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Silent Hill Downpour |OT| Rain, Rain, Go Away


Oh come on, at least he's trying. :p

Yeah, he's not the worst of them by any means. He's just the most recent one I've seen and so I vented at him. I'm just tired of all the negativity man. Vatra really went out of their way to reach the fans with this one, and for the most part have gotten nothing but shit shoveled in their faces for it. I mean can you point me to another recent game where hardcore fans were brought in to demo the game prerelease? Or point me to a dev team that gave multiple exclusive interviews to fan websites?

I mean ffs guys, throw the poor bastards a bone.


good for you

Meanwhile, I'll stop judging the games based on nostalgia for titles that even for their time had a number of issues while at the same time dissecting every new game to release with a razor sharp eye. I'll even stop using ignorant and degrading terms/phrases to demean anyone with a differing opinion, such as "tom hulett's defense force" or that lame crap about fans lapping up anything Konami puts out
which is BS by the way, as the SH fanbase is one of the volatile and nostalgia driven communities I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with
. Oh and most importantly, I'll stop judging unreleased horror games based on youtube walkthroughs.

Instead, I'll actually give the game a chance instead of looking for any excuse I can conjure up to dismiss it.

I've actually been saying very nice things about downpour based on Dusk Golem's impressions. I don't believe I've said anything negative about the game aside from the checkpoint issue which is more of a problem with current gaming culture than the game. I haven't made any one judgment about Downpour this entire thread. I've mostly been ragging on SH4 and the botched HD collection. I've bought SH4, Origins, Homecoming, and SM day one and was burned each time. My confidence as a consumer in regards to Konami is just gone at this point. You're the one attacking me because I' not instantly falling in love with the latest SH game. You're just proving my point.

I didn't mean for my walkthough comment to come off as snide or insulting to Downpour.


You're the one attacking me because I' not instantly falling in love with the latest SH game. You're just proving my point.

I didn't mean for my walkthough comment to come off as snide or insulting to Downpour.


I'm really sorry man. I read your post totally wrong. I thought you said....

I've been watching a walkthrough and so far it doesn't look much much better than the last 4 SH titles.

When in actuality you said...

I've been watching a walkthrough and so far it does look much much better than the last 4 SH titles.

Open mouth insert foot >_<
Apparently Tomm Hulett revealed that Elle in Homecoming was actually going to be Laura. It was revealed a few days ago that Homecoming was going to be part of a trilogy and Elle was eventually going to be revealed as a grown-up Laura from SH2. "Elle," the letter "L," guess it makes sense!

Videogame facts that blow your mind!


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Apparently Tomm Hulett revealed that Elle in Homecoming was actually going to be Laura. It was revealed a few days ago that Homecoming was going to be part of a trilogy and Elle was eventually going to be revealed as a grown-up Laura from SH2. "Elle," the letter "L," guess it makes sense!

Videogame facts that blow your mind!

Oh, yeah, that's from that recent podcast. Got a link to that?

I'm glad they didn't go forward with Laura in Homecoming though, poor Laura deserves better than being in that terrible game :p



I'm really sorry man. I read your post totally wrong. I thought you said....

I've been watching a walkthrough and so far it doesn't look much much better than the last 4 SH titles.

When in actuality you said...

I've been watching a walkthrough and so far it does look much much better than the last 4 SH titles.

Open mouth insert foot >_<

haha, don't worry about it. I tend to jump the gun and vent like mad whenever SH4 gets brought up too.
GAF you better not be toying with my feelings here....

I'm considering dropping the HD collection in favour of this. I know the HD-collection is considered to be a bad port, but I'm not sure about this one yet. Impressions have me intrigued and conflicted though.

Feeling like James a bit here...

Guess I'll buy it. Will go P. Head on you all if it turns out to be a POS. ;-)


GAF you better not be toying with my feelings here....

I'm considering dropping the HD collection in favour of this. I know the HD-collection is considered to be a bad port, but I'm not sure about this one yet. Impressions have me intrigued and conflicted though.

Feeling like James a bit here...

Guess I'll buy it. Will go P. Head on you all if it turns out to be a POS. ;-)

I would easily pick Downpour over the HD collection. The HD collection is just a mess and Konami should not be rewarded for it.
I would easily pick Downpour over the HD collection. The HD collection is just a mess and Konami should not be rewarded for it.

Here here! I actually went and rebought SH4 off of ebay after seeing the HD collection, as my faith in any future games getting decent rereleases was shattered.


haha, don't worry about it. I tend to jump the gun and vent like mad whenever SH4 gets brought up too.

Well, it was more to do with I thought your post implied it was worse than origins, and even though I haven't even played it and I can already tell you that's pretty much an impossibility >____>


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I would easily pick Downpour over the HD collection. The HD collection is just a mess and Konami should not be rewarded for it.

