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SbF: Super Best Friends Play Thread: ReBoot


The blind LP's are absolutely something that has to stop, at least as far as both LP'ers go. It's fine if at least one of them are new because we as the viewer would still get that oh-so-glorious first time reaction while the other can be there to make sure there aren't any stumbles in the LP itself. Take the finale of Star Fox Adventures for example, Liam knowing everything that was coming made it so god damn amazing in the end.

Yep exactly. That reaction was godlike. And the overall LP for such a game was done the best way possible: Liam knowing everything so that the game progresses smoothly while the other two, who had no idea what was coming but still invested (in the star fox franchise in general) could comment over it.

Just imagine if the starfox LP was completely blind. I'd shudder to think of such darkness.

I'd say there ARE exceptions for blinds: Short snippet stuff like the Mad max video or the shitstorm in general as they're usually very edited so you don't really care. That and terrible games, like ride to hell, because you have to see it whole to believe it.

But in general, the rule of "one blind, one in the know" i think is the best. Hell, look up gamefaqs if it helps. I don't particularily care myself


Un Rama
He also had a point about the SA rules of waiting 6 months (don't know if it's still a thing) before LPing a new game. I don't necessarily agree with that, but we've seen in the case of super popular games like MGSV, it's a bit of a problem as some people (like me) don't necessarily want to watch it to avoid getting spoiled. Also because, again, blind playthrough

For the MGSV example as well jumping straight in may be smart to capitalize on the hype but as you said some people don't want spoiled so they won't watch, its double blind which rarely works and for the people who have played/finished it we know that the game is not good LP material and its probably going to decline in quality the longer it goes on (without heavy editing at least) I've barely watched any of it because its hard to get enthusiastic about it after putting so much time into the game myself. Very Little Happens: The Game. They'd know that if they'd waited instead of going double blind and locking themselves into a 60-80 episode LP.

I'm really happy to hear they've improved DR with this episode. But to me personally it's a bit too late. They've handled first hand issues in the LP (14 episodes in but whatever) but that doesn't stop how unfriendly it is to people who have no idea what the series is about. Christ I'd have to go back to the start of the LP and watch through all the shit episodes to get to the good one and follow whats happening in the LP. But expecting me to do my homework on the series to keep up? get outta here! It seems like they should have just been smarter in their choice of game to LP.


I'm really happy to hear they've improved DR with this episode. But to me personally it's a bit too late. They've handled first hand issues in the LP (14 episodes in but whatever) but that doesn't stop how unfriendly it is to people who have no idea what the series is about. Christ I'd have to go back to the start of the LP and watch through all the shit episodes to get to the good one and follow whats happening in the LP. But expecting me to do my homework on the series to keep up? get outta here! It seems like they should have just been smarter in their choice of game to LP.
That's the hilarious part.
mike0dude said:


its the third game in a very story heavy series
i got off my ass and played the first 2 so why cant you?
jeez and i thought i was lazy
Because LP is a transformative work that's less about the game's story and (little known fact) is more about the player's story/their experience with the game. This means that the viewer doesn't need to know the whole nine yards, but more context than none in order to grasp the commentator/player's feelings.


no its really the third game in the series, and yes i did play DR 1 and 2 (and started UDG) before watching this LP

Asking viewers to play 40 hours of a game for a platform they might not own is kinda extreme to be honest. This LP is to advertise the franchise, but I didn't think that their way of selling it to people would be "buy the games if you want any idea what the hell is happening cause we're not going to explain it".

Well, at least you enjoyed the games. It's one of my favorite gaming franchises, so I'm glad the fanbase is growing, even by a little bit. Hopefully the 3rd mainline game being on PS4 might make more people try the game out and hopefully the port the vita games to PS4 at some point.

Did this LP sell you on the games, or were you already planning on playing them beforehand?
There's a lot of ass-kissing and a portion of hate, but the sub and here are not that simple. I don't look at it much really, but knowing SA, I doubt the thread there is all that either. Elsewhere is a different story, and that's where they apparently need to learn how to filter reception better.
The subreddit is terrible, and we burned our bridge. SA is a small subset of the audience, but they do actually give decent feedback.
Asking viewers to play 40 hours of a game for a platform they might not own is kinda extreme to be honest. This LP is to advertise the franchise, but I didn't think that their way of selling it to people would be "buy the games if you want any idea what the hell is happening cause we're not going to explain it".

