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Sleeping Dogs |OT| not releasing this would have been a True Crime


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Just saw my snobby little post on the first page... I don't know why I even bothered to post that.

Anyways, consoleGAF: How does this game hold up on the 360?

And to anyone else: How does Sleeping Dogs stack up next to Saints Row 3 and GTAIV? Are there any glaring flaws in this game? How are the side missions and all the optional stuff? Is there a good amount of variety in the side missions?

I'm looking for a good open world game that is going to keep me occupied for a while. Sorry for asking so many questions at once. I'm considering picking up this game over the weekend.


Just saw my snobby little post on the first page... I don't know why I even bothered to post that.

Anyways, consoleGAF: How does this game hold up on the 360?

And to anyone else: How does Sleeping Dogs stack up next to Saints Row 3 and GTAIV? Are there any glaring flaws in this game? How are the side missions and all the optional stuff? Is there a good amount of variety in the side missions?

I'm looking for a good open world game that is going to keep me occupied for a while. Sorry for asking so many questions at once. I'm considering picking up this game over the weekend.

I like SD more than SR3, but that may be because of my bias towards all things Hong Kong and because I was not a huge fan of the humor in SR3. The world in SD seems far more alive than SR3, and kind of on par with GTAIV from what I remember of it.

Side missions get repetitive but it helps that the combat is fun. There are some side stuff that I didn't bother to do after the first time though like hijacking certain vehicles and driving them to am impound lot thing.
Just saw my snobby little post on the first page... I don't know why I even bothered to post that.

Anyways, consoleGAF: How does this game hold up on the 360?

And to anyone else: How does Sleeping Dogs stack up next to Saints Row 3 and GTAIV? Are there any glaring flaws in this game? How are the side missions and all the optional stuff? Is there a good amount of variety in the side missions?

I'm looking for a good open world game that is going to keep me occupied for a while. Sorry for asking so many questions at once. I'm considering picking up this game over the weekend.

I hated SR3, so I'm not the best person to compare the two. Didn't care for GTA4 either except for the driving and the rock/talk radio stations. On 360 it appears that the framerate is locked in around 30 during gameplay, and doesn't waver much at all from that. In cutscenes the framerate is bad at times, but obviously it doesnt affect gameplay. Side missions range from repetitive to interesting. Unless you count the cop stuff as side missions, in which case some are great. It's an extremely addictive game with a well-told story running on a very solid engine.


I think this is the first open world game where I could be content just doing the main story and the Officer Teng side quests.


Some of the helping people tasks are good, but the other side stuff is pretty repetitive.

Yeah, some are good and funny like helping
the guy who seriously needs to learn how to drive
. A few are kind of bleh like the
"bonk! I took your money and now I'm going to run myself into a dead end" quests.

Mr Swine

Just bought the game and installed it on steam, won't start or anything. Is this a widespread problem? I really want to play the game :(


Colleague played the demo and told me he is very disappointed after he was hyped so much. Is the demo not good?

Yeah, i didn't think it was a great demo. First mission is an early chase and fight, that's nothing much to write home about. The second mission is taken from a little bit ahead of the game, but they just use the first half of it, which is some more combat and gunplay.

It's not an awful demo, but it just makes the game feel like some brawler. It really doesn't give a good impression at all, of what type of game it is or what makes it so good.



Sorry for being a few days late, but omg @ this gif. Who's is this? And what specs were they running?

leng jai

Sorry for being a few days late, but omg @ this gif. Who's is this? And what specs were they running?

That's what Sleeping Dogs looks like on max (besides AA). Probably need a 570GTX and a decent CPU but that's a pretty standard gaming rig these days.

EDIT: well that's note even max and it still looks sexy.
i didn't get why (near end game)
after saving Jackie from being freaking buried alive!, Wei just casually let him go home. I mean did they not grasp the situation or what? and then the very next mission Jacki is dead, made his rescue kind of useless :(


q6600 at 3.0ghz
2Gb Ram
ATI 4850 512Mb

running at medium settings at 1280x720 if I recall.

The game looks way better with a beefy rig.

The jacked up thing is I have a brand new laptop with an i7, 16GB RAM, and a 7970M graphics card and I also have to run it in 720p on medium. I think something is wrong with my laptop. I was told it would be capable of "high" settings at 1080p for nearly all current releases.
The jacked up thing is I have a brand new laptop with an i7, 16GB RAM, and a 7970M graphics card and I also have to run it in 720p on medium. I think something is wrong with my laptop. I was told it would be capable of "high" settings at 1080p for nearly all current releases.

Jep AMD fucked up Enduro they are looking into it they said on twitter but amd being amd it will take like half a year or so. You are now running the game on crippled 7970m or the intel HD4000 integrated graphics card.


Wow. Game looks gorgeous.

It does.
I'd say the only thing that doesn't look very good are the more natural areas, they don't look natural at all and compared to the more urban pieces of the city, which are gorgeous, they come off as fake, like they're a set for a commercial.
It's literally just a few spots though, so not a big deal.


