I'm so glad to have found this thread last night. Let me tell you my story.
This girl, whom I had a previous date before which went well, came this week to my city. We had been making plans to meet each other again and I was hinting that I liked her. Things like inviting her to see twilight, telling her that I wanted to see her and how attractive she was to me.
She followed this by saying that she really wanted to see me as well and that she was really glad that I found her attractive, so I was really looking forward to meet her again.
But shit happened with the person she was staying with so I offered my place for she and her friend to stay. This way I could spend more time with her.
But yesterday when we all went out to lunch this guy shows up and it was really obvious that they were dating, despite her efforts to hide/downplay it. Fortunately I was with one of my friends and since he couldn't lunch with us I made up an excuse and left with him.
She still had her shit in my place so I was thinking of talking to her about it and how it was not cool of her not telling me that she already had a dick. But she showed up with him and I didn't go forward with it.
Since that I haven't talked to her but 30 min ago she sent me this text:
"hey, so after gaining courage I wanted to ask... what happened?

I am in no hurry to reply to this, it already made me happy enough because it means I have the chance to say the stuff that I couldn't yesterday. I am thinking about calling her and be super straight to the point. Is this a good idea?