Definitely. I already bought SH3 for PS2, have ordered 0rigins for PS2, and will get Downpour + SH4 and the Director's Cut version of SH2 for PS2. Konami shouldn't be rewarded for the HD collection. I might get it someday, but it'll be either a used copy, or after bomba pricedrops.

Well, it was more to do with I thought your post implied it was worse than origins, and even I haven't even played it and I can already tell you that's pretty much an impossibility >____>

0rigins was actually pretty decent, sans the story which was kinda eh, and the laughable design of the final boss. Homecoming is the one true stinker.
I might consider a rental but I'm not buying it after being burned 4 straight times on terrible SH games.

Can you let me know if Downpour throws another SH2/Homecoming/SM plot twist? If the game doesn't have one I might actually rent it.

At best the game might be a decent rental for me.

I could really see this becoming a rental.

I'm renting it.

0rigins was actually pretty decent, sans the story which was kinda eh, and the laughable design of the final boss. Homecoming is the one true stinker.

True. But between a dog shit, human shit and homecoming, the game would still be the stinker. Easily the worst game I have ever completed. Listening to that Huelett podcast makes the game sound as a even bigger train wreck, what he described there was just... So dumb that I can't even understand anyone thinking that was a good idea.

Fuck that game and fuck me for being tricked into buying that piece of shit.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
True. But between a dog shit, human shit and homecoming, the game would still be the stinker. Easily the worst game I have ever completed. Listening to that Huelett podcast makes the game sound as a even bigger train wreck, what he described there was just... So dumb that I can't even understand anyone thinking that was a good idea.

Fuck that game and fuck me for being tricked into buying that piece of shit.

I had to read your post a couple of times to work out whether you were talking about 0rigins or Homecoming :lol 0rigins might not have been a particularly creative game, but I'm fine with that. It gave me old-school Silent Hill with a new twist on Valtiel/Pyramid Head, which is far more creative than what Double Helix did (take the Pyramid Head from the SH movie, rename him Bogeyman and put him in Homecoming just because).
Ok... 2 and a half hours of playing:

- The Combat really SUCKS!! the weakest among the series, Homecoming was decent why couldn't they take THAT and improve it??

- Oh wow, the controlling buttons... very clunky and there is no way that you could adjust them the way you want :\

BUT seriously the exploration and the atmosphere are amazing, very very enjoyable, this is the direction the series should stick with because they are the best at.


I had to read your post a couple of times to work out whether you were talking about 0rigins or Homecoming :lol 0rigins might not have been a particularly creative game, but I'm fine with that. It gave me old-school Silent Hill with a new twist on Valtiel/Pyramid Head, which is far more creative than what Double Helix did (take the Pyramid Head from the SH movie, rename him Bogeyman and put him in Homecoming just because).

I never really understood all the hate for Origins. It was a decent handheld title, can't really compare it to the first four. It followed the rules of the series and played it really safe. The whole weapons breaking never really bugged me.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I never really understood all the hate for Origins. It was a decent handheld title, can't really compare it to the first four. It followed the rules of the series and played it really safe. The whole weapons breaking never really bugged me.

The breakable weapons in 0rigins weren't that big a deal since the game let you lug around a ridiculous amount of weapons. By the end of the game I was carrying something like two drip stands, a TV, a typewriter and a file cabinet, plus firearms and some regular melee weapons. In some ways, I found 0rigins to be a better game than SH4.
I never really understood all the hate for Origins. It was a decent handheld title, can't really compare it to the first four. It followed the rules of the series and played it really safe. The whole weapons breaking never really bugged me.

Origins is the only Silent Hill I haven't played yet. I could never muster the enthusiasm to play it before, but after thoroughly adoring Climax's Shattered Memories I always wanted to check it out. Now I'm waiting until it becomes available on the PS store so that I can play it on my Vita. Seems like the most ideal way to experience the game.
Ok... 2 and a half hours of playing:

- The Combat really SUCKS!! the weakest among the series, Homecoming was decent why couldn't they take THAT and improve it??

- Oh wow, the controlling buttons... very clunky and there is no way that you could adjust them the way you want :\

BUT seriously the exploration and the atmosphere are amazing, very very enjoyable, this is the direction the series should stick with because they are the best at.
So, it's a silent hill game? Great!

I'm still holding out for pricedrop... Otherwise, I'd be there day 1 with you all. : (
Stupid hastings and their wrong advertisement.

Started replaying Homecoming this weekend after not having touched it since I got every ending when it released. There's definitely some things about it I like still (mostly the music and being able to fight better than other games), but it's got a lot of room for fixing that I hope Downpour pulls off well. It makes me sad seeing it and what it could have been (mostly from a visual standpoint). I know Downpour's not going to be the next Uncharted or something, but I am hopeful it will at least look leagues ahead of Homecoming.

