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So Sony did not give Jahtzee (Zero Punctuation) a review copy of Ratchet & Clank because they don't like his style.


How dare you not have at least 641 viewers and 400 comments. Utter failures can't have commentary or opinions on things. If a doctor cut off your arm during a colonoscopy you certainly wouldn't have the gall to call him bad at his job, would you? It's not like YOU'RE a surgeon. FIE! The nerve.
Lmao, I used to love Yahtzee, just like the majority did several years ago. I just honestly didn't know he was still doing his thing, or had a following. I just didn't keep up. 🤷‍♂️

Good on him!
Rightfully so cause


is Jahtzee
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What time is it?
Fixed so maybe you will start to understand.

Go on professor. Please sign me up to your newsletter and I'd love to take your introductory course on the blatantly obvious.

No shit it is Sony's prerogative to not give review copies to an outlet anymore just like it is the review outlets prerogative to tell their audience why their coverage is delayed.
If you’re sending out free software, why would you send it to someone that might trash it? That is Sony’s prerogative. However, it just goes to show why no one should trust any of these stupid reviewers.


Neo Member
I was shocked and appalled to learn this reviewer, who I've never heard of, did in fact NOT receive a review copy for a game by evil corporation Sony. WOW and this coming off the heels of some indie developers who I've never heard of complaining about Sony's indie support. I decided to take drastic measures and throw my PS5 into the ocean never to support that vile company ever again!!!!


I don’t understand what’s the big deal, just buy it and review it, it doesn’t go sour like milk if you’re a little late. 🤷‍♂️
My current GOTY btw.
I generally like Yahtzee's content, however, calling what he does a "review" is being a bit generous.
This is pretty much where I fall on this. ZP is mostly satire and shouldn't be taken seriously as an actual review. Sony PR is fully aware of this and decided not to give someone a free copy of their game that is going to go out of their way to shit on the game.

To be honest, I'm more puzzled by Sony apparently blacklisting Last Stand Media than this. People aren't watching ZP videos in order to make purchasing decisions, they watch it for a couple laughs.

What will actually be interesting is if they send him review codes for any other first party games going forward.


Probably one of the most-watched reviewers on the internet, huge influence in gaming.

For example, the term Glorious PC Master race was from his Witcher review.

Why is it such a big deal that he doesn't get a review copy? I don't really like his videos to be honest, it's just endless snark and given that, Sony isn't attempting to censor his coverage, it's just that his coverage is of low quality and they would rather give their copies to people that actually show the game and talk about how it works.

I mean, it is funny sometimes, but he's not really reviewing anything, so again, what's the big deal?
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Yahtzee does Yahtzee. He comically tears games to pieces while actually caring a great deal about gaming, and the direction it's going.

Pick any of your favourite games and go find his 'review' to see how it works. Like others have said, it's not really a way to judge the quality of a game you are considering buying, it's just a sarcastic breakdown.

If anything, it's interesting to see the rare times that something sticks, and he can't find anything to fault it (good luck)

Yahtzee is quite a devisive character, and depending on what you expect to get when watching his videos, I can understand someone at Sony making this decision and I think Yahtzee should certainly understand that too. Yahtzee wouldn't send anyone a copy either!
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If anything, it's interesting to see the rare times that something sticks, and he can't find anything to fault it (good luck)

Portal is about the only one I remember. TF2 was pretty close as well.

On topic though. The issue at hand is really the same as the HUB/NV thing. It boils down to if a publisher is starting to pick and choose who to send review copies to on the basis or tone, editorial direction or any other euphemism for 'we don't like what you say' it obviously begs the question 'are the other reviews honest opinions or are they publisher coerced?'.

It just looks bad to me to stop sending someone review copies who you have them to in the past. It is not like his schtick has changed and it never seemed to bother Sony before so why the change now?


A lot of times he joked about having to buy a review copy, nothing new about that.

It's the PR response that was interesting here.


I'd say ZP is more insightful than 99% of other "serious" reviews.

If his reviews are mostly over the top snark, then why does it matter if he gets review copies or not? It won't affect anyone's purchasing decision anyway.


You're going to miss out on all the massive Sony games because they didn't send some random guy a review code? That seems very silly.
Spongebob Squarepants GIF
I thought this was the guy that had the greatest page in the universe but that turns out to be maddox. I heard of him before. Was he with Gamespy or something? Searching just gives me the dice game



How far up their own ass are Sony nowadays. Holy shit.

Censoring Japanese games, not giving reviewers copies, because they don't like their style?

I am very happy, that I did not buy a PS5.

And there you got it.

Every single outlet that reviews with a review copy = paid shill every single one of them.

If you don't do what they want u to do, u get blacklisted by the company and basically u will be late to the party which blows up your traffic.


Gold Member
Bad move but tbh i don't like his style neither.

Edit: more of a bad look than a bad move.

Edit 2 the revenge: you know what, it's not even a bad look, fuck this guy :lollipop_squinting:
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I am not sure I entirely agree with this self entitlement.

I am very dubious of influencers in general. Don’t get me wrong, I am not tarnishing them all with the same brush, but without some kind of code to adhere to, who the hell knows what agenda they have and who is paying them.

Outbursts like this just show me that I should even be more distrustful. I still stand by it, but the best reviews are the users in most cases. Ignoring the critics review and just scrolling down the user reviews, I feel like I can get a pretty good idea of what to expect.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA

How far up their own ass are Sony nowadays. Holy shit.

Censoring Japanese games, not giving reviewers copies, because they don't like their style?

I am very happy, that I did not buy a PS5.

Expect the sheep's to agree with Sony. Just like many of these comments as you can see.

Sony is the only company who can acts like this, and people will love it.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
With this, the indie dev stuff and next gen “upgrade” fee, the amount of hand waving this week alone is crazy.


Honestly you don't think that's a little cringey? Paying to get early access to videos?

It's your money but damn people are so desperate to financially support these leeches.
And they also get free stuff a lot of the time and you don't get free stuff. How is that even possible?



Expect the sheep's to agree with Sony. Just like many of these comments as you can see.

Sony is the only company who can acts like this, and people will love it.
What a stupid comment..................

.....................fits in line with the OP and the idea of the thread.
Since when is Jahtzee a video game reviewer? Zero Punctuation videos are never the way to go to know if a game would please you prior to playing it. It's more meant to be taken as entertainment/amusement, much like Dunkey and GirlfriendReviews. They each have their own right to exist and have a pretty big following, but they're in no way reviewers.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
If Nintendo or Xbox refuse to hand out review codes to people that don't review games then that's also fine
When I read the whole thread I also answered on Sony ditching the Japanese games, Sony against cross play until they found out how to monetize it, and ignoring bc.

It was about Sony as a whole, and not only because this guy not getting a review key
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