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Sony = Bastards


It wasn't very smart of you to spend 700 bucks on still unconfirmed hardware.
You should have waited to see how it would come together when it reached these shores.
But of course the PSP launch will be problem-free, devoid of any serious issues that have to be repaired in a later total hardware overhaul... right? Maybe? OH NOES

P.S. in before DCharlie
These shores? As in America? I live in Japan. I'm a part of the Japanese consumer market. This isn't some importer from America feeling screwed, it's someone using Japanese yen at a Japanese store to purchase a Japanese product that's feeling screwed.

Sony never got rid of the delays when starting up the system, they never fixed the bugs that make it so that you can only edit two or three recordings before having to reset the system and... well, there's a whole lot to complain about.

DCharlie, if you come out on Thursday, we'll drink away our sorrows together.


Wow a lot of Sony damage control...

It's his fault for buying it early? It's their fault for releasing a piece of shit product.
Overseer said:
ROFL. That's your own damn fault. :D

How so? Because he bought a piece of hardware that ended up being faulty, and then the company TOTALLY IGNORED THE PROBLEMS THAT THEY PROMISED TIME AND AGAIN TO FIX? And then, when they finally DID do something, it was to revise the internal hardware and screw the people who bought it originally?

Yeah that's really fair to him.

Of course there's always caveat emptor, something which I always take into consideration for hardware purchases...


Dragona Akehi said:
How so? Because he bought a piece of hardware that ended up being faulty, and then the company TOTALLY IGNORED THE PROBLEMS THAT THEY PROMISED TIME AND AGAIN TO FIX? And then, when they finally DID do something, it was to revise the internal hardware and screw the people who bought it originally?

Yeah that's really fair to him.

Of course there's always caveat emptor, something which I always take into consideration for hardware purchases...


Videogame rule #8 NEVER NEVER get a launch Sony product, ESPECIALLY if it uses a laser.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
AndriaSang said:
These shores? As in America? I live in Japan. I'm a part of the Japanese consumer market. This isn't some importer from America feeling screwed, it's someone using Japanese yen at a Japanese store to purchase a Japanese product that's feeling screwed.

Sony never got rid of the delays when starting up the system, they never fixed the bugs that make it so that you can only edit two or three recordings before having to reset the system and... well, there's a whole lot to complain about.

DCharlie, if you come out on Thursday, we'll drink away our sorrows together.
What's a Japanese consumer's recourse for a product that doesn't deliver as promised and/or proves to be faulty? What are return policies like?

From the sound of the problems that people like DCharlie mentioned the PSX has out of the box, I wouldn't have even waited for the firmware updates - I would have just returned it given the opportunity and waited for an actual product update rather than a mere firmware update. Some of the things that were disabled and/or simply didn't work didn't sound like things a firmware update could do much to fix.
kaching said:
What's a Japanese consumer's recourse for a product that doesn't deliver as promised and/or proves to be faulty? What are return policies like?

From the sound of the problems that people like DCharlie mentioned the PSX has out of the box, I wouldn't have even waited for the firmware updates - I would have just returned it given the opportunity and waited for an actual product update rather than a mere firmware update. Some of the things that were disabled and/or simply didn't work didn't sound like things a firmware update could do much to fix.

Sony better be fucking exchanging these free of charge. NO EXCUSES!


Sony is on a real roll with design/impementation probs: PSX and PS2 HDD being prominent gaffes. It scares me that the PSP was designed around the same time. The PS3 was as well, but it has other parties that might correct any Sony baloney.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
PSX was not completely handled internally at SCE: as far as the HDD goes, I do not know what to say... it was not badly designed... a bit late to arrive in the States yes... and weren't they in dire need of pushing better profits from all parts of Sony probably the HDD would have been in PSTwo through an external adapter.

You also have to consider HDLoader... I am sure it played a big role in Sony's decision to kill the support for the HDD for good (no more PlayStation 2 consoles that support the HDD have been manufactured in months).


what features are old model members missing from the new version anyways?
I just want to know before I cry owned!

P90 said:
Sony is on a real roll with design/impementation probs: PSX and PS2 HDD being prominent gaffes.