Well, at least you enjoyed the games. It's one of my favorite gaming franchises, so I'm glad the fanbase is growing, even by a little bit. Hopefully the 3rd mainline game being on PS4 might make more people try the game out and hopefully the port the vita games to PS4 at some point.

Did this LP sell you on the games, or were you already planning on playing them beforehand?

i was gonna play em then the LP came and was like i have a Vita so fuck it im playing em now
also the Vita TV is dirt ass cheap
Did something happen while I was gone? I noticed that Pat doesn't really post here anymore, but didn't realize that something might have happened to scare him off.
Not really I don't think. He came back for a couple of posts after we had to reform. He's probably too busy working, catching up on backlog, and FFXIV.


I remember the last time he was here was during bloodborne. He smacked me because i talked shit after he didn't fight the Cainhurst hunter in the cathedral ´_>`
i hope Undertale paves the way for an Earthbound LP
they REALLY need to play that game
edit:the fuck just happend, i reloaded my save and new dialog 0.o
You shouldn't be required to play a game in order to understand an LP, but guess what guys, so is MGSV and people don't seem to care. However, do you want to know the beauty of an LP of a series you're not familiar with? You don't have to watch it!

Although, as I said a few days ago I do think playing this game and not Dangan 1 was a mistake.
Honestly, I find the DR:DG lp easy enough to follow without having played the previous games, I just have a couple of holes to fill for when I do play(unlikely)/watch them.

But fuck all that, I just burned though 75% of undertale this morning, and gat dam, that was some good shit. I've still gotta beat it two more times, but it shouldn't take to long.


You shouldn't be required to play a game in order to understand an LP, but guess what guys, so is MGSV and people don't seem to care. However, do you want to know the beauty of an LP of a series you're not familiar with? You don't have to watch it!

Although, as I said a few days ago I do think playing this game and not Dangan 1 was a mistake.
I have problems with both the DR and MGS LPs.
this game man this fuckin game puts Telltale to shame
it remembered what i did and called me out on it
i assumed she wouldnt die,but was wrong so used time powers it seems
also how many playthroughs does it take of Undertale to experience everything?


SBFancast episode 004 is out


we had Levi, Ilvocare, and Zenfalcia on this time.
I'm still terrible.

Truly nothing but trash.
I enjoyed myself.

Also I don't mind these LPs of sequels to series that I haven't gotten into but am planning to. I'll just watch them later at my own convenience. It's not like not watching the Best Friends for a day is gonna kill me over the internet.

Also I'd like to bring up just a couple of amazing (to me) double-blind LPs that were in the channel:

-Isn't Until Dawn double-blind?
-Freedom Planet (weird how it never gets brought up whenever people talk about how awful Woolie and Liam are at LPs)
-Ride to Hell
-RE: Revelations 2

And that's only going back about 6 to 7 months. There's probably way more if I go farther back. Enough for it to be impossible to just cast them off as "exceptions to the rule" of "double-blind LPs are trash".

Just a thought.
this game man this fuckin game puts Telltale to shame
it remembered what i did and called me out on it
i assumed she wouldnt die,but was wrong so used time powers it seems
also how many playthroughs does it take of Undertale to experience everything?

I want to say at bare minimum 3. 1 for neutral then reload for pacifist if you meet requirements. 1 for no mercy( aka genocide) then 1 more for soulless run.

I just finished my soulless run last night. I think that's pretty much all of it.


Also I'd like to bring up just a couple of amazing (to me) double-blind LPs that were in the channel:

-Isn't Until Dawn double-blind?
-Freedom Planet (weird how it never gets brought up whenever people talk about how awful Woolie and Liam are at LPs)
-Ride to Hell
-RE: Revelations 2

And that's only going back about 6 to 7 months. There's probably way more if I go farther back. Enough for it to be impossible to just cast them off as "exceptions to the rule" of "double-blind LPs are trash".

Just a thought.
I wasn't here when they were doing FP, but I think that LP sucked. But I don't think WooLiam are a bad duo, just that they haven't yet used strong material in comparison to others.

