@edgarwright: Start the rumour. ACTION DOCTOR will be my next project.
I was about to say this :lolAlexMogil said:Someone knows the orange blue law of action movie posters.
Cool, I kinda saw them today at lolla, but I was far away and left to see someone else.jon bones said:oh yea i saw metric play last night at prospect park and they opened with their scott pilgrim track
it was rad
BenjaminBirdie said:Now that I've seen it I can finally listen to the score samples off Amazonk. God, Godrich is so amazing.
I realized it might be the first soundtrack I can think of that's taking advantage of the digital space by releasing EVERYTHING in the score even if it wouldn't have fit on a CD. (Unless I'm mistaken, they're only releasing this digitally, right?)
RadioHeadAche said:Those posters are amazing.
His transparent body makes it look as though his disembodied head is floating in the sky.
If it's the same spoiler I read, (The only one I saw on TVT was involvingSalsaShark said:Well i just read a big spoiler for the movie by mistake in tvtropes. Fuck my life.
After the events of Book 3 the movies are very, very different.RadioHeadAche said:For some reason, I didn't think a lot could be spoiled for me since I've already read the books, but I guess I'll be careful.
WordAssassin said:If it's the same spoiler I read, (The only one I saw on TVT was involving) don't worry about it. It's still a huge WTF moment even knowing about it before hand. I was really pissed and worried about it before I watched the movie but it still caught me totally off guard and is completely bad ass.Nega Scott
Yeah, I wasn't sure either, but that scene is still really cool and comes out of nowhere.SalsaShark said:Thats the one. That does help though, thanks :lol
still, spoiled his involvement in the movie. Im actually surprised/glad, didnt expected him to make it
WordAssassin said:Yeah, I wasn't sure either, but that scene is still really cool and comes out of nowhere.
Fuck I want it to be frieday already so I can go see this again!!!
Ffffuck, I was just there three days ago. If only I could have somehow..n3ss said:At the Dublin showing waiting for the movie to start! Thanks Gaf, free movie a week early and food? AWESOME
BenjaminBirdie said::lol :lol
Wow, that one is amazing.
Peter Travers said:Scott Pilgrim is a breathless rush of a movie that jumps off the screen, spins your head around and then stealthily works it's way into your heart. Just revel in those clutter-free last moments when two people finally get enough of a grip on who they are to make an honest, human connection. It's a game changer.
Funky Papa said:So, uh, what do you guys think of Envy Adams?
ezekial45 said:http://movies.nytimes.com/2010/08/08/movies/08wright.html?scp=1&sq=Edgar Wright&st=cse&pagewanted=1
Really great interview with Edgar Wright. The movie cost around $60 million to make, which isn't too bad all.
The marketing budget must be pretty damn huge, though. I am not sure if this movie will ever make a profit...ezekial45 said:http://movies.nytimes.com/2010/08/08/movies/08wright.html?scp=1&sq=Edgar Wright&st=cse&pagewanted=1
Really great interview with Edgar Wright. The movie cost around $60 million to make, which isn't too bad all.
Funky Papa said:The marketing budget must be pretty damn huge, though. I am not sure if this movie will ever make a profit...
Can anyone really predict how this movie is going to do? I could see it flopping, or I could see it becoming a breakout hit.WordAssassin said:Yeah Scott Pilgrim totally owned the shit out of ComiCon.
The word of mouth for this movie IS insanely positive, though. I think it'll do fine at the box office. It won't bomb, but it won't be a miraculous hit.