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SbF: Super Best Friends Play Thread: ReBoot

So the beginner's guide, as an "exposé", is pretty damn interesting and made me cogitate a bit. Mostly on what it's about. Spoilers for the following

What's interesting is that the theme swings wildly from beginning to end, and even post-game. At first it presents itself as some sort of documentary/biography on some introverted indie developper who makes these incomplete games for their own sake, and are then being decorticated by Davey in an almost obsessional way. It then turns into a peering into someone's heart where Davey extrapolates on Coda's behaviour and you start getting a narrative on depression. But Davey starts also talking more about him really than Coda. Near the end though is when the "twist" happen and you see Coda basically telling Davey to fuck off, stop tampering with his games and Davey himself proceeding to transform the whole thing into an apology instead.

Thing is that, looking back, there's too much obvious discrepancies for the work to even be considered biographica anymore. Davey mentions that Coda started adding lamp posts to his game while "Coda", in his last words, asks Davey to stop adding them himself. Also that Davey is misinterpreting all his stuff and whatnot. That and the whole shtick of doing unfinished games yet filling them with a shitload of details, to the point where it just seems too incoherent for someone as shut-in as Coda, and who apparently doesn't want to be diagnosed upon anyway if we trust that the last words are indeed "his".

Basically wondering if this whole thing is a meta commentary about the relations between developpers and players who try to seek larger meanings through the games they play and assign themselves to the product, or even try to overanalyse and assign a psychology or a lore to a game when it's not technically there.

And i know it's ironic that i'm saying that since i'm kinda doing exactly that right now. One thing is obvious to me anyway is that by the end of the presentation, it's no longer a biography

Also man has the comments under the videos gotten salty. It's like reading /v/. It's already not super happy here, but I didn't realise the fanbase got so bitter lately

I don't even think it's a meta-commentary on players and developers per se, but rather about the relation between art and it's audience in general.

How much can you really interpret about an artist through his work?
How much is that interpretation influenced by your own state of mind and what does that interpretation say about you, rather than the art?
When you share art outside of the means the artist intended, are you really sharing it because you think there is merit to it or are you just doing it so people can validate your tastes?
And in doing so, would you go so far as to misrepresent a piece of art in order for it to better fit the narrative you have created, so you can be 'correct' or 'have it figured out'?

The real irony, which I'm sure was intended at some level, is in LP'ing this game. Are you really experiencing the game or are you just experiencing what a person says he's experiencing? In that sense, what Davey did was not so different from doing a Let's Play.

Edit: I thought we all agreed that youtube comments are bullshit anyway and are best left ignored?
I've been feeling the same way. I haven't finished a full video in a while
Really? I always finish videos even if I'm getting frustrated that nothing is happened
. I don't think I've ever stopped a video midway through because I didn't like it, though.
But S2 goes beyond the limit..
of the database!
wow wow
Eh, I think the DR LP is getting a bit better at least. It had a trash-tier low point, but it's kind of evened out IMO. It's not entirely their fault that the game was dragging, though it was getting annoying how they switched to Japanese and then right when the character whose English voice they couldn't stand (a major motivating factor for the switch) started talking, they literally started talking the second his VA was talking. It was almost like they were doing it on purpose, because right when the VA stopped they stopped, and when the VA started talking, they decided to talk again!!
For me the low point is when theres 40 minutes of straight dialouge/cutscene then the episode ends right when they get back to gameplay.
And I never noticed the talkover thing, are you talking about Jataro?
I still can't understand Matt's ability to not look at anything important going on while playing games. People are talking, but I'll just stare at this door instead. None of these doors open, but also I haven't tried opening any of them. Oh look a woman I could easily open a door and talk to, but I'll go over here first.

Edit- Pat- "You have a remarkable ability to turn around away from cutscenes." He voiced the same line pretty much during SH Downpour too. It's truly amazing.

Guess what that shit keeps happening
albino lullaby--he looks away from the spinning church room
and yeah, it's kind of amazing in the worst way possible.




Yeah baybee!


The subreddit seems to be more civil about it.
I think it's because the subreddit has known about vessel for weeks or a month now? People dealt with it pretty much in the same way we did where it was super weird and no mention made it weirder. Eventually Mike or whoever made it clear it was a machinima thing and then daily vessel threads became a thing before woolie even posted a thread on it. Now that Woolie and the podcast mentioned it though means I guess some youtube exclusive people have finally caught up. Hence the shitstorm people are saying the youtube comments are in. I didn't really see it after skimming some of the top comments, but I guess the dislikes on recent videos are getting notably higher minutes after the videos are posted.