What was so bad about removing the HDD from PSTwo? aside from FF11 and maybe RE:eek:utbreak (<-- :lol)


neptunes said:
What was so bad about removing the HDD from PSTwo? aside from FF11 and maybe RE:eek:utbreak (<-- :lol)

I don't want to buy any more memory cards?

Ranger X

You think you really need a PSX? That's exactly your kind of impulsive gadjet-buying dude they look for.
Sony = Teh smart.
All the problems with the PS2 hard disk and PSX center on poorly implemented and slow, slow, slow firmware. The issue of speed is actually a problem with all Sony products. PlayStation games took much longer to start up and reset than Saturn games. PS2 games take much longer to start up and reset than Xbox games.

I hope some changes will have been made for the PSP. I can't imagine having to wait two or three minutes for the XMB media bar to fully load up before I can run a game, music or UMD, especially when playing on the go in a limited battery environment. PSP is going to have to jump right into the XMB as soon as the system turns on, or have short cuts that allow people to jump right into game, UMD or memory stick content.

I'm crossing my fingers on the PSP, but as three generations of SCE-influenced hardware haven't fixed the problems, I'm assuming no one at SCE actually knows that there is a problem. SCE actually wanted the new XMB-loaded plasma televisions to start off by showing the XMB bar rather than the television image, afterall (that idea was brushed off by the people who know that people want to change TV channels as soon as they turn on their TV -- wish those guys were around when the PSX was being designed).

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
You should've gotten a panasonic Q instead


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I'm crossing my fingers on the PSP, but as three generations of SCE-influenced hardware haven't fixed the problems
PS2 boots into it's browser pretty much the moment you switch it on, (unless you plug the HDD to it, that is) It also does not boot into the browser when a game disc / dvd disc is in the drive. From what I remember PS1 does the same. Neither of them had any of the long booting that plagues PSX (which is probably there due to inefficient use of HDD to begin with). I don't know where you got the idea that PSP would be loading it's browser for two minutes, but I very much doubt that will be the case, unless they use the slowest ROM from maybe 50 years ago :p
Assuming a game is in the tray, starting up PS2 and PS1 games still takes a long time in comparison to Xbox and Saturn games. They PlayStation systems just feel sluggish. I'm not sure about DVDs, though, as it's been a while since I've used a DVD in the PS2. Xbox and GameCube are models for a speedy front end and startup process.

The PSX doesn't let you run DVDs and games directly without going through a full load of the menu system, which takes almost a minute. This is one of the big things that annoys me with the system, especially when wanting to reset a game (the system has to reload the menu information from the hard drive, which is basically the same as powering up the system from scratch).

Sony has, thankfully, already confirmed that the PSP will start up a game by default if its in the system (although let's hope for a faster startup than on the other PlayStation systems -- something closer to the GameCube). I hope memory stick access and UMD movie/music access will also be quick and hassle-free, or using the PSP as an audio/video player will as annoying as using the PSX as a DVD/game player. The fact that there's no hard drive to slow things down will mean that the menus will, in theory, start up quickly, but Sony could still screw things up by taking a long time to recognize the content on the memory stick or UMD (the PSX sometimes takes thirty seconds or so to recognize a game or DVD and make the game/DVD icon appear in its menu).


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Dragona Akehi said:
Sony better be fucking exchanging these free of charge. NO EXCUSES!
That'd be awfully nice of them.
P90 said:
Sony is on a real roll with design/impementation probs: PSX and PS2 HDD being prominent gaffes. It scares me that the PSP was designed around the same time. The PS3 was as well, but it has other parties that might correct any Sony baloney.
I don't like the decision to ignore the HDD in the PS2 redesign or the generally anemic support it received thus far in the PS2 lifetime, but I wouldn't call it a design/implementation gaffe. The option was there so they could pursue it if they chose, if HDD support proved to be of greater importance in the success of the PS2.

