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Sony Dual Shock 3 - Who's importing?


mutsu said:
YesAsia is still accepting orders.

Black ones here.
White ones here.

I pre-ordered a white one from yes asia, and I got an email a couple weeks back saying that due to high customer demeand they hoped to get it to me before December. :/

From product page:"Important Note: Sony has confirmed that this product will not be available in sufficient quantities on its release date due to high market demand. Further quantities will be produced daily after the release date, and YesAsia.com will fulfill outstanding orders as we receive stock. However, we cannot anticipate how long this will take, and currently hope to fulfill all orders by the end of December, 2007. We apologize for any delays customers may experience when ordering this item. Please understand that we are trying our best to ship all orders quickly and safely."


B-Ri said:
they wont let me cancel it, or does anyone knwo what i have to do to cancel it?

Looks like your out of luck:

This product cannot be cancelled or returned after the order has been placed. (see details)
MassiveAttack said:


thats what my order says but searching from suppliers and i got in the day they was announced to go on sale so fingers crossed i pre-ordered a white and black pad.Need for uncharted and ratchet


B-Ri said:
they wont let me cancel it, or does anyone knwo what i have to do to cancel it?

Yeah I just ordered one and realized that they wont let you cancel it. However, when you log into your account there's two options that ask whether or not you are over/under 13 years old. I just selected that I am under and now my account is deleted and I'm hoping so is my order. It was only in the "processing" stage.


I3rand0 said:
Yeah I just ordered one and realized that they wont let you cancel it. However, when you log into your account there's two options that ask whether or not you are over/under 13 years old. I just selected that I am under and now my account is deleted and I'm hoping so is my order. It was only in the "processing" stage.

Will they also refund you? :lol


inner-G said:
I pre-ordered a white one from yes asia, and I got an email a couple weeks back saying that due to high customer demeand they hoped to get it to me before December. :/

From product page:"Important Note: Sony has confirmed that this product will not be available in sufficient quantities on its release date due to high market demand. Further quantities will be produced daily after the release date, and YesAsia.com will fulfill outstanding orders as we receive stock. However, we cannot anticipate how long this will take, and currently hope to fulfill all orders by the end of December, 2007. We apologize for any delays customers may experience when ordering this item. Please understand that we are trying our best to ship all orders quickly and safely."

Wow that sucks. I always knew YesAsia just keeps accepting orders even though they know they have already pre-sold out, but didn't expect it to be delayed until December.... Pretty sad for those who have ordered but cannot get theirs shipped day 1.


The game I really want to play with a DS3 is DMC4, so I'm hoping the import prices decrease or they end up in North America by the end of January. Optimistic I know. I just want a firm NA price and release date so I can plan.


vercity82 said:
thats what my order says but searching from suppliers and i got in the day they was announced to go on sale so fingers crossed i pre-ordered a white and black pad.Need for uncharted and ratchet

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. What sucks is they pretty much have our money held hostage as we can't get a refund or cancel it and who knows how long it's going to take. They only say that they'll try to get it to you by the END of December of this year. Fantastic. Here's hoping I guess.

I haven't played Ratchet yet and I have Uncharted coming, so it would be nice to play those two games with rumble. I'm not in a hurry as I still have COD4 for PS3, Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect for the 360 to play yet. But it would be nice to get the DS3 soon. Especially since they've already charged me for it.

john tv

They have a bazillion Dual Shock 3s in stores here. I wonder why importers are charging so much? They're super easy to get right now.
Any Japan-GAFers willing to take some orders for us and ship them out overseas? On top of the controller and shipping charges, I'd be more than happy to pay a little extra for the effort as well. :D


john tv said:
They have a bazillion Dual Shock 3s in stores here. I wonder why importers are charging so much? They're super easy to get right now.

Exporters were saying only 5,000 made and impossible to get and extorting the importers. NCSX said the exporters in Japan would only sell them a DS3 if they bought a 40gig PS3 along with each one.


IGN impressions on the Dual SHock 3

November 10, 2007 - Sony's first major PS3 controller redesign hit Japan on Sunday as part of a one-year anniversary festival for the system that also consisted of the 40 gigabyte hardware revision, Ratchet & Clank Future, and Dynasty Warriors 6.

The Dual Shock 3 was in abundant supply when we toured the streets of Tokyo as a light rain began to fall Sunday morning. We were able to pick up a mix of black and white models totaling seven units in all, no questions asked (for hotter product here in Japan, retailers will often limit purchases to one per customer). Total bill: whatever 5,000 yen multiplied by seven plus the 7,800 yen price of Dynasty Warriors 6 is.