I don't really think double blind LPs or blind LPs in general are unsafe so long as the LPer knows what they're getting into as they did with UD and Revelations 2. WooLiam didn't really know what they were getting into with Despair Girls aside from the name Danganronpa as it's spinoff in a different genre, and that's why we are where we are now.


Okay, well Matt's saved face a little bit.

Much better. But honestly maybe too late with acknowledging in the first place and doesn't stop that they seem to believe that UD was the main problem.It's been said, but just the amount of people watching certain lps is a much better feedback tool and UD had nothing to do with that. Today's DR episode was much better, but who wants to bother picking it back up 14 episodes in?

JC Sera

this game man this fuckin game puts Telltale to shame
it remembered what i did and called me out on it
i assumed she wouldnt die,but was wrong so used time powers it seems
also how many playthroughs does it take of Undertale to experience everything?
hm so reading on the endings i should prob save Genocide for last huh?
Why did you have to go spoil yourself? :p
you can do 1.5-4 runs to "complete it"
pacifist–>true pacifist 1.5
neutral–>true pacifist 2
genocide –> true pacifist 2
neutral–>true pacifist–>Genocide 3
neutral–>true pacifist–>Genocide–>True pacifist 4 to get completely everything
however if you do the last on or
any genocide
you are in for a bad time

I feel like the drama over the whole UD thing is pretty overblown
like the fans dont own them gotta remember that
I read there is a way around that, by deleting a specific file, but its probably easier to just get the true pacifism ending first.

is there any consequence to abusing my time powers besides being trolled by a sunflower?
to JC i never said i spoiled myself =P
i just looked up the basic req for each ending, no plot


hm so reading on the endings i should prob save Genocide for last huh?
I think the best way to experience Undertale is not to think about 'what order' you'll do the game in or considering how to 'maximize' the game, or anything about that. Play what's in front of you, play it some more, and then consider it.

JC Sera

hm so reading on the endings i should prob save Genocide for last huh?
or you could just not
murder all your friends
I think the best way to experience Undertale is not to think about 'what order' you'll do the game in or considering how to 'maximize' the game, or anything about that. Play what's in front of you, play it some more, and then consider it.
^this so much

edit: fuck double post
I think the best way to experience Undertale is not to think about 'what order' you'll do the game in or considering how to 'maximize' the game, or anything about that. Play what's in front of you, play it some more, and then consider it.

thats what im doing im just planning ahead
like i said my first run is what would i do(minus that first mistake kill)
JC ive always did an evil playthrough after everything else
this game will be no different
ill just name the Character Pat or something or Monokuma

JC Sera

thats what im doing im just planning ahead
like i said my first run is what would i do(minus that first mistake kill)
JC ive always did an evil playthrough after everything else
this game will be no different
ill just name the Character Pat or something or Monokuma
I'd never do a geno run, but if I did I'd probably name it marche
these puzzles are too easy
but i bet Pat would still have trouble with them
also hopefully Matt pushes this game super hard on them
because we need to push Earthbound for Summerslam

JC Sera

That's crazy! You gotta do Genocide run. There are a number of characters that only fully realize their potential by going that route. If you truly care for them
I'll just stick to
flowey calling me out for watching it on youtube/twitch
I'll just stick to
flowey calling me out for watching it on youtube/twitch

Tying this back to SBFs, has there been any word on how far are they gonna take the Undertale LP.

Are they just gonna run through an initial Neutral run, and maybe double back for a pacifism, and skip genocide altogether?
Tying this back to SBFs, has there been any word on how far are they gonna take the Undertale LP.

Are they just gonna run through an initial Neutral run, and maybe double back for a pacifism, and skip genocide altogether?

what they should do is a neutral run with maybe the pacifist ending and boss(i assume theres a boss)
then have Pat and Woolie Genocide run
That's crazy! You gotta do Genocide run. There are a number of characters that only fully realize their potential by going that route. If you truly care for them

haha no thanks, I'm not a monster.

I also don't want a permanent mark on my game.

I also tried to restart the game after getting the best ending and
Flowey guilt tripped me into not restarting and leaving the save file be, fuck you flowey.
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