Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Shills are at it again.Ok so on reddit (r/PS5) you can't talk about the prices now.
Shills are at it again.Ok so on reddit (r/PS5) you can't talk about the prices now.
I didn't knew that it was debunked at the time of writing my post.demons souls its not in pc or ps4,but go on
RT will be used in the majority of games in the near future because consoles will use it too1) I don't care about RT whatsoever and until 70% (at least) of AAA/AA and even B level games will be supporting RT
2) I don't care about 4K, I've 1440p 144Hz monitor and my next upgrade will be 21:9 1440p 144Hz.
3) I'm not playing most of the games tested and only care about those I'm playing / will be playing
4) Could not care less about RDR2, maybe 5-6 years from now.
5) DLSS won't be supported in old very demanding games and even though it's a good feature, it won't be available in 70% (at least) of games in 2 years, same goes for RT.
Well go on ahead and buy it then. I'll wait RX 6000 news and RTX 4000 series.
All facts. 3080 is godlike upgrade for everyone with exception of maybe 2080Ti users.RT will be used in the majority of games in the near future becaue consoles will use it too. DLSS 2.0 can be also used in lower resolutions as well.
I had 1080ti for myself two years ago, but there's simply no comparison between 3080 and 1080ti. You really have to be kidding if you think 3080 is not worthy upgrade over 1080ti.
And this game doesn't even use turing / ampere specific and performance saving features, because then you would see literally 10-15x more performance compared to single 1080ti. You are planning to keep 1080ti and that's fine, buy dont BS people there just marginal difference between these two GPUs.
Ok so on reddit (r/PS5) you can't talk about the prices now.
€80 is real sadly"€80" is the new "9TF"![]()
I don't sell games but if I were to... How do you go about that?Psst - buy the disc version. Buy game, finish game, sell game.
I don't sell games but if I were to... How do you go about that?
eBay is annoying, our craigslist equivalent is annoying especially if I have to send by mail, I'd have to hope for local buyers of which I am not aware exist, no gamestop-esque stores nearby...
What do?
The thing is this Spiderman DLC (as it is not a fully fledged sequel to Spiderman ) is said to be shorter than the original game, so how can they even ask for £70 for that title when you are getting a title that isn't as big as the original......way things are going I think we are headed into Neo Geo territory where the price of games will soon start costing in the hundreds...
I stand corrected!It's £50
Could not care less, honestly.RT will be used in the majority of games in the near future because consoles will use it too. DLSS 2.0 can be also used in lower resolutions as well.
Again, I don't care about 4K performance whatsoever and Avengers as well. I'll be gaming in 1440p 144Hz for the next 5-6 years.I had 1080ti for myself two years ago, but there's simply no comparison between 3080 and 1080ti. You really have to be kidding if you think 3080 is not worthy upgrade over 1080ti.
Oh Game pass thank you Game pass for caring about us and our money.
Most of you probably noticed I am a Playstation guy becaude of my contributions on GAF threads. But if there is one thing I hate with a passion is companies prioritizing certain markets and Sony might be doing just that by screwing its european clients. First with the staggered release of the PS5 in Europe and now this.
Yup, that's both times with tax.If they are they will still have a ton of DLC/mtx which leaves an even worse aftertaste for the whole shitshow.
EU is tax included, ranging from 16-22% I believe.
Yep this is bad these prices are more expensive than the already expensive PSN store were charging this gen.Meanwhile in the UK:
Demon's Souls, Destruction AllStars, and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition all cost £69.99.
Meanwhile, Sackboy A Big Adventure costs £59.99, and the standard version of Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales costs £51.99.
SEVENTY POUNDS for 2 remastered previous gen games, and destruction derby.
Shit I didn't even think about Digital, wonder what the prices are there.And people actively want physical media to die out...![]()
I wouldn't be surprised if the monthly fee for Gamepass goes up next year (maybe when Halo comes out) to $19.99 a month.Oh Game pass thank you Game pass for caring about us and our money.
Marvel's Spider-man Miles Morales
US $49.99 = £38.40
UK £51.99 = $67.36
Demon Souls
US $69.99 = £54.02
UK £69.99 = $90.68
No doubt they will fuck their DE buyers around at some point, even if they get people in for the cheap year 1, well copied from aroundfucker-OG Nintendo.Shit I didn't even think about Digital, wonder what the prices are there.
Unless these are the digital prices which means they actually haven't changed in price from PS4
could mean the retail price will decrease before launch.
Ok Shopto has reduced games like Ass Creed on PS5 to £45, Gold Edition is £67
Amazon.co.uk still listing the Gold Edition for £84.99
Pricing is adjusting it seems and some don't have prices yet, I guess other places are using the Digital Price as a placeholder
6-10%. That's not enough to bridge that price gap, but it will reduce it by a good amount. I don't know if places like Amazon still sell tax-free in places like Florida. It used to be one of the best aspects of buying stuff online, to get around that sales tax.In Europe prices are with taxes Included.
how does this works in the US?
what is the average taxe rate?
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! I thought 7% was high here in Thailand. That's insane tax. If that's the case, then the EU prices might not be very far off the US prices pre-VAT, since almost all US states have a sales tax that gets added to the listed price.16% (Germany) up to 27% (Hungary)
The fuck cares? You buy the physical game, then sell it after you finished it. Who fucks who?You queers have been licking Sony's ringpiece with furious vigour, so reap the benefit when they treat you like cattle
Well, you can sell an iPhone for 1000+ bucks, you can't sell a gaming console with a 5-10 year lifespan for 500+ because journos and "regular" people will be offended.Woke up, read the news: one part of my brain finds it all hilarious, considering the hypocrisy and assholery of the die-hard Sony bros here, but the other feels bad for those of you who simply can not afford games that expensive. Would it better to have a slightly more expensive PS5, but the same old price for games?
EU is tax included, ranging from 16-22% I believe.
So this is how arrogant Sony rears its ugly head. I knew there 'd be a atleast some way he'd creep in. But its probably Sony testing the water to see what they can get away with before changing it and being perceived as heroes for doing so.
It's a common tactic to shock people with something ridiculous to then only change the price to something less ridiculous like 69,99 but still worse than the actual baseline price it used to be.
Is there a term for this practice?
Really? 70 USD without tax is 84.5USD with EU tax, not 94USD (80EUR, which still definitely going to higher here)...Which is not Sony's fault but their own government's fault. So no need to blame Sony for the outrageous taxing.
I could of swore in the PS1 days they sold Sony first party for 10 dollars less than everyone else.MS should pull an NFL2K5 and release their first party games for 20 bucks.