We were quick to open up a couple of the controllers to at last get some feedback from our PS3 units. The products ship without charge, so our first few game sessions were wired (using a spare USB cable we had laying around -- the controllers don't include a separate charging cable).

Our full Sunday stash.
Our first target: that fabulous demo of Uncharted, of course! Naughty Dog has apparently had their Dual Shock tools for some time now, as the demo has full support. You can feel every jump, fall, gun shot and punch, with the controller put to particularly good use as Nathan's life level drops and his heart begins to beat.

We also tried out the rumble feature on a few of the latest releases. First up, Ratchet & Clank Future. It took us a while to actually figure out that the game was rumble compatible, as rumble appears to only be used when Ratchet incurs damage, or when giant explosions rock the environment. There's no rumble for when you fire your standard weapons. But maybe this is a good thing considering that you're constantly shooting.

Japanese developers are also incorporating rumble into their titles. Both Dark Mist and Toy Home, PlayStation Network downloadable titles from Game Republic that were released last week, have rumble. The latter title forces you to control your vehicle with the SIXAXIS and still manages to shake when you plow into larger obstacles. Guess those problems with combining rumble and motion sensing that Sony alluded to at the SIXAXIS announcement were overcome.

The best rumble experience so far has to go to the Gran Turismo 5 Prologue demo. As great as the demo is without rumble, it really takes on a new level when you can physically feel your car accelerate. If you do manage to get an import version of the Dual Shock 3, we'd suggest trying out this demo first.

The Dual Shock 3 is available in white and black.
Just to make sure everything really is back to normal as far as the PlayStation controller family is concerned, we also put the Dual Shock 3 to the test on classic PlayStation and PlayStation 2 titles. Rumble was functional in our disk copy of Yakuza, and also worked in our downloaded copy of Crash Bandicoot 3. We haven't tried out the full lineup for compatibility, and Sony hasn't actually issued a formal statement on the matter, but this is a good sign.

So rumble is now back with the PlayStation brand. May it never go away again.


tracky_dacks said:
Any Japan-GAFers willing to take some orders for us and ship them out overseas? On top of the controller and shipping charges, I'd be more than happy to pay a little extra for the effort as well. :D



Nice to know the rumble works on downloadable PS1 games. I mean it makes sense since the code is 1:1 identical with the original...but you never know.

john tv

Bebpo said:
Exporters were saying only 5,000 made and impossible to get and extorting the importers. NCSX said the exporters in Japan would only sell them a DS3 if they bought a 40gig PS3 along with each one.
Judging by what I say today I'd say the exporters were full of shit. :) I should've taken a picture on my cell phone to show you how many they had in the stores I visited.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ah damn, I wish I could just cancel that damned yesasia preorder and start begging one of you Jgaffers for a DS3 :(

I really want to have it in time for Uncharted.


john tv said:
Judging by what I say today I'd say the exporters were full of shit. :) I should've taken a picture on my cell phone to show you how many they had in the stores I visited.

Care to hook GAFfers up? Even if you shipped it as cheaply as possible, it'd get here before the NA launch.

...by the way, what's the MSRP in Japan? It's not actually $79 is it?


marwan said:
when do you guys think Sony would pack the DS3 with the PS3?

I think there is a new PS3 bundle being passed through the FCC right now... it was announced just after the 80gig, but I haven't heard anything since.

john tv

I don't mind picking a few up for you guys but I have a feeling the shipping is gonna suck. What does it cost you to get it from an importer, including shipping? If I can do it cheaper, I don't really mind. (Not going crazy here though -- just talking like maybe picking up six or so.)


john tv said:
I don't mind picking a few up for you guys but I have a feeling the shipping is gonna suck. What does it cost you to get it from an importer, including shipping? If I can do it cheaper, I don't really mind. (Not going crazy here though -- just talking like maybe picking up six or so.)
Well, since it's out of stock at Play Asia I can't tell you the shipping for certain... They're charging $8.80 for shipping on the SixAxis. Assuming that's the same, with the $79.90 price on DS3 it would come to $88.70.

If you can match that (including shipping) I'd pay for your services. Maybe even a little more.

john tv

The Sphinx said:
Well, since it's out of stock at Play Asia I can't tell you the shipping for certain... They're charging $8.80 for shipping on the SixAxis. Assuming that's the same, with the $79.90 price on DS3 it would come to $88.70.

If you can match that (including shipping) I'd pay for your services. Maybe even a little more.
I don't think it'd cost that much. Lemme see what I can do. How many people want them?


john tv said:
I don't think it'd cost that much. Lemme see what I can do. How many people want them?

I'd love to get one too... black, preferably.

Like I said, even if the cheapest/slowest shipping would still get here long before the NA launch.
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