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Sony Confrence...

I wonder how low PS2 hardware numbers are going to be for September and October? Sony seems to be running on a short supply of the old models and this one isn't going to come out till November.




SONY is sending out a message to M$.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
BuddyChrist83 said:
Wow, glad I went to bed when I did.

You didn't sleep very long...and I'm still awake, god.


I guess my prodiction of sony doing a price restructuring right away was right... wow :D so in the long run when sony announces a price it will be more reasonable and closer to the DS. Hopefully it's all said and done at TGS because I was really pissed off staying up until 5am yeaterday and not hearing anything.
PSP price announcement: 33,000 Yen



PSP soll in Japan Yen 33.000 kosten

21.09.04 - Sonys Handheld PSP soll in Japan Yen 33.000 kosten. Das bestätigte Manfred Gerdes, Managing Director Germany von Sony Computer Entertainment Deutschland, auf einer heutigen Pressekonferenz gegenüber MCVGamesmarkt.de.

Umgerechnet würde das rund Euro 245 entsprechen. Allerdings betont Gerdes, das dieser Preis keine Rückschlüsse auf den europäischen Preis zulässt: In Europa könnte PSP zwischen Euro 299 und Euro 349 kosten. Der genaue Preis soll jedoch erst zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt veröffentlicht werden.

CLICK (MCVGamesmarkt.de: 'Japan-Preis für PSP steht fest')


PSP is to cost in Japan Yen 33,000

09/21/04 - Sonys Handheld PSP is to cost in Japan Yen 33,000. This confirmed Manfred Gerdes, Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment Germany, on a press conference today to MCVGamesmarkt.de. That are euro 245 approximately.

However said Gerdes, which this price conclusions on the European price does not permit: In Europe PSP could cost between euro 299 and euro 349. The exact price is to be announced however at a later time.

CLICK (MCVGamesmarkt.de: 'Japan-Preis for PSP stands for fest')


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
solarplexus said:
PSP price announcement: 33,000 Yen



PSP soll in Japan Yen 33.000 kosten

21.09.04 - Sonys Handheld PSP soll in Japan Yen 33.000 kosten. Das bestätigte Manfred Gerdes, Managing Director Germany von Sony Computer Entertainment Deutschland, auf einer heutigen Pressekonferenz gegenüber MCVGamesmarkt.de.

Umgerechnet würde das rund Euro 245 entsprechen. Allerdings betont Gerdes, das dieser Preis keine Rückschlüsse auf den europäischen Preis zulässt: In Europa könnte PSP zwischen Euro 299 und Euro 349 kosten. Der genaue Preis soll jedoch erst zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt veröffentlicht werden.

CLICK (MCVGamesmarkt.de: 'Japan-Preis für PSP steht fest')


PSP is to cost in Japan Yen 33,000

09/21/04 - Sonys Handheld PSP is to cost in Japan Yen 33,000. This confirmed Manfred Gerdes, Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment Germany, on a press conference today to MCVGamesmarkt.de. That are euro 245 approximately.

However said Gerdes, which this price conclusions on the European price does not permit: In Europe PSP could cost between euro 299 and euro 349. The exact price is to be announced however at a later time.

CLICK (MCVGamesmarkt.de: 'Japan-Preis for PSP stands for fest')

That's about $300 in US dollars.... CIRCLE THE WAGONS!
sp0rsk said:
princess crown???????? now thats an odd choice.

Agreed. I ddin't expect there to ever be another version of that game. It says tentative on the side so it could end up being a sequel or a remake, but its still an ARPG.


That's more than twice the price of the NDS, for those keeping score.

And to think, Nintendo was even prepared to go down to 10,000 yen or so...


So has sony still not said anything on the battery in the PSP? High price point as of right now, and having heard nothing of the battery besides vague lines like "2-10 hours", makes me really think this thing has some serious design issues.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
That price better drop, or things won't be looking too good for the PSP. And I so wanted it to be #1.

Battery concerns, 3rd party support, late launch, and 2x price of the DS. Those are a lot of marks against the PSP before it has even been released...but I have faith that things will turn around. I won't believe this $300 price tag, I'm floating down the nile but I wuv Sony. ;)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Someone pointed out in the other thread the comparison to Japanese/US PS2 launch prices.... IIRC after doing some checking I think the Japanese PS2 launched at 39,800 which translates today to just about $360 with that being the case the US PS2 launched $50 cheaper so maybe there's a precedent....


force push the doodoo rock
DarienA said:
Someone pointed out in the other thread the comparison to Japanese/US PS2 launch prices.... IIRC after doing some checking I think the Japanese PS2 launched at 39,800 which translates today to just about $360 with that being the case the US PS2 launched $50 cheaper so maybe there's a precedent....

yeah, but kaz hirai at e3 (vaguely) talked about pricing when he referenced the ps1 and the ps2 launching at 300 dollars.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
DarienA said:
Someone pointed out in the other thread the comparison to Japanese/US PS2 launch prices.... IIRC after doing some checking I think the Japanese PS2 launched at 39,800 which translates today to just about $360 with that being the case the US PS2 launched $50 cheaper so maybe there's a precedent....

Damn, I just saw that. So many threads, I'm all pumped up after no sleep and only drinking coke. :lol

$250 isn't so bad for me, if it all works out. I would LOVE to see the PSP come out for something like $199.99. If they are going to release it for $299.99, at least give people a game with it. Even at $250 for a handheld I would want a game bundled.


Tag of Excellence
TGS can't come soon enough. While this seemed like a very cool press conference (sorry I was asleep) it doesn't sound exciting at all. I can't wait to see the PSP powerhouse at TGS.


DarienA said:
Someone pointed out in the other thread the comparison to Japanese/US PS2 launch prices.... IIRC after doing some checking I think the Japanese PS2 launched at 39,800 which translates today to just about $360 with that being the case the US PS2 launched $50 cheaper so maybe there's a precedent....

The PS2 NA/JP launches were alot further spaced than the PSP US/JP launches, plus attach rates for handhelds are alot lower (so there goes the idea of sony making the money back on software).

That price ain't going anywhere for a year or so.


TekunoRobby said:
TGS can't come soon enough. While this seemed like a very cool press conference (sorry I was asleep) it doesn't sound exciting at all. I can't wait to see the PSP powerhouse at TGS.
you're not hardcore (no you're not hardcore)
unless you live hardcore (unless you live hardcore)
but the legend of the rent was way hardcore
Before saying anything, I made sure to look at every post to make sure I wasn't missing any info. Anyway...

I'm amazed that Sony was able to make a chintzy looking system and make it look even more fragile.

It practically looks like one of those knock offs you see in Chinatown.


I actually prefer the original PS2, but hopefully by virtue of being a top loader it will make the system more durable.
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