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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Dir. Wright, Cera, Kendrick, Evans, Schwartzman)

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Not an asshole.
At first I thought "Edgar Wright's Scott Pilgrim nailed everything except for the character Scott Pilgrim."

Then I got home, re-read volume 6 and realized Cera kinda sorta nailed it on the head.


Just got back. It really is the perfect GAF movie, reveling in videogame logic and making scores of videogame references
we finally got to hear what orchestrated Zelda music could be like!

It's a "fun" movie, and it's unapologetic. I can definitely see the critics not getting this, and my dad would almost undoubtedly hate it.

I love Edgar Wright. His direction is perfect here, the fast-cuts of Hot Fuzz are really taken to their extreme - this movie never slows down. The battles were kind of stupid, but they threw in enough NMH-esque turns that it stayed relatively fresh. The mainstay was the humor, and that's what really drove the movie home. The casting was perfect, the acting was well-done, and all in all it's the funniest movie I've seen this year.

If you're juvenile at heart, you should see this movie.
If you're on NeoGAF, you should see this movie.
ZayneH said:
Loved the movie, and I'm definitely going to get the comics soon so I can appreciate both (have been debating getting them for a while).

Anyone notice Comeau's line changing from
"Their second album was good, but their first one was better"
"The movie was good, but the comics were better
? :lol

He has both those lines.



Was I the only one who felt the double dragon reference flew over their heads when the Katayanagi twin scene happen, my friend said the reference to double dragon was because one of the twin had their hair black and the other had their hair blonde, so was I the only one that who missed that connection?
Einbroch said:
People are saying this is bomba? Really? My theater, a 11:50 PM showing, was PACKED. There were maybe eight open seats?
Saw it tonight. 9pm showing. Maybe 1/3rd full and that's being generous. Usually can't find a seat in that theater on opening night.
Opening night here and a prime time for this type of movie's audience. Not totally empty, but not anywhere near packed. Thats what my showing was like.

I imagine last night at the midnight showing was much the same as the audience was mostly there for The Expendables.
this movie is the penultimate




Jealous Bastard
Rez said:
Wallace was awesome, that much is true.

yes, for sure. kieran culkin, amidst a lot of really impressive comedic performances, almost stole the show. that is a damn feat. he's officially on my list of favorites.


Jealous Bastard
she was a hilarious blend of naive, charming, sweet, with a touch of annoying and occasionally creepy. in other words, at least within the context of the film, she's played perfectly. i've never read the comics, though, so my comments all come with that caveat.


beelzebozo said:
she was a hilarious blend of naive, charming, sweet, with a touch of annoying and occasionally creepy. in other words, at least within the context of the film, she's played perfectly. i've never read the comics, though, so my comments all come with that caveat.
sounds about right :D


The part that made me laugh hardest had to be the
Vegan police's high five after taking away Todd's powers


Dacvak said:
Everyone in my theater laughed at M Night's name, too.

I'm a little confused... Why exactly is it universally funny? (I think I get the joke, I guess I just wouldn't expect the rest of the world to? Maybe I don't, though.)
He was actually booed by the audience when I saw it

BocoDragon said:
Cera is from Ontario (the province where Toronto is).. So he has whatever accent that is supposed to be. You shouldn't expect a strong accent from most Canadians.. It kinda sounds like the generic English they use in Hollywood flicks... Maybe with lil hint of "aboot" in there.
Cera was a perfect match then but I've been imagining Scott's voice all wrong all these years. :lol

I'm fine with the movie cutting out the Kim backstory and knives dad and whatever. But in the comics Envy has a much larger impact on the story than knives especially towards the ending. It's a shame we only got to see a little bit of her story.

I like how the movie kept it lots of the serious relationship stuff in there with the fun and fighting. I feared it would be a little too flippant but Scott "learning something" and the whole earning the power of 'self respect' was well played.
A little annoyed at all the comments on how it's going to bomb and following that up with pledging to see it when it comes out on video.

Even if you haven't read the books, Scott Pilgrim is an amazing movie that combines a lot of pop culture that our generation has grown up on. This is the type of movie that doesn't get made very often and it's sad that people are just shrugging it off. Then again, the audience it's geared towards that hasn't read the comics will probably just download it anyway.

I'm hoping Scott Pilgrim is the type of movie that has a big word-of-mouth life at the theaters.
Also, I loved Wallace Wells. His character was spot on. Shame my favorite "dipping sauce bitch" quote from the books didn't make it in, as well as Stephen Stills playing for the other team.

Obviously a lot was left out from the final book, or the last few books for that matter, besides the fights. No robots, no Roxy/Romona arc, but overall it was very true to the source material.
kitchenmotors said:
Obviously a lot was left out from the final book, or the last few books for that matter, besides the fights. No robots, no Roxy/Romona arc, but overall it was very true to the source material.

Yeah, I was surprised with how closely it stuck with the source material, at least through the first half. I also like how the changes made complete sense and felt "complete".
Of Edgar Wright's three films I've seen this is the worst....and that isn't an insult at all. Fantastic stuff, Cera managed not to annoy me (too much at least) and God-damn. This series was obviously just made for Wright to adapt, he's so good at references and geek shit.

I loved how frenetic everything was. Way better than the bore that was Speed Racer in every aspect (BUT soundtrack, I think Speed Racer got it beat there). Knives Chau was my favorite and way hotter than Ramona Flowers in this. I don't know, Winstead looked a bit dirty sometimes. The makeup over her zits and the baggy eyes and shit bleuck.

Reversal was badass too. I think this got Kick Ass and Speed Racer beat easily

I still would have preferred it if he made No More Heroes film instead


vas_a_morir said:
Envy was really hot. The way she spoke was even hotter than how she looked, and she was easily the best looking girl on the film.
thats interesting cuz i hated how envy was drawn in the original

she remeinded me of a horse more then anything :lol :lol


I really wish that they had time to develop Envy properly. Simply didn't happen. Time concerns, i know, but still a little annoying.
It's a shame that this appears to be a bomba (bob-omba?) but it's not entirely unexpected. Movies that tend to be championed on the Internet tend to be overlooked by general audiences.

It also seems like it was silly move for Universal to release it in the same weekend as Eat Pray Love and the Expendables. I hope it has legs and good word of mouth but I'm not holding my breath. Regardless of what it makes the movie was still made and we can enjoy it.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I didn't get Envy. Or rather, I expected her to have more of a role later on. I didn't feel like there was any closure there.


Movie was AWESOME!!!

Oh man.. before the movie when the M Night Shyamalan's new trailer played.. the audience erupted into laughter when they saw his name. I felt bad but man was it funny :lol . The movie looked so full of cheese and a lame plot.


Well, I saw the movie yesterday and really liked it.
The "battle of the bands" thing and the music actually pumped me up more than the fights did.

Also, in this interview it's mentioned that all the actors were given 10 secret facts about their characters, anyone actually manage to find them out?
Apparently, all of the Stephen Stills and Kim Pine at least ended up in the comic, but Aubrey Plaza says one of her character's secrets didn't make it for the movie or the comic:
Julie Powers was in love with Scott.


Dechaios said:
Movie was AWESOME!!!

Oh man.. before the movie when the M Night Shyamalan's new trailer played.. the audience erupted into laughter when they saw his name. I felt bad but man was it funny :lol . The movie looked so full of cheese and a lame plot.

I read people in this thread saying the same thing, and I didnt really beleive it, but it also hapenned in my theater (in montreal).

I wasnt expecting that haha
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