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So Sony did not give Jahtzee (Zero Punctuation) a review copy of Ratchet & Clank because they don't like his style.


Over It Whatever GIF by Satisfied Customer
Clearly it mattered to the poster i replied that made a wrong statement.
I don't remember replying to you?
Why do you care so much to reply multiple times with hand picked gifs?

Looks like you care enough
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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Why do people have thin skin about the Escapists lack of relevance?
Oh I don't care about the Escapist or Sony. I just found that comment with the PLEASE WATCH MY TWITCH tag next to the name kind of hilarious.

Besides, isn't the golden rule of content creation not to speak ill of other holy creators of content?!?! For without these brave content creators how could we have content?


Oh I don't care about the Escapist or Sony. I just found that comment with the PLEASE WATCH MY TWITCH tag next to the name kind of hilarious.

Besides, isn't the golden rule of content creation not to speak ill of other holy creators of content?!?! For without these brave content creators how could we have content?
What are you talking about? YouTubers and streamers criticize each other all the time.

If anything, that just means Yahtzee has more integrity than the reviewers that got an early copy. Stay salty, though. You’re only hurting yourself.

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago

The fact that he asked throws his integrity in doubt.
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Probably one of the most-watched reviewers on the internet, huge influence in gaming.

For example, the term Glorious PC Master race was from his Witcher review.
And I still don't know who he is.

But that doesn't change the fact he shouldn't cry about not getting a review copy. If he's that popular then he's making lots of money. Just buy one. We're broke compared to him and still buying.

Mr Moose

I see you know how to argue like a 6-year-old kid, your Kung Fu is very strong.
It's not his fault your thread backfired.
No one is entitled to free shit, not IGN, not some YouTuber, not Instagram "celebs", it's up to the publisher (in this case, Sony) to decide who gets the free shit and this guy wasn't one of them.
There's no breaking news, there is no scandal, it doesn't matter.

Says the dude kicking his feet over a review copy to his alter ego.
Temper Tantrum GIF by memecandy

Kung Pow Asian GIF
Now I want to watch Kung Pow again.
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Honest question OP...could he just buy the game?
Or is he supposed to give a score according to what the company provides to him? If Sony or any other company gave him a free copy, would his score change to reflex that?


Of course
Do you think Sony is going to give you a review copy without expectations?
This is Sony, the company that threatened Circuit City to delay TV and other electronic shipments during the PS1 era if they continued to sell competitors consoles.


Reseterror Resettler
I remember when this dude was big shit. Back in the day when snide, sardonic British guys using twice as many words to say half as much was vogue.

Even if it's a character, dude reminds me of Jason Schrier and Jim Sterling. People who hate gaming but it pays their bills. Lame.


Remember when this guy was super popular for like one month? I am amazed he is still doing the same boring thing like a decade later.

He basically just ended up being another Jim Sterling. Making controversial reviews to get a reaction and egged on by his comment base. And like Jim the schtick got old very fast.
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Reseterror Resettler
Remember when this guy was super popular for like one month? I am amazed he is still doing the same boring thing like a decade later.

He basically just ended up being another Jim Sterling. Making controversial reviews to get a reaction and egged on by his comment base. And like Jim the schtick got old very fast.

I legit lost my shit when homeboy posted like six resources about the etymology of "PC Master Race," and the last blurb was like "he got over 400 comments and 640 likes!"

Like, bruh. The fucking Quartering gets like 4.1k comments on a video and he just reads other people's articles and begs for subscribers. No wonder you don't get free shit if your most popular video and claim to fame is getting half a thousand people to give a fuck for four minutes.


You do know you posted this embarrassing thread right?
Nothing is close to as embarrassing as what you and some of your "friends" try to make of it.

Or the people foaming why is he getting free shit I am not getting free shit, I deserve free shit, so as long as I don't get free shit with my 10 viewers on twitch, nobody else does.

Or the laughable who? guys, about a guy who has several Wikipedia entries. Something the who? guys people will never ever get in their whole "why is he getting free shit" life.

Or the guy who says "no he was not the origin of glorious PC master race" and when you present sources for it other people try to derail the whole thing.

That would be embarrasing.
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So, you would be more supportive of them if they did give him a review copy because they do "like his style"?

It's a bit of a silly thing either way. I personally trust reviewers more if they are not offered review copies at all.
Offered or not accept?

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
95% of his reviews are overwhelmingly negative. I am surprised anyone gives him review copies.

Review copies are a tool publishers use to generate positive press for a game. They don't come with strings attached and some will coverage may be negative but a lot of times they won't send out stuff they know is bad and they won't send stuff to outlets they expect to give negative coverage.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
Yeah, like...I created some content in my toilet fifteen minutes ago. It's the same deal. It was even regurgitated from other people's work. Thanks Pizza Hutt! Where's my golden Play button?!
If you take a photo of it and post it on Reddit, you deserve a Patreon. And, if people see your literal shit for FREE, they should check their privilege and cough up some buckaroos. You're creating content, and they are stealing it like the common thieves they are.


Gold Member
Just for ha ha's since this forum has great searching tools.

I did a search for GLORIOUS PC MASTER RACE.... and well, I can set dates as to when. I pulled "before October 2009" out of a hat, and there are a plethora of posts using it. Two years before normies tried giving this dude credit because they never heard of the internet prior to the smart phone generations.

That was just one post out of HUNDREDS prior to Oct '09. I am sure I can dig some even further back than that 2011 "review." He didn't invent shit.

suck my dick GIF
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