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So Sony did not give Jahtzee (Zero Punctuation) a review copy of Ratchet & Clank because they don't like his style.


To everyone thinking that's fine. Are you fucking dumb or what? You don't know that only reviews that count are reviews published on launch. Who wants to read/watch review of game released month before. Sony is making sure that every review available in times when most of profit from games is made to be as positive as possible by any means including silencing people whose reviews tone they don't like. That's indefensible.
To everyone thinking that's fine. Are you fucking dumb or what? You don't know that only reviews that count are reviews published on launch. Who wants to read/watch review of game released month before. Sony is making sure that every review available in times when most of profit from games is made to be as positive as possible by any means including silencing people whose reviews tone they don't like. That's indefensible.

Equating this as an act of silencing is dumb as fuck dude

Get a clue
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To everyone thinking that's fine. Are you fucking dumb or what? You don't know that only reviews that count are reviews published on launch. Who wants to read/watch review of game released month before. Sony is making sure that every review available in times when most of profit from games is made to be as positive as possible by any means including silencing people whose reviews tone they don't like. That's indefensible.
What the fuck was this?


Gold Member
To everyone thinking that's fine. Are you fucking dumb or what? You don't know that only reviews that count are reviews published on launch. Who wants to read/watch review of game released month before. Sony is making sure that every review available in times when most of profit from games is made to be as positive as possible by any means including silencing people whose reviews tone they don't like. That's indefensible.
The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air Slap GIF
Sony PR is a dumpster fire anyway - per Colin Moriarty. I also would trust reviewers more if they paid for the games out of their own pockets.
To everyone thinking that's fine. Are you fucking dumb or what? You don't know that only reviews that count are reviews published on launch. Who wants to read/watch review of game released month before. Sony is making sure that every review available in times when most of profit from games is made to be as positive as possible by any means including silencing people whose reviews tone they don't like. That's indefensible.
I hope you're not this stupid in real life.
They are the ones not wanting the edgy reviewer to have their approval.
Indie games have more confidence than that.
Little dick insecure bitch Sony on full swing.

Does your rule apply to everyone or only this guy? Does every publishe owe every reviewer on the planet a review copy of every game? If I go start a review site/channel and begin requesting review copies of games, is anyone who denies me a copy an "insecure bitch?"


To everyone thinking that's fine. Are you fucking dumb or what? You don't know that only reviews that count are reviews published on launch. Who wants to read/watch review of game released month before. Sony is making sure that every review available in times when most of profit from games is made to be as positive as possible by any means including silencing people whose reviews tone they don't like. That's indefensible.

Hello there. I’ve worked in PR for twenty years, including for consumer products that are often handed out to reviewers for their unbiased opinion.

There is no law, regulation or rule that requires a company to provide its product for consumer review (this is obviously very different from reviews from official bodies to check the product’s safety).

Sony are free to provide their games to whoever they damn well please. I have often avoided sending products to certain review sites because it didn’t seem like a good idea for the product’s launch - this includes avoiding reviewers who are likely to be negative.

Reviewers aren’t owed jack shit. Businesses aren’t required to have their product reviewed before release - however, all do, because reviews provide free publicity, in a world where marketing budgets can balloon horrifically.

But fuck me son, not providing free review products isn’t silencing anybody. What dumb ass world do you live in? Yahtzee can get off his arse and buy his own copy.

A lot of YouTubers have decided they are a lot more important than they actually fucking are.
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This thread is a bit of a minefield of shit takes.

Either people are pretending not to know one of the biggest gaming reviewers on the internet who has been doing it for damn near 15 years I'd say because they don't want to admit Sony did something stupid or
all of a sudden not being a fan of his content because they don't want to admit that Sony did something stupid.
Or pretending to not understand how review work in general because they don't want to admit that Sony did something stupid.


Not giving Yathzee a review copy is petty simple as.

It's not like he isn't going to review the game anyway whether you give him the game or not and now you have drawn attention to it by refusing him a copy.
Yathzee has been doing his shtick for years upon years, so to suddenly have an issue with it now is like someone now having an issue with South Park or Family Guy these days.
It comes off as petty and out of touch.

Anyway I watched the video and he said he enjoyed the game and defended it in several areas. It's not like his reviews are counted towards any Metacritic score, he's just a comedy reviewer. Remember when we used to laugh?


Gold Member
A lot of YouTubers have decided they are a lot more important than they actually fucking are.

Then you have their fans who become so brain-rotted by HateTube and watching grifters who's entire career is to hate on things that it pollutes their minds and it spills over into forum posts defending the HateTuber when they don't get their ass kisses by normal people or companies that don't want their products dragged through the mud for monetized views.


Or you don’t and watch the video for free.

Boy, you really are determined to defend Yahtzee, aren’t you? If he is asking subscribers for MONEY TO WATCH A VIDEO EARLY, he is being hypocritical to moan about having to pay actual full price for the game. After all, by your logic, he can just wait and buy it a lot cheaper in a few months, can’t he?

