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So Sony did not give Jahtzee (Zero Punctuation) a review copy of Ratchet & Clank because they don't like his style.



G Boaty

The free review copy is just a nice smokescreen the fanboys have built up, so people who do not get free stuff get angry at the guy as well.

It was about, we don't like your tone, so we will not give it to you.

Their reason for not giving it is irrelevant tbh. I get that it sucks for him as a reviewer having his video late to the part and potentially missing out on views as a result, but that's part of being a reviewer/content creator. Especially someone who has built an entire brand on being snarky.


Gold Member
I gonna ask Yoshida on twitter what he can do.
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RSI Employee of the Year
Yes, Eidos was right all along as well, when they told Gamespot, that they have to remove the Kane & Lynch review or upgrade the score because nobody is entitled to review copies or advertisement.

Sorry, I did not understand that. You are right.

You do understand that you're associating entirely different situations?

If you want to be disingenuous (and you are), go right ahead, but it doesn't make you look good, nor it helps your case. It just shows how desperate you're getting to support a false point after your whiny dramathread imploded in your face.
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You do understand that you're associating entirely different situations?

If you want to be disingenuous (and you are), go right ahead, but it doesn't make you look good, nor it helps your case. It just shows how desperate you're getting to support a false point after your whiny dramathread imploded in your face.
So not giving review copies, advertisements, or access because you don't like the style is something different than not giving review copies, advertisements, or access because of review scores.

Makes sense.


RSI Employee of the Year
So not giving review copies, advertisements, or access because you don't like the style is something different than not giving review copies, advertisements, or access because of review scores.

Makes sense.

Yes. It does.

No one is obligated to give review copies to a comedian (of dubious quality, but that's irrelevant) just because he decides to misleadingly call his comedy videos "reviews" which they certainly are not.

If I decided to film myself on the toilet while playing a game and randomly ranting about it and then write "review" in the video title, that doesn't make it a review.

I wonder how many times you have to be told this before you get it.
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Yeah, I've been watching Yahtzee for many many years and his style has gotten stale and very occasionally does his videos become a solid hit.

They're funny, and witty, when they hit - but a lot of times I find myself watching it not actually listen to the "review," but more for his comedy writing.

Does anyone even take his "reviews" seriously?

Like, anybody?

I thought his entire shtick was to shit on everything except for the few games he enjoys like Undertale and Subnautica where slightly shits on them for their slight shortcomings.

From a business perspective, I get it. Guy doesn't really review games as much as he plays the game to find comedy material for his videos. Basically shits on everything anyway.

From an audience perspective, dudes been around quite a while. Odd that now hes not given a review code.


Can’t Git Gud
ok? They are free to not give or give to anyone they want.
Nobody listens to him anyway anymore so they probably deemed it not worth a copy.
OR he is quite controversial and the game is safe as a pixar movie. No grain of edginess to be found so he would pick on that (rightly so even if I really liked the game)
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Are we desperate to find reason to moan about? What's the big deal about this?
Well, it could be that Sony has a stick up their ass and doesn't like to be made fun of.

You can also turn this is into, why do YouTubers get free shit I don't get free shit, so who cares.

You can turn this into a fanboy challenge. Leave Sony alone, they did nothing wrong.

And of course, you can argue. Everybody does this, so it is not a problem.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Not liking a reviewer's style is probably the most defensible reason not to supply them a review copy.

In simple terms, if an individual reviewer or outlet appeals to a certain demographic that isn't appropriate to the product, why would they need it? I mean would you send a tennis game to a site focusing on football?


Gold Member
Why would George Lucas allow Family Guy to make fun of their Star Wars movies and why would Disney never allow that?

If you're referring to Detours, the episodes produced apparently need some work to convert them over to streaming. Work that's not worth spending the money on when there are like 20 various Star Wars shows/movies in various stages of development and production.


Gold Member
Never thought that timeliness of a specific game for him was really all that important considering that it's largely satire. Actually surprised that any publisher gives him a review copy because it's rare for him to not completely shit on the game.

Actually, I'm now wondering if he ever gets any review copies from Nintendo. He tends to loathe Nintendo games in particular lol.
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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Much like Hardware Unboxed and Nvidia debacle, which the internet loved to make a huge drama around, I still think that it should not be expected to receive a free meal because you’re a reviewer, companies have all the rights to give and not give products if they don’t like your style. What do you think really goes in with the marketing team? They want the best buzz around their investment, would you not do the same if you developed something? It’s their job.

Now to find out if Sony fans protecting this move bashed Nvidia a few months ago..

I’m kidding, got way better things to do on a Friday night than this shit
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