Which really leaves the PSX as the only major design/implementation gaffe thus far, being the first instance of a more collaborative effort between SCE and other Sony engineering teams that weren't used to heavy interaction previously and given a rather short turnaround time to complete. Its a little early to predict any trends off of this.
AndriaSang said:
SCE actually wanted the new XMB-loaded plasma televisions to start off by showing the XMB bar rather than the television image, afterall (that idea was brushed off by the people who know that people want to change TV channels as soon as they turn on their TV -- wish those guys were around when the PSX was being designed).
Which seems a little odd, given the fact that SCE implemented a floating interface for the onscreen DVD playback controls in the PS2 - they're not unfamiliar with making onscreen interfaces that simply overlay whatever you are watching...


Gas Guzzler
AndriaSang said:
Assuming a game is in the tray, starting up PS2 and PS1 games still takes a long time in comparison to Xbox and Saturn games. They PlayStation systems just feel sluggish. I'm not sure about DVDs, though, as it's been a while since I've used a DVD in the PS2. Xbox and GameCube are models for a speedy front end and startup process.

That depends. I wouldn't say the Xbox has a speedy boot process. Feels about the same as the PS2 to me. I also noticed that my new 50001 model PS2 loads a lot faster than the 39001 it replaced.

By loading, I mean start up from boot screen to game title screen.


Fatghost28 said:
That depends. I wouldn't say the Xbox has a speedy boot process.
yeah, for sure. comparing the xbox to the GC is like .. what? xbox is the same as PS2, or neglible enough that i can't pick a winner/loser in that regard.. all i know is the GC is way faster, typically.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Fatghost28 said:
That depends. I wouldn't say the Xbox has a speedy boot process. Feels about the same as the PS2 to me. I also noticed that my new 50001 model PS2 loads a lot faster than the 39001 it replaced.

By loading, I mean start up from boot screen to game title screen.

Yeah, the newest PS2 models boot up very fast. XBOX takes much longer...


And even i am moderately surprised
..... the PSX is so shit, my Aibo walked over to it and took a dump on it.

Anyways, this is what irks me :

"The new PSX features a number of useful new program functions, collectively known as X-appli, that improve on the device's TV recording and media playback functions. One application automatically records any TV program that corresponds to keywords entered by the user. For more information on the upcoming new PSX model, check GameSpot's previous coverage of the device."

not only was this a promised feature, it would be PISS EASY to implement. The PSX already has a search by keyword function (for the ONE WEEK of terrestrial only data it can handle - no Cable support) so all they'd need to do is tack on something that autosearches your keyword list and autoupdates your record list. It's hardly rocket science, and the fact that (a year later) Sony STILL haven't figured this out makes me think that while they can make great Hardware with their eyes shut, they can't code software to any great degree of aptitude.

I have resigned myself to the fact that, rather than a true TIVO-esque product, i bought a very expensive, very nice looking video recorder.

Sony painted a real nice picture and ,if i did get the functionality they mentioned for the price i paid even back then, it would have been a bargain. It didn't do what they said, has too many issues, and is now $400 a unit.... go figure.

Also, Mr Sang, did you download the new firmware?
Wow - PS BB (at last) and ... the interface is a new colour... AND SLOWER!!!!!


GAF's Pleasant Genius
They can do software: the answer might be that they are trying to re-launch PSX and a separate group worked on the new firmware and applications and they are trying to offer an incentive to people of buying the new PSX.

They have discounted heavily the current model and I think they have not re-started production on that.

If what you say is so easily done via firmware on the current PSX, they would have done it if they got the ok to do it for the current PSX.

My guess is that application might leverage some software and/or hardware components that are not available in the current PSX.

It would not be the first time of a company not enabling in firmware something that could be enabled easily because they want to sell you the newer and modified Hardware.

Sho Nuff

Another reason why I won't be buying the PSP at launch.

First gen Sony hardware sucks a dong. Just look at Sony's first CLIE For godsakes. (Shudder)

EDIT: It'll record based on keywords? Hmmm...


mud wrestling


AndriaSang said:


I spend $700 to buy a PSX as soon as it comes out and those bastards are leaving it in crippled form, with buggy, slow firmware. Starting up DVDs and games shouldn't take so long on something that costs so much.

For those of use who knew this product would be a piece of shit, I now point and laugh at your misfortune.