You can’t bitch about having to buy a product for a review, if you’re also selling that review to others.
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To everyone thinking that's fine. Are you fucking dumb or what? You don't know that only reviews that count are reviews published on launch. Who wants to read/watch review of game released month before. Sony is making sure that every review available in times when most of profit from games is made to be as positive as possible by any means including silencing people whose reviews tone they don't like. That's indefensible.
Sometimes i say some really dumb shite, but today, i am happy to announce, it's not me at the top of the leaderboard.

Really dude lol. "lollipop_disappointed:

G Boaty

Boy, you really are determined to defend Yahtzee, aren’t you? If he is asking subscribers for MONEY TO WATCH A VIDEO EARLY, he is being hypocritical to moan about having to pay actual full price for the game. After all, by your logic, he can just wait and buy it a lot cheaper in a few months, can’t he?

You can’t bitch about having to buy a product for a review, if you’re also selling that review to others.

Im defending him by pointing out you can watch the video for free?
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Probably one of the most-watched reviewers on the internet, huge influence in gaming.

For example, the term Glorious PC Master race was from his Witcher review.
Statistics proves otherwise. https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/theescapistmagazine/videos

Entitled fucking shitbags who cry in media for not getting free shit and then they set their fans pile on company X (or they just do it themselves for their hero because perhaps one day, he will like their comment or whatever, perhaps reply to a tweet.
I hope he never ever gets a game for free again. Zero Punctuation is a relic of the past and not relevant today nor is he or was he a huge influence in gaming. Oh and Glorious PC Master race is fucking stupid and just fuels the entire console / pc-war.

I know who he is, i've watches his movies, i laughed at them... when he was relevant in like 2010-2015. got boring really fast as its just spewing his schtick and it may hold some value as comedy, but not as a reviewer.

100% with ANY company not wanting to send copies to everyone who think they deserves one.


What a stupid comment..................

.....................fits in line with the OP and the idea of the thread.
Was there any doubt which way Mike was going to lean. He's been waging a private jihad against Sony for years. Anything Playstation related you will usually see snark and downplay.

In before, i own this many random PS games, or I have a random system so i can't be bias bullshit rebuttal.

Handy Fake

By the by, it's The Escapist's channel, not Yahtzee's.
Daresay he gets paid a wage, The Escapist gets the Youtube revenue.

Handy Fake

Also Zero Punctuation is cynical as fuck. I suspect there'll be a fair few folk don't want to give him free review copies, hehe.


This thread is a bit of a minefield of shit takes.

Either people are pretending not to know one of the biggest gaming reviewers on the internet who has been doing it for damn near 15 years I'd say because they don't want to admit Sony did something stupid or
all of a sudden not being a fan of his content because they don't want to admit that Sony did something stupid.
Or pretending to not understand how review work in general because they don't want to admit that Sony did something stupid.


Not giving Yathzee a review copy is petty simple as.

It's not like he isn't going to review the game anyway whether you give him the game or not and now you have drawn attention to it by refusing him a copy.
Yathzee has been doing his shtick for years upon years, so to suddenly have an issue with it now is like someone now having an issue with South Park or Family Guy these days.
It comes off as petty and out of touch.

Anyway I watched the video and he said he enjoyed the game and defended it in several areas. It's not like his reviews are counted towards any Metacritic score, he's just a comedy reviewer. Remember when we used to laugh?
You assume that any particular YT outside of the mainstream names like Pewdiepie or the Paul idiots are known by anyone in the general public? There are billions of people with YT access, and you'd be lucky to find a few million people who know of this guy. To put it in perspective, Pewdiepie might be the biggest name by far on YT, and most of the people I know (all engineers or coders) will never have heard of him. Let that sink in for a moment. I personally have never watched even a single second of any content he's made. I know of him from news articles and the Reddit front page.

Also, no one should care about any reviewers not receiving review codes. I don't care it's Sony, CDPR, or any company not giving codes. Buy a fucking copy of the game, and review it yourself, if it's such a big deal. I'm not going to care about you not getting free shit. I'm not built like that, and I don't think many people are.

Whatever free publicity he gets, will be meaningless to Sony. They have a business to run, and they have their own guidelines to follow. I'm in the fortunate position of not caring what other people have to say about a game or movie. I do my own research based on general gamer/viewer feedback, and I form my own opinions on what I play or see. I've never not bought a game because it reviewed poorly. I've never not watched a movie because it reviewed poorly. Why should someone else dictate my decisions? I never get buyer's remorse, because I don't buy things I'm unsure about, and I get enjoyment out of most forms of entertainment. Even bad games have enjoyable moments, but I haven't bought any games I'd consider to be bad. If I'm unsure about it, I'd rent it first.


