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Sony stopped shipment of PS2's to retailers?


Has Sony temporarily stopped the shipment of PS2's to retailers? Today I called/visted 4 Walmarts, 3 Targets, 3 Best Buys, 3 Gamestops, etc.. and nobody has even one PS2 system on the shelves. Also, all the online versions of these stores say "out of stock". What's going on? Is Sony getting ready for a price cut or something or is this just normal? I finally tracked down a PS2 at a local Toys R Us, should I go get it our wait?

Musashi Wins!

Word at the Gamestops in this region (MI) is no shipment until the end of the month. People are pulling their hair out when they visit my local shop.


force push the doodoo rock
yeah theres a shortage on xboxen from what ive been told as well.

weve got plenty of used ps2s though.

Musashi Wins!

spengo said:
Any idea why they stopped?

The bossmen there say it's because they scaled back manufacturing for the summer and didn't anticipate the demand being what it is.

Yea, Xbox are coming in slow too, but aren't selling as fast as PS2's (here). Used of both are hard to come by and get $100 in credit.

We had to ship out our excess GC :( ToS sold well, but not with systems. And we never sold out past what kept coming in shipping. Good summer game!


Musashi Wins! said:
The bossmen there say it's because they scaled back manufacturing for the summer and didn't anticipate the demand being what it is.

Yea, Xbox are coming in slow too, but aren't selling as fast as PS2's (here). Used of both are hard to come by and get $100 in credit.

We had to ship out our excess GC :( ToS sold well, but not with systems. And we never sold out past what kept coming in shipping. Good summer game!

Ok, so I guess it's just a supply issue then. I guess I'll go and pick that one up from Toys R Us. Thanks. :)

Kumiko Nikaido

Replenishments of PS2's should occur at the end of August. Of course, it'll vary by retailer and region.

Also of note is that Sony has stopped producing the PS2 Network Bundle. The only ones available are the ones currently on store shelves and in wherehouses. So, if you plan on getting a PS2 Network Bundle, now is the time to do so if you can find them!


Yeah, there's a really large shortage right now. No one has them, for the most part. The Sony representative here CLAIMS that rumor among reps is that Sony will be introducing a redesigned console, similar to the PSone, and that's why they've cut back on the regular one. That, or, perhaps more obvious and reasonable, they're setting up a new bundle for the holidays.


My guess is they were trying to clear out inventories of non-bundle PS2s, which no one was touching while bundles were available at the same price. Plus they most likely underestimated the effect of the price cuts.


Here in Quebec City (CA), I can easily find 10 consoles by shop I go. Maybe it is time for some ebay madness !
Soul4ger said:
Yeah, there's a really large shortage right now. No one has them, for the most part. The Sony representative here CLAIMS that rumor among reps is that Sony will be introducing a redesigned console, similar to the PSone, and that's why they've cut back on the regular one. That, or, perhaps more obvious and reasonable, they're setting up a new bundle for the holidays.

The redesigned console won't happen for quite awhile. It's far too good a tool to boost sales later on in the consoles life. We still have to go throught the $129 & $99 (next year) price points before they introduce it. It worked perfectly for the PSOne and I don't see any reason for them to play it any differently.
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