Did you load your save or merely choose continue, which I believe loads the last CPU save point. I've stopped auto-loading at bootup and started choosing my save to make sure I got back to where I saved. Something is definitely amiss with their checkpoint system, but I can't figure out what exactly.
Decided to pick this up today and have to say its amazing. havnt had this much fun with a game in awhile. The combat system and animation are incredible for an open world game, getting in brawls and throwing people in front of cars is so much fun. The vehicle controls are a blast, and remind me of burnout in away when your getting chased by cops. And I cant believe how good the story, voice work, and soundtrack are.
The glitches in this game can be really hilarious. I punched a group of guys and one freaked out and ran but got stuck in crate. Stood there running in place screaming. I ran at him a bunch of times with running kicks, but he kept getting back up. Finally finished him off with a crowbar to the head.
Finding the right clothing to give you bonuses is pretty inconvenient. Stores aren't named on the map and have very haphazard selections inside. I still haven't found pants that give me a 5% police bonus.
the pants are, iirc, in one of the shops scattered to the north/northwest of the nightmarket, sorry can't remember name of area or which one right now. I just ended getting taxis to all the clothing stores till i found them.
Yeah, that's it. Though you do get a report on her, and if you read it you'll find
she spends a lot of personal time with a lot of Asian men. She has a flavour.
From what I've gathered it's a bit deceptive. There's only one mission, High Speed, and it's the yellow shield on your map. It's simply a chase along the highway where you must defend the driver against bad dudes as he makes his way to the finish. You've got an awesome armoured cop outfit and a machine gun, and the cop car itself is unlike the usual ones.
I've finished it maybe four times now and all it does is reward you with money and cop points. You could theoretically grind for XP, but that's it. Doesn't seem to unlock the car, gun or outfit for general use. Which is a shame, as the armoured outfit is cool.
Finished, little over 15 hours. End game got a little too shootery and I didn't like how the they kept introducing characters and then discarding them after like one mission. Aside from that, most fun I've had with an open world game since Just Cause 2; so much potential shown here, I expect a fantastic sequel out of these guys.
Yes, the green markers are the "story missions". There are times when there are no green markers and you'll have to do one of the blue cop missions in order to advance.
Yes, the green markers are the "story missions". There are times when there are no green markers and you'll have to do one of the blue cop missions in order to advance.
I see. Early on I had blue/green to choose from, so I did blue. Once that completed, the green disappeared. I felt like it was a this or that mission choice. I understand now. Thanks!
Yes, the green markers are the "story missions". There are times when there are no green markers and you'll have to do one of the blue cop missions in order to advance.
I've only encountered one glitch so far, which was the cellhpone popping up constantly on its own without me pressing up on the d-pad. Easily rectified by reloading the game, though.
do Tran and Roland errands ever end? ive read that they do but I must have done like 30 of Tran's ones and he keeps asking for stuff every time I call him..
edit: oh nevermind, they just ended. That's a ton of them
do Tran and Roland errands ever end? ive read that they do but I must have done like 30 of Tran's ones and he keeps asking for stuff every time I call him..
edit: oh nevermind, they just ended. That's a ton of them
Wait, Tran has a limited amount of cars to jack? I thought it'd be unlimited seeing as he could just ask for anything (randomized) and it would be a more reliable moneymaker than gambling/cock fights.
Wait, Tran has a limited amount of cars to jack? I thought it'd be unlimited seeing as he could just ask for anything (randomized) and it would be a more reliable moneymaker than gambling/cock fights.
Thank fuck they fixed the tailgating bug. Having the game whine about me losing my target when they're five meters in front of me was so annoying.
Also, realised the soundtrack has Opeth. Brilliant. Also, does anybody else get a Midnight Club vibe from the street races? The neon lights, smoky reds, stupid speeds. Love it.
Game continues to amaze me. If there's one thing I'm not fond of it's that fight clubs don't seem to mark as 'complete' or anything. Everything else, missions and races and what not, seem to disappear from the map once you've finished. I guess they allow you to replay fights for the sake of fun, but the anal completionist in me wants to mark them off.
this actually annoys me with the yellow emblem ones. "Triad Highway" and "death by a thousand cuts" or something like that. There's no objective to them, they are always there, not mark as completed, and they never end.
And Dream Theater! The radio stations actually have some good metal for once, unlike GTA. Although I do miss the hilarious satirical talkback stations from the GTA series.
I apologize if it's been asked before, but on PC, is the stutter when driving high speeds a feature or actually stuttering? Or is it meant to be like Saints Row, GTA etc.
I feel that people who don't know Cantonese aren't really getting the full experience. I recall on one mission (
a mid-game one that gets Jackie arrested, I think
), there was this rap blasting in the background that had themes of brotherhood and betrayal.
Then again, for non-Cantonese speakers, the suspension of disbelief wouldn't be ruined every time this random npc girl talks in heavily accented Cantonese about how she doesn't like fat guys.
I would love if they allowed the full Cantonese to come through; it's a bit like Yakuza 1 with me. The dub was 'good', but nothing to write home about. I would much rather have it in its original, local language to really add to the details.
I apologize if it's been asked before, but on PC, is the stutter when driving high speeds a feature or actually stuttering? Or is it meant to be like Saints Row, GTA etc.
There's a weird shaky cam/stuttering effect when hitting high speeds that a lot of people don't seem to like. I don't mind it at all, but I can see why others would prefer it off as it does look kind of weird.
The only time I get stuttering is during the day in the more open, larger parts of the map. Like Central, I think. North Point runs consistently without a hitch no matter what, but midday Central and near the ocean I get this weird jerky stutter. Soon as night hits, or it rains, the stutter goes away. The stutter is also far more obvious when on foot than in a vehicle. Due to the time of day (night and rain mute the lighting) I figure it's a lighting issue.