I love how the reaction by many seems to be attack the reviewer styles vs find a problem with Sony more or less blacklisting certain reviewers because they don't like that their reviews can point out flaws often in a vocal critical way even when final review may still net positive. I mean isn't that basically what Sony is saying here... "Don't trash our games faults or face consequences"?

On the flip side , isn't this one of the biggest problems in the review industry in general?? I honestly think it would be better if every reviewer/site had to pay for their copies of games and not be given them. That would go a long way to eliminate any kind of favorable treatment Or feeling that you are somehow required to be complimentary in your review and/or feel the need to find the positives to continue to receive free review codes.

I also do understand that by giving out review codes indeed developers are able to get exposure to games that would never get bought by mainstream and/or 2nd tier reviewers. It does have a function of exposure/marketing PR For those that don't have the big budgets.

So....back to square one. I personally think Sony should just allow/give access to all reviewers of certain thresholds and not try to handpick who gets to because they may not like said reviewer styles, etc.

Handy Fake

I thought he owned part of the company
Couldn't tell you chief. Even so, the Patreon is regarding the actual site and all its content. I was just skulking through reading folk saying it's all about his videos, which it isn't is all.
Quite frankly I'm a huge fan of his but I can understand people not "getting" him. He's a cynical, un-PC Yorkshireman.*:D

*I'd surmise Wakefield-way going by when his accent slips. ;)


I don't like Yahtzee either, but to deny him of review copy cause you don't like his style just sounds like Sony didn't want anyone to be mean to their game (which Yahtzee always is to all games).


I love how the reaction by many seems to be attack the reviewer styles vs find a problem with Sony more or less blacklisting certain reviewers because they don't like that their reviews can point out flaws often in a vocal critical way even when final review may still net positive. I mean isn't that basically what Sony is saying here... "Don't trash our games faults or face consequences"?

On the flip side , isn't this one of the biggest problems in the review industry in general?? I honestly think it would be better if every reviewer/site had to pay for their copies of games and not be given them. That would go a long way to eliminate any kind of favorable treatment Or feeling that you are somehow required to be complimentary in your review and/or feel the need to find the positives to continue to receive free review codes.

I also do understand that by giving out review codes indeed developers are able to get exposure to games that would never get bought by mainstream and/or 2nd tier reviewers. It does have a function of exposure/marketing PR For those that don't have the big budgets.

So....back to square one. I personally think Sony should just allow/give access to all reviewers of certain thresholds and not try to handpick who gets to because they may not like said reviewer styles, etc.

OR, Perhaps company X games doesn't want their game to be "reviewed" and the "review" is pretty much.
"yeah so this game and when I walked into and then something about having chrons disease or getting fucked in the ass by a hobo or a bucket of cum on your face.. to explain that there was a feature he didnt like or decided to nitpick on.

I dunno, could be that simple!

And no, company X shouldn't just hand out hand out copies to anyone who are a selfproclaimed "journalist" or a "reviewer". 100% unmanageable. What would the criteria be to get a copy? Who sets it? can you overrule it?

The square one is: Company X is free to do as they want with their products and if you bitch about not getting X for free. Fucking buy it if you want it cunt (not calling you a cunt, calling the people who bitch about freebies cunts)

If they (company X) decide they just want to give them to girls with mongolian / italian decent, 21-23.4 years old, between 155 and 157 cm tall and with parents who are at least 10 years apart in age but no mor than 11.6 years. Also they can't have blond hair. they should be allowed to do so without anyone sending a hatestorm on the internet about it.

Its their fucking company.


The statistics prove that he produced ~ 50 videos with 2 million views or more and even more with 1 million and more.

The dude alone has the same amount views as Kotaku and Polygon combined on youtube.

Entitled fucking shitbags who cry in media for not getting free shit and then they set their fans pile on company X (or they just do it themselves for their hero because perhaps one day, he will like their comment or whatever, perhaps reply to a tweet.

He is not taking away your PS5, don't worry it will be save on your shrine. Sony is great, Sony is awesome. Don't worry all is good.

I hope he never ever gets a game for free again. Zero Punctuation is a relic of the past and not relevant today nor is he or was he a huge influence in gaming. Oh and Glorious PC Master race is fucking stupid and just fuels the entire console / pc-war.

All is good, he can't hurt you. Here is a picture of a kitten.

sleepy kitten GIF
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This thread is a bit of a minefield of shit takes.

Either people are pretending not to know one of the biggest gaming reviewers on the internet who has been doing it for damn near 15 years I'd say because they don't want to admit Sony did something stupid or
all of a sudden not being a fan of his content because they don't want to admit that Sony did something stupid.
Or pretending to not understand how review work in general because they don't want to admit that Sony did something stupid.
Or some people really don't know who he is. Lol why is this a hard concept for some of you to understand. Not everyone watches the same dry "comedy" as you.
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