I never really understood all the hate for Origins. It was a decent handheld title, can't really compare it to the first four. It followed the rules of the series and played it really safe. The whole weapons breaking never really bugged me.
My personal distaste of it comes from gameplay of "I can change between the worlds when I want to!" and just the mess it made with the story. Being able to switch back and forth felt like tedium instead of "oh man, I'm in this world, now this one!" The story should have either been focused on Travis or Alessa. They couldn't make up their minds, and both suffered as a result, in my opinion. Not to mention some conflicting moments in the events between it and SH1. I can understand some of it, since the dev process seems to have been a bit hectic, but it's easily my least favorite of the series.


I never really understood all the hate for Origins. It was a decent handheld title, can't really compare it to the first four. It followed the rules of the series and played it really safe. The whole weapons breaking never really bugged me.

1. Horribly uninspired level design (2 hospitals? really?)

2. Manual shift mechanic just means you'll be going through every area twice now instead of it actually being meaningful in any way

3. Travis has no reason to be there and no motivation/driving force keeping him there

4. While Homecoming's story shits on itself, Origins story shits all over Silent Hill 1 for no other reason than the guys writing it just didn't get it

5. Plot was just some weird mangled mish mash of Silent Hill 1 and Silent Hill 2

6. The gameplay was just eugh. Puzzles were rudimentary and safe while the combat was either really lazily implemented or not fully featured.

Origins is easily the worst game in the series imo.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Alright, something I want to comment on though not a very big deal. Since some may be curious, and since I'm sort of writing them down right now while looking at my map for song titles for the game rip, I decided to put together a location list in the game. You know how in Silent Hill games, they're usually split into general area 'groups' and then several miniature areas? Like how the first act of the first game is based around Midwich High School, sure you do other things, but that would be the game's first quarter? This game sort of follows that structure and I just sort of want to list it.

Act 1: Devil's Pit
Scene 1: Ryall's Prison (leads to the transfer out and bus crashing)
Scene 2: Dark Forest (after the crash, in the wilderness)
Scene 3: Diner (this has the first nightmare and enemies in the game)
Scene 4: Cable House
Scene 5: Cavern
Scene 6: Mine Museum

That would be the game's first 'act' really. After this you get into Silent Hill and are free to explore, but the goal is to ultimately go over to Hillside. This leads into the game's second act.

EDIT: Replaying it triggered my memory, it actually goes like:

Act 2: Centennial Building (working this one off memory a bit as I'm about to get to this point and play again on my second playthrough)
Scene 1: Apartments
Scene 2: Park
Scene 3: Police Station
Scene 4: Library
Scene 5: Centennial Building
Scene 6: Clock Tower

Some of those in Act 2 are optional areas though I believe, and there's some others. Act 3 is the Monatery, which also includes a theater, cemetery, crypt, and club. Then there's the Prison, which includes the bridge, Pleasent River, the recreational/dining hall, and such. Then there's finale...


I never really understood all the hate for Origins. It was a decent handheld title, can't really compare it to the first four. It followed the rules of the series and played it really safe. The whole weapons breaking never really bugged me.

It shat all over SH1. Camera was a problem, qtes, lame pyramid head doppleganger, music was meh, having control over the dark world didn't work all that well, story was a horrible attempt to do a SH1 backstory while shoehorning another "Man with a dark secret" plot and neither worked well..

I thought the motel and movie theatre were really cool locations, and shot down in flames is the only Yamaoka track I've really liked post SH4. Just wasn't enough to offset how dismissive and insulting it was to SH1, low fear factor, poor puzzles, etc.

Damn, it looks like I'm obligated to rent Downpour at this point. I'd actually be leaning closer to buy considering these walkthroughs if I didn't have to pay for grad school. I do have some issues with the game but seems to have a much more coherent vision and I like how it is doing its own thing. It feels like it uses SH as more of a jumping point. I think the low expectations have actually worked in the game's favor. Yamaoka isn't putting a out a painfully derivative score to capture that SH feel, they aren't trying to make SH1 better, the game isn't a glorified tech demo, they aren't latching onto the movie, and they aren't responsible for bring the series into the HD age. The game feels like its free to actually be different and and the execution is mostly pretty solid.

Downpour is easily better than Origins from what I've seen. Honestly the only SH game I hated more than origins was 4.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Dusk Golem, how much emphasis is there on fixed camera angles in Downpour?

Not too much. It happens occasionally, but it's mainly in closed-door places or the Otherworld, and such.

Also replaying this chapter triggered my memory and I had the order of Act 2 wrong a bit, so fixed.