Nork unification denier
Love the sound design work in this game. If you're standing under an overpass you can hear the sounds of trucks and other vehicles going over the seams of the road above you. Those little touches.


Just saw my snobby little post on the first page... I don't know why I even bothered to post that.

Anyways, consoleGAF: How does this game hold up on the 360?

And to anyone else: How does Sleeping Dogs stack up next to Saints Row 3 and GTAIV? Are there any glaring flaws in this game? How are the side missions and all the optional stuff? Is there a good amount of variety in the side missions?

I'm looking for a good open world game that is going to keep me occupied for a while. Sorry for asking so many questions at once. I'm considering picking up this game over the weekend.
I would say its not as good as either saints row or gta. The story is pretty poor and the moment to moment gameplay is pretty dull. Best part about it is the fighting imo. Have you played the other two already? If not i would take either of them over sd.


I would say its not as good as either saints row or gta. The story is pretty poor and the moment to moment gameplay is pretty dull. Best part about it is the fighting imo. Have you played the other two already? If not i would take either of them over sd.

I would say you are wrong


I'd take Sleeping Dogs over SR. And I like that SD is a more focused effort than GTA IV.

It's not like SR and GTA IV had other than mediocre stories. GTA IV's story wasn't even that fun and the characters are a lot more likeable en believable in SD than in GTA IV in general.
Just saw my snobby little post on the first page... I don't know why I even bothered to post that.

Anyways, consoleGAF: How does this game hold up on the 360?

And to anyone else: How does Sleeping Dogs stack up next to Saints Row 3 and GTAIV? Are there any glaring flaws in this game? How are the side missions and all the optional stuff? Is there a good amount of variety in the side missions?

I'm looking for a good open world game that is going to keep me occupied for a while. Sorry for asking so many questions at once. I'm considering picking up this game over the weekend.

only play a little bit of SR3 so can't really compare the gameplay much, I'll just say the setting and tone of SR3 is not too my liking and it affect my enjoyment of the game.

compared to GTA, SD isn't as big or have as many thing to do in it, GTA also have much more variety in it's city design while areas in SD can appear a bit similar sometimes. that said, the core gameplay in SD is imo, much more solid and fun than GTA.

Sleeping Dogs is the kind of games that I can play multiple times just because the core gameplay and missions are much more fun and exciting. it has that Uncharted or GoW quality that make me beat the games 3 or 4 times in the end. when I beat GTA, I just stay in the city, fool around, play sidequest etc. in Sleeping Dogs, after I beat the game, I want to start a new game again just to experience it again.


Just saw my snobby little post on the first page... I don't know why I even bothered to post that.

Anyways, consoleGAF: How does this game hold up on the 360?

And to anyone else: How does Sleeping Dogs stack up next to Saints Row 3 and GTAIV? Are there any glaring flaws in this game? How are the side missions and all the optional stuff? Is there a good amount of variety in the side missions?

I'm looking for a good open world game that is going to keep me occupied for a while. Sorry for asking so many questions at once. I'm considering picking up this game over the weekend.

It stacks up well against those two titles. Aside from a few memorable missions in SR3 and in GTA IV, there is not much mission variety aside from Drive To Point A, Kill Enemies. Sleeping Dogs has many multi-tiered missions where you might be racing, following someone, fighting, shooting, free-running in an on foot chase, etc. It mixes those up well, it reminds me more of how SR2s missions were structured.

Compared to both of those games, to me Sleeping Dogs manages to balance the tone of the game better than either GTAIV or SR3. SR3 was trying to hard to be wacky, while GTAIV was trying too hard to be serious. In Sleeping Dogs, the tone of the plot is serious (and well done), but the missions are full of over-the-top action.

There are a bunch of side missions to do for random people on the street, all of them usually focused on different aspects of the game, like one guy always asking you to be a getaway driver and so on. There are a number of hidden objects in the game to find, and both finding these and completing additional objectives and finding these give bonuses, like cash, clothes, health, etc. There is a decent amount of side stuff to do.

As far as cons to the game, there are some but they are few. Graphically it looks great in some spots, and rough in others. Sometimes the lipsynching for NPCs during cutscenes is way off. Some NPCs look good, others look just okay. The chickens for the cockfighting (on the Xbox) look pretty bad. Mechanically I suffered no glitches or issues, aside from once appearing on top of a car after a load, and a hard freeze when replaying a mission.

The plot took me about 19 hours to complete, including getting over 60% of the side stuff done or collected. However I took a cab to a lot of the mission objective markers instead of driving.

While I'd easily recommend the game, if you are looking for an open world game to kill a lot of time with and have not yet played Just Cause 2, go do that first.


Why the fuck is this thread on Page 4?

This is just typical, I am just at the beginning of a game and GAF is moving on....



Plane Escape Torment
So I tried the demo on Steam and while I can max out the game at 60fps, I have to say that the mouse support is horrible. Had they implemented better kb+mouse support I would've definitely been willing to purchase this game at full price. In the demo, there is a massive amount of mouse input lag where the camera would continue moving for quite some time after I stop the mouse movement. Furthermore, the character responds sluggishly and strangely to keyboard input for movement; I would for example run forward and try to suddenly run backwards and the character would start running toi the side instead of doing a 180....


