Do any of you self-impose any rules/limitations when playing these M2 ports (or really any older game, one-sitting game, I guess)? I'm running the original Streets of Rage again before I dive into SoR2 and I've already had to burn two credits and I'm only on Stage 6. =/
I definitely didn't give a shit or have this 1CC-mentality as a kid when I first played these games, but as an adult, I can't shake what feels like an impulse (or obligation?), to try and complete games like this on one run, under default settings and such.
I definitely didn't give a shit or have this 1CC-mentality as a kid when I first played these games, but as an adult, I can't shake what feels like an impulse (or obligation?), to try and complete games like this on one run, under default settings and such.