near $350 BoM. That's without accounting for manufacturing, distribution, and other miscellaneous costs such as retailers cut etc. $249 price-tag sounds too extreme to me, even a $299 one would be mean them eating $100 loss per box. Then you take into account, Series X will be sold at a loss as well. I mean how much money are Xbox planning to lose on hardware alone?
Well, I can already tell you its not a streaming device. I listened up the Phil Spencer interview on IGN a fortnight ago, and he was pretty adamant when it came to gaming experience, they are best when running on a local hardware. xCloud is a long-term goal for them which I don't expect to come to fruition in short-term. Lockhart is basically a cheaper entry spec machine into the next-gen.
Oh I agree, from a business standpoint it could get messy. It'll create confusion and potentially hurt sales
Locker should be introduced in 2-3 years when things are established
It would be the same as it's been for the past 10 years. The same as it will be regardless of what console sells more.Imagine this being a success because of price and selling more than the xsex...what would happen to game development?
The only difference is going to be resolution between the consoles, may be RT to some extent ? which will probably be absent on the 300$ console.
Im betting on $449 or lower for PS5, definitely not more than $499.This is exactly where my mind went, too. Why else would they feel they need this at launch? And IF the XsX needs to cost 599, what will the PS5 need to cost? I had hoped for 449 but maybe it’s higher too.
The games aren't being made for the 6TF X and then scaled down for S, though. The 6TF X is just boosting some aspects of the game that was targetting the shitty hardware levels.
If only the X existed for this whole generation, Xbox games would have taken a giant shit on PS games from the Empire State building.
The only difference is third party games is going to be resolution between the consoles. May be RT to some extent ? which will probably be disabled on the 300$ console.
Imagine this being a success because of price and selling more than the xsex...what would happen to game development?
Devs would spend more time optimizing (to the metal) for lockart and just increase resolution on XSX and add a few extra features here and there. Kinda like XB1->XB1XImagine this being a success because of price and selling more than the xsex...what would happen to game development?
I don't think these are examples of the same thing.Thts not all true in history. Sad is dead tht was cheaper, pstv was 100 at some point tht died and let's, look at ps3 versus Xbox 360PS3 was hundreds more, inferior online at the time and multiplats and it still sold better world wide upon its release world wide and for the duration of its life.
I laugh when ppl dismiss history. We have case study tht it can go either or. It's just my opinion anyway.
Actually, I didn't even think of that. Rumors seem to suggest a 192-bit bus so who knows what the actual setup is.
This is my biggest fear, CPU on Series X is capable of sustaining a 3.8GHz performance with no SMT. That's bonkers, the quality of silicon which is needed to become a SoC in a Series X machine is very high. I don't think it'll be anywhere as high for a lower-spec machine as it'll raise the cost. On SSD, I long assumed that it would have the same speed as Series X, just with smaller storage. But the rumors suggest its a 1TB SSD, in that case, the SSD may not be as fast.
Lets do some paper math. Assuming Series X BoM is ~$500, I don't see how Lockhart can shave $150-200 off it.
APU - Series X has 360mm2 size, lets assume they keep the same CPU, how much die space they are saving on a smaller GPU? If Lockhart has 22CUs @1.4GHz. Savings would be the tune of ~70-75mm2? How much would the savings be here? ~$40-50.
RAM - We don't know the setup except that total size is 12GB. Let's assume they are buying 4 less modules than Series X. Savings would be another ~$40.
SSD - Apparently same, so same price.
PSU - Don't need to be as big or powerful, $10 savings.
Cooling - No vapor chamber required, $20-25 savings.
Other peripherals - I assume no separate PCBs in Lockhart, with overall skeleton of box being cheaper to build too, $10-20.
After adding all of this, I'm still struggling to go anywhere near $350 BoM. That's without accounting for manufacturing, distribution, and other miscellaneous costs such as retailers cut etc. $249 price-tag sounds too extreme to me, even a $299 one would be mean them eating $100 loss per box. Then you take into account, Series X will be sold at a loss as well. I mean how much money are Xbox planning to lose on hardware alone?