Maybe you can get rid of it by giving it as a freebie with your telescope?

What's a Japanese consumer's recourse for a product that doesn't deliver as promised and/or proves to be faulty? What are return policies like?

No such thing as return policies in Japan. Companies get away with this kind of crap all the time.


And even i am moderately surprised
"They can do software: the answer might be that they are trying to re-launch PSX and a separate group worked on the new firmware and applications and they are trying to offer an incentive to people of buying the new PSX."

The answer might be that they are shite at software still!

"They have discounted heavily the current model and I think they have not re-started production on that."

Not quite , *stores* have discounted heavily so they can clear the inventory because the unit is so fecking big and no one is buying...

"If what you say is so easily done via firmware on the current PSX, they would have done it if they got the ok to do it for the current PSX."

yes, then again activating the fast drive speeds, USB keyboard support, etc are all things i'd think were easy to implement, yet took sony close to 6 months to achieve. That doesn't inspire me with any further confidence in their ability.

"My guess is that application might leverage some software and/or hardware components that are not available in the current PSX.
It would not be the first time of a company not enabling in firmware something that could be enabled easily because they want to sell you the newer and modified Hardware."

Then, they are indeed bastards as pointed out. They lied about what they would give us, and now they are waving the new model in front of us saying , basically, "oooh, look! this one does what the first one was supposed to do!"


john tv

Any pics of the new one? Is it smaller / better-looking? The first one was WAY too big.

You've all been PSXWNED
Yeah, there's no way to damage control this (though it's cute to see people try). Sony said the PSX would to X, Y, and Z. People bought it. It only did X, some of the time. Sony promised the PSX would eventually do Y and Z, just wait a bit please. After a year, Sony gives up completely and introduces a new, cheaper version that does X, Y, Z, as well as A, B, and C, but completely ignores early adopters.

Remember how first model Japanese PS2s need an external HDD? And that the US/later Japanese models were completely redesigned inside and out? Sony is no stranger to massive hardware designs soon after launch that completely screw over early adopters.

Are there any such things as class action suits for Japanese consumers? Probably not, but this sounds like a possible case if ever I've heard one.

If you buy a PSP at launch you are an idiot and deserve whatever problems you get.
DCharlie said:
"They can do software: the answer might be that they are trying to re-launch PSX and a separate group worked on the new firmware and applications and they are trying to offer an incentive to people of buying the new PSX."

The answer might be that they are shite at software still!

"They have discounted heavily the current model and I think they have not re-started production on that."

Not quite , *stores* have discounted heavily so they can clear the inventory because the unit is so fecking big and no one is buying...

"If what you say is so easily done via firmware on the current PSX, they would have done it if they got the ok to do it for the current PSX."

yes, then again activating the fast drive speeds, USB keyboard support, etc are all things i'd think were easy to implement, yet took sony close to 6 months to achieve. That doesn't inspire me with any further confidence in their ability.

"My guess is that application might leverage some software and/or hardware components that are not available in the current PSX.
It would not be the first time of a company not enabling in firmware something that could be enabled easily because they want to sell you the newer and modified Hardware."

Then, they are indeed bastards as pointed out. They lied about what they would give us, and now they are waving the new model in front of us saying , basically, "oooh, look! this one does what the first one was supposed to do!"


I think this calls for:


At the very very least, you'll feel much much better after taking it out on someone. (Preferably the manager, and not the poor flunky at the bottom.)


john tv said:
Any pics of the new one? Is it smaller / better-looking? The first one was WAY too big.

You've all been PSXWNED

SCE released some pics at the initial announcement that looked basically identical. I think it's still the same size.



GAF's Pleasant Genius
DCharlie said:
"They can do software: the answer might be that they are trying to re-launch PSX and a separate group worked on the new firmware and applications and they are trying to offer an incentive to people of buying the new PSX."

The answer might be that they are shite at software still!

DCharlie, that is very low :p.

You are coming way too quickly to a baseless conclusion.

What does it mean "being shite at softwar" ? To who in Sony does this apply ?

Please, I know you are WAY and way smarter than that.

