The writing, character and environment art in this game is fucking top notch. The character models are decent enough, especially for a game I Kickstarted for $15. Since the combat is basically X-Com, I have very few, if any, issues with it other than wishing mousing over icons would give you a tooltip for it.
What's really funny is, all of this is making me SO EXCITED to take a look at the editor when it is available. I can already imagine the campaigns and freedom of working with it that would allow people to make incredible works. Since it's all text-based and comes to life through dialogue and descriptions, there can be some real creative campaigns people could make outta this. Not to mention that the decent, if low complexity, models and tiles will make for amazing custom work.
I am literally chomping at the bit to mess with it. Feel like digging through my old roleplaying notebooks back home to find my old Shadowrun campaign I ran where my friend played an elf detective and her partner was a troll cop. Had to solve an illegal cloning ring where people were trafficking clones for prostitution, cheap labor and whatever else. God, the look on my friends faces when they put two and two together and figured out what was going on was worth it.