You want impressions? Then MORE IMPRESSIONS

The game is not IN YOUR FACE, this is no Resident Evil no Dead Space, pacing (The time I've been playing, a good chunk) is methodically played, when a reveal is going to happen the game gives you hitns through a good amount of time (being sound effects -masterful sound design if you ask me- visual cues, the ocasional shadow...) the story is told through the surroundings, Silent Hill feels like a living city (or that it was, one day) murphy is a good character, you could empathize with him. It's intriguing that everyone seems to know what you did, but you don't, he seems like a good guy, I can't wait to reach the revelation.

About gameplay, it's the good ol' Silent Hill, refined a little, but not that much. And I love that.
Combat is not clunky (In a SH way), but it's not DMC obviously, the monsters are NOT obstacles here, they are HAZARDS. Weapon degradation is not annoying because almost everything is a weapon here. And again, combating is not the best way to face your monsters.
The game has a good deal of hollywood influences, but I think it counts in its favor. There's a sequence in a mine (that references a very known family of old times) that was.. terryfying, think a rollercaster ride, but in the worst of your nightmares, my heart almost bursts out of my chest, and then the ending of that scene... it was the bizarreness I LOVE from Silent Hill.
Cons? Murphy's hair could be better, and animations in general are not espectacular, also some screen tearing. but I think the magic in Silent Hill is that you can overcome those faults, it's not your eyes that are inmersed. It's your mind. And Jeez this game delivers.

Best SH since 3? ABSOLUTELY, and I'm not even half-trough it (because of sidequests... they are NOT what you think, it's not that you encounter a character and they give you a fetch quest.. they are introduced as I said before, slowly, setting the context, giving you hints, but never directions)

I'll post more if you want, or ask me I don't know, but BUY THIS GAME. It's the first TRUE survival horror this gen and it was made with heart, not looking for sales figures. It's about the message.

praise the lord.

Not playing this game at any other time than at night. The gameplay I've seen suggests a very slow, quiet, atmospheric game for the most part. I just wish my sound receiver hadn't shit out on me a few months ago. Shitty TV speakers will not do this justice.

me too man, me too. night time or nothin'.

this month is too much for me. Downpour, HD collection, and Book of Memories.
Not too much. It happens occasionally, but it's mainly in closed-door places or the Otherworld, and such.

Also replaying this chapter triggered my memory and I had the order of Act 2 wrong a bit, so fixed.

Thanks man. I suppose I should be thankful they're even in the game at all.


Dusk Golem, I just stumbled upon HOW you get to that location. It sounds like it's merely an easter egg and not vital/important to the story in any way, can you confirm?

If it really was just an easter egg (that you can miss), I won't feel that bad about clicking on it lol.

also, dusk golem, i don't think you answered this? i'd like to know :p


Yeah I guess that is why I enjoy the Silent Hill series so much. I really just focus on the feel of the world, environments and music. I like to really put myself into the protagonists shoes and get immersed in the whole experience. I really enjoyed both 4 and Origins at the time of their release (of course I liked the first 3 too). With 4 I had played it about a month after I moved out for college. Had my own place on the 3rd floor of an apartment. So in that way I really connected with Henry.

Then came Homecoming, which has harder for me to digest because of the way the world and environment felt. It felt more like alone in the dark or something. But I still beat it all the way through. The one I liked least was shattered memories even though I did complete it. The whole Icy environment and it just wasn't scary at all. The first five all had that psychological fear.

I guess that's why I sympathize with 4 and origins. They both had flaws but they maintained that horror feel that Silent Hill is known so well for. With future installments that's what I hope for everything on top of that is an added bonus.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
also, dusk golem, i don't think you answered this? i'd like to know :p

Oh, yeah it definitely is.
The only way you can get to it is if you have the hook and pull down a ladder in the Pearl Creek area. There's nostalgia before it though since the area and Room 302 nails it. However, you could beat the game without ever going to it.


I'm glad to hear the possitive impressions, Homecoming left me a really bad aftertaste it wasn't a really bad game but it really had a lot of problems.

I'll get the game when it gets cheap, before I wasn't even considering it.

This is a disgrace in every possible way, FUCK YOU Konami!
I know, its horrible.


I'm glad to hear the possitive impressions, Homecoming left me a really bad aftertaste it wasn't a really bad game but it really had a lot of problems.

I'll get the game when it gets cheap, before I wasn't even considering it.

This is a disgrace in every possible way, FUCK YOU Konami!

Was it ever confirmed thats the version that is shipping?

Also all these impressions...i'm going to give it a rent. Has Brandon snagged it yet?


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
Definitely. I already bought SH3 for PS2, have ordered 0rigins for PS2, and will get Downpour + SH4 and the Director's Cut version of SH2 for PS2. Konami shouldn't be rewarded for the HD collection. I might get it someday, but it'll be either a used copy, or after bomba pricedrops.

0rigins was actually pretty decent, sans the story which was kinda eh, and the laughable design of the final boss. Homecoming is the one true stinker.

why don't you get silent hill 1-4 on pc?
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