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So what is Bluepoint doing?


It's been three years since Demon's Soul.

Are they remaking another Souls title. (Dark Souls 1 plz) Or are they working on something else.


Gold Member
I actually think letting them work on original IP is a bad thing for that studio, there was a place for good remakes/remasters and they are the best for it

While I agree 100%, I think it's at least fair enough to see how they perform with a new IP.

If they fail then I'm sure Sony will see that and re-assess where their work will be best suited moving forward. Whether it be aiding other studios or continuing to remake/remaster older titles.
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James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Let them cook.

home video cooking GIF


I can't help but think they're gonna help with GoW's next game to some degree. But I still feel like it may be too early. I want to think it's Bloodborne, but at this point, it's really hard to even imagine Bloodborne happening. Be it a remaster/remake or sequel. Maybe that rumored MGS1 remake?

Whatever it is, they're reveal it in due time. Hopefully we'll hear or see something around the next Summer Games.
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Probably something Souls related I would believe. I imagine Sony's investment in Fromsoft probably come with some kind of mentorship to help Bluepoint out.


Hopefully not something original. The entire appeal of the studio is remastering old IP pretty well, similarly to how Nixxes Software is a porting house. Stick to what you are know for.


Imagine a studio taking 3 years going to it's 4th year just to remake a game that has already complete story, level design, concepts and everything. And yet don't have anything to show for after All these years.

At least so far shadoe of colouses and demon souls remakes are actually good remakes. But their development cycle is as almost as long as developing original game from scratch. Makes you wonder really what's going on with that team.
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People think they said they're doing an "original IP", but what they actually said was "original content".
So there's a chance it's Bloodborne 2.

also, since this seems to bother some in here, LET THEM COOK!!
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