Good shit.
Really? I always finish videos even if I'm getting frustrated that nothing is happened
. I don't think I've ever stopped a video midway through because I didn't like it, though.

wow wow

For me the low point is when theres 40 minutes of straight dialouge/cutscene then the episode ends right when they get back to gameplay.
And I never noticed the talkover thing, are you talking about Jataro?

Yeah, it was for Jataro. It wasn't like a recurring problem, but it made me legit angry when I was looking forward to hearing his VA, only to have them seemingly explicitly only talking when he started to talk.
About the lampposts in The Beginner's Guide:
Davey never actually says that Coda put them there, so technically he didn't lie about it. Minor point, but still.
I still can't understand Matt's ability to not look at anything important going on while playing games. People are talking, but I'll just stare at this door instead. None of these doors open, but also I haven't tried opening any of them. Oh look a woman I could easily open a door and talk to, but I'll go over here first.

Edit- Pat- "You have a remarkable ability to turn around away from cutscenes." He voiced the same line pretty much during SH Downpour too. It's truly amazing.
I actually can't stand the way Matt plays on the channel. I know talking and playing is hard but he seems to prefer talking at all times, it's okay to be quiet for a bit to focus on the game because it's really hard to watch when he's not paying attention and misses a bunch of shit.

Liam is better at video games than the rest but this is also partly because he knows when to stop talking and pay attention to the game.


I thought The Beginner's Guide was going to be some sort of tutorial video by the SBF as I'd never even heard of the game. Pretty neat so far.

JC Sera

Am I the only one that thinks Beginners Guide comes across as super pretentious?
There is something very.. genuinely human about it for me

Yes davey is pretentious but idk theres
when he mentioned he took you out of the infinite loop of the home chores game, it was like you pretentious prick you missed the point entirely


Just finished this weeks podcast, and lol at Liam emphatically saying MGO3 is great while only playing 2 matches. I can't help thinking that he's just jumping at every opportunity to preemptively praise MGSV before anything negative can be said.
Just finished this weeks podcast, and lol at Liam emphatically saying MGO3 is great while only playing 2 matches. I can't help thinking that he's just jumping at every opportunity to preemptively praise MGSV before anything negative can be said.

I haven't played it yet cause PC version, but one glance into the Online OT and people don't seem to be very happy with it. Balancing issues/ net code and whatnot


I haven't played it yet cause PC version, but one glance into the Online OT and people don't seem to be very happy with it. Balancing issues/ net code and whatnot

It's not great. I gave up after a few days since the game just seemed fundamentally unbalanced.


Just finished this weeks podcast, and lol at Liam emphatically saying MGO3 is great while only playing 2 matches. I can't help thinking that he's just jumping at every opportunity to preemptively praise MGSV before anything negative can be said.

Almost like it's actually fun. I've been playing with a few friends every few days since launch and it's always a blast.


Almost like it's actually fun. I've been playing with a few friends every few days since launch and it's always a blast.

I know some people are having fun, and that's fine. I just find it funny how he jumped in and said it's great while only having played two matches. The game has serious issues that he probably would have noticed if he spent some actual time with it.
If only there was another X game that got announced the same time but we haven't heard of for 5yrs.....
Feeling Pat lvls of rage.

SFV needs to reignite Capcom, then take a chance on a SFxT2. Damage is probably done on that brand though, but a SFxT2 could be the CvS2 of this generation if done right.


SFV needs to reignite Capcom, then take a chance on a SFxT2. Damage is probably done on that brand though, but a SFxT2 could be the CvS2 of this generation if done right.

SFV seems to be doing alot of work. SFXT2 doesn't seem like it would happen anytime soon if ever. After Tekken 7 Namco could finally bring in TXSF and we might see the SF crew in 3D and whatnot. Biggest chance we will see a X game.
Have no hope for anything other than what we already know tho.
SFV seems to be doing alot of work. SFXT2 doesn't seem like it would happen anytime soon if ever. After Tekken 7 Namco could finally bring in TXSF and we might see the SF crew in 3D and whatnot. Biggest chance we will see a X game.
Have no hope for anything other than what we already know tho.

Oh there's no hope for anything SFxT related, just dreams. If there was a company Capcom would do a vs or X game with these days, Namco does seem like the best choice.
SFV needs to reignite Capcom, then take a chance on a SFxT2. Damage is probably done on that brand though, but a SFxT2 could be the CvS2 of this generation if done right.
Yeah you really can't call it SFxT anymore, just the name makes a lot of people go "Oh that shitty fighting game?" even if they've never played it themselves.


Santa May Claus
The best thing about cross Tekken were the gorgeous trailers featuring characters you had to buy separately. The game was horribly broken for a year, and by the time a patch hit, no one cared. It continues to suffer from a complete and utter lack of focus and questionable game design choices.
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