I would bang a hot farmer!
I got the Platinum today. There were some funny glitches where I went flying for no reason and there was slow down when it rained but other than that I really liked it. Took me just over 32 hours to get everything because I had to replay a few mission to get better scores in order to max out my Triad level. Also, I wasn't paying attention to the Stat awards while playing so I had a bunch of them to do at the end.


Gold Member
The HKLUB radio channel has some awesome beats.

I just hit the 20-hour playtime mark and I'm still only at 52% story progression. I love cruising around and beating up thugs.
What's up with this game randomly taking handguns away from you?

I had one, I got a spontaneous/dynamic mission where I had to chase a guy, later I tried to pull out my gun and it was gone. Now I've got a save game at the end of the game and no gun which severely limits my screwing around ability.

Is there anywhere other than a lockbox (because I got them all already) I can get a pistol?

Just saw my snobby little post on the first page... I don't know why I even bothered to post that.

Anyways, consoleGAF: How does this game hold up on the 360?

And to anyone else: How does Sleeping Dogs stack up next to Saints Row 3 and GTAIV? Are there any glaring flaws in this game? How are the side missions and all the optional stuff? Is there a good amount of variety in the side missions?

I'm looking for a good open world game that is going to keep me occupied for a while. Sorry for asking so many questions at once. I'm considering picking up this game over the weekend.
Runs fine on the 360. Better than GTA IV, perhaps not quite as good as Saints Row 3 but close in many regards. Has a more interesting city too. Good side missions. Overall I think I logged about 30 hours in it, with some small stuff still left to do.


What's up with this game randomly taking handguns away from you?

It's UFG's way of forcing the player to focus on the martial arts combat system. IMO it's dumb, it's anathema to sandbox gameplay design philosophy. They should have trusted themselves to do the martial arts well enough and make it fun enough that the player would have chosen to use it often even if they had a gun on them at all times.
It's UFG's way of forcing the player to focus on the martial arts combat system. IMO it's dumb, it's anathema to sandbox gameplay design philosophy. They should have trusted themselves to do the martial arts well enough and make it fun enough that the player would have chosen to use it often even if they had a gun on them at all times.
I figured it was something like that. Pretty lame. I can see maybe taking it away from you for story missions, but it should never be taken away from you when you're out in the world just trying to have a good time.

UFG this is my frowny face, I am directing it at you: >=(


It stacks up well against those two titles. Aside from a few memorable missions in SR3 and in GTA IV, there is not much mission variety aside from Drive To Point A, Kill Enemies. Sleeping Dogs has many multi-tiered missions where you might be racing, following someone, fighting, shooting, free-running in an on foot chase, etc. It mixes those up well, it reminds me more of how SR2s missions were structured.

Compared to both of those games, to me Sleeping Dogs manages to balance the tone of the game better than either GTAIV or SR3. SR3 was trying to hard to be wacky, while GTAIV was trying too hard to be serious. In Sleeping Dogs, the tone of the plot is serious (and well done), but the missions are full of over-the-top action.

There are a bunch of side missions to do for random people on the street, all of them usually focused on different aspects of the game, like one guy always asking you to be a getaway driver and so on. There are a number of hidden objects in the game to find, and both finding these and completing additional objectives and finding these give bonuses, like cash, clothes, health, etc. There is a decent amount of side stuff to do.

As far as cons to the game, there are some but they are few. Graphically it looks great in some spots, and rough in others. Sometimes the lipsynching for NPCs during cutscenes is way off. Some NPCs look good, others look just okay. The chickens for the cockfighting (on the Xbox) look pretty bad. Mechanically I suffered no glitches or issues, aside from once appearing on top of a car after a load, and a hard freeze when replaying a mission.

The plot took me about 19 hours to complete, including getting over 60% of the side stuff done or collected. However I took a cab to a lot of the mission objective markers instead of driving.

While I'd easily recommend the game, if you are looking for an open world game to kill a lot of time with and have not yet played Just Cause 2, go do that first.

This post sums up almost exactly how i feel too. Rather than write out something similar and inferior, thought i'd just drop one of these.



Really wondering when the mods will come for this game. 1st ones I want to be are the ones that replaces the cars in this game with real ones.


What's up with this game randomly taking handguns away from you?

I had one, I got a spontaneous/dynamic mission where I had to chase a guy, later I tried to pull out my gun and it was gone. Now I've got a save game at the end of the game and no gun which severely limits my screwing around ability.

Is there anywhere other than a lockbox (because I got them all already) I can get a pistol?

Runs fine on the 360. Better than GTA IV, perhaps not quite as good as Saints Row 3 but close in many regards. Has a more interesting city too. Good side missions. Overall I think I logged about 30 hours in it, with some small stuff still left to do.

If you are near the end of the game, you should have a high enough cop level to have the ability that allows you to get guns from the trunk of any cop car. If you do not have this ability a couple of drug busts should get you there easy. Aside from that there are few spots with enemies that respawn with guns that just hang out.
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