"They have discounted heavily the current model and I think they have not re-started production on that."

Not quite , *stores* have discounted heavily so they can clear the inventory because the unit is so fecking big and no one is buying...

Is Sony producing any longer the older PSX ? I remember that they stopped.

"If what you say is so easily done via firmware on the current PSX, they would have done it if they got the ok to do it for the current PSX."

yes, then again activating the fast drive speeds, USB keyboard support, etc are all things i'd think were easy to implement, yet took sony close to 6 months to achieve. That doesn't inspire me with any further confidence in their ability.

Oh please... took who in Sony ? Teams of newbies that did not know the PlayStation 2 architecture and were shifted on this low priority project ?

You never had confidence in Sony... anything good they do fights constantly with your total dark and gloomy look you have on ALL which is Sony.

You are not being fair ;).

"My guess is that application might leverage some software and/or hardware components that are not available in the current PSX.
It would not be the first time of a company not enabling in firmware something that could be enabled easily because they want to sell you the newer and modified Hardware."

Then, they are indeed bastards as pointed out. They lied about what they would give us, and now they are waving the new model in front of us saying , basically, "oooh, look! this one does what the first one was supposed to do!"


Like you would have concluded anythign different ;).


And even i am moderately surprised
"DCharlie, I won't dignify that of a comment: that is very low :p."
"You are coming way too quickly to a baseless conclusion."

The new sony ipod - number 1 complaint? Poor software cripples the hardware..

"Is Sony producing any longer the older PSX ? I remember that they stopped."

They have stopped.

"Oh please... took who in Sony ? Teams of newbies that did not know the PlayStation 2 architecture and were shifted on this low priority project ?"

WHAT? ??? and that's an excuse??? WTF???
It makes NO difference who took so long, the fact is promises about one of their prodcut made by Sony were not delivered.

And this was a low priority project???

"You never had confidence in Sony... anything good they do fights constantly with your total dark and gloomy look you have on ALL which is Sony.
You are not being fair ;)."

lol. And you are the anti-me... I can't believe you are even trying to defend this clusterfuck of a product and the absolute disgrace of a situation of dropping upgrades so they can push an upgraded hardware.

"Like you would have concluded anythign different ;)."

Like you would have concluded anything different - and you don't even own a PSX.

"$700 on a device that won't deliver what was promised a year ago. How horrible.."

But obviously, it's just me being anti sony.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
DCharlie said:
"DCharlie, I won't dignify that of a comment: that is very low :p."
"You are coming way too quickly to a baseless conclusion."


I do not give a SHIT.

Would you be happy if someone blamed you for every problem your employer has even if it is not even indirectly related to you ?

You just placed the blame on "Sony have shitty coders in general because they have not enaboled this feature in the PSX"...

What else ?

I understand you are angry about a product that you bought and does not work as promisesd: I am sorry, I cannot say more than that... someone fucked up... but from that to say "I have worries about Sony's all future products... they have shitty coders in general"... you base this HUGE and SWOOPING statement based on ONE SINGLE THING ?

lol. And you are the anti-me... I can't believe you are even trying to defend this clusterfuck of a product and the absolute disgrace of a situation of dropping upgrades so they can push an upgraded hardware.

I am not anti-you and you know it :p.

I am not defending the PSX in general, I am attacking your statement "I cannot trust Sony anymore in anything software related because of PSX".

Nothing personal.
how are you spinning this? HOW ARE YOU SPINNING THIS? people spent $700 on a system that doesn't do what Sony promised, and now Sony is telling them to go fuck themselves. HOW ARE YOU SPINNING THIS?!


GAF's Pleasant Genius
But obviously, it's just me being anti sony.

No... I never said it was JUST you... they did fuck up with PSX for the price they asked.




GAF's Pleasant Genius
JackFrost2012 said:
how are you spinning this? HOW ARE YOU SPINNING THIS? people spent $700 on a system that doesn't do what Sony promised, and now Sony is telling them to go fuck themselves. HOW ARE YOU SPINNING THIS?!

I am not spinning that fact: how DIFFICULT is that to comprehend ?
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