That was actually perfect timing.
*sacrifices you as a reward*
lol I regret nothing! -gets best martyr award-
That was actually perfect timing.
*sacrifices you as a reward*
There are now 120 PSN IDs on the Soul Sacrifice list in the OP! I didn't expect this game to be so popular, but I'm looking forward tosacrificingplaying with all of you online.
Bring on the store update.
Soul Sacrifice news: Pick it up on PSN starting Tuesday to get the Japanese voiceover pack, 2 costumes & 3 magic items. Limited time only!
I'm not sure what this means. Do you mean like there's a "right" and "wrong" answer to each? Not from what I can tell. It's all choice. You choose which ones to save and which ones to sacrifice, the same way I choose who I'm going to spare and kill in real life.So how do you know which ones to save?
Yes, and you can choose which outcome you'd like the book to officially record, for the sake of the story, while everything that happened *to you* in both battles still happened (spoils, scores, etc).Can you go back and save them after killing them since you can replay missions?
Get both? Soul Sacrifice and Monster Hunter are pretty different.Because it's $40 I shouldn't be spending and was planning on getting monster hunter if anything instead.
Every boss character that has a human form should be saved if you want to unlock the character as an AI partner. Saving and sacrificing certain bosses will lead to more missions, depending on your decision. You can replay missions to "rewrite" the book and unlock the alternate path.So how do you know which ones to save? Any major looking creatures? Like the jack-o-latern guy, should you be saving him or is it only bigger bad guys? Can you go back and save them after killing them since you can replay missions?
Because it's $40 I shouldn't be spending and was planning on getting monster hunter if anything instead.
There are now 120 PSN IDs on the GAF's Sorcerers list in the OP! I didn't expect this game to be so popular, but I'm looking forward tosacrificingplaying with all of you online.
Bring on the store update.
I'm not sure what this means. Do you mean like there's a "right" and "wrong" answer to each? Not from what I can tell. It's all choice. You choose which ones to save and which ones to sacrifice, the same way I choose who I'm going to spare and kill in real life.
There is so much going on this game that it's kind of intimidating. I dont know what the fuck I'm doing half of the time.
About the element chain, stunning, critical / skillful attacks
Fire > Ice > Lightning > Stone > Poison > Fire,etc
Attacking an enemy multiple times with an element will eventually stun them. If you hit them with the next element in the chain, this will cause a critical hit and stun them for even longer. (example: icetree root until frozen hell, spear fragment for critical / skillful hit)
Remember the +20% damage to poison criticals? This should apply to an enemy currently stunned from poison, then hitting them with fire. The fire attack should get bonus damage.
Don't break the stun right away, you can get in plenty of attacks. Example while fighting Harpy:
Firetree Root Tri x3 (stun), Sanguine Cannon x4, Icetree Root Tri (breaks in to another stun), Blood golem, Icetree Root Tri x4 (frozen hell stun), Sanguine Cannon x4, Sparktree Root Tri (breaks in to a 3rd stun) etcetcetc
The Root Tri offerings appear to be the best offering for status effects (fireroot tree tri, iceroot tree tri, sparkroot tree tri, etcetcetc) One could assume it's because it fires 3 projectiles at fairly high damage
Charging up the Root attacks also appears to increase the build up of a status effect. (example: taking 1 charged and 2 non charged roots to stun, rather than 4 non charged root attacks to stun) This becomes more useful when you only have 1 or 2 stars on an offering and you can't cast it enough for a status effect without it breaking.
Shields will break easier if they are the weakness element to what you are blocking. example: using ice shield vs cerberus (lightning)
Although shields have no "damage" they can counter attack for very high damage. This is something I don't see anyone else doing. example: wait for a goblin to start swinging then hit O to attack. This will cause a counter attack that will send them flying and kill them. We could assume that this would have an effect on bosses as well, like higher damage or possibly longer stun times (have not tried yet.) Next time you're fighting Cerb and you have a shield up, try to counter him right before he hits the shield! You might be surprised.
I'm not sure what this means. Do you mean like there's a "right" and "wrong" answer to each? Not from what I can tell. It's all choice. You choose which ones to save and which ones to sacrifice, the same way I choose who I'm going to spare and kill in real life.
Yes, and you can choose which outcome you'd like the book to officially record, for the sake of the story, while everything that happened *to you* in both battles still happened (spoils, scores, etc).
Get both? Soul Sacrifice and Monster Hunter are pretty different.
Get MonHun too, but both are great.
I'm not gonna get sacrificed
Every boss character that has a human form should be saved if you want to unlock the character as an AI partner. Saving and sacrificing certain bosses will lead to more missions, depending on your decision. You can replay missions to "rewrite" the book and unlock the alternate path.
You'll lose him if you sacrifice him, but you can add him to your party if you save him again. His affinity will stay the same.So it really doesn't matter which you choose then? Like if I save him and then go back and kill him, will I still have him unlocked as a partner? Or do I lose him until I go back and save him again?
There is so much going on this game that it's kind of intimidating. I dont know what the fuck I'm doing half of the time.
You'll lose him if you sacrifice him, but you can add him to your party if you save him again. His affinity will stay the same.
Apparently I bought this for $30 a half a year ago on Newegg. I'd forgotten about it until I got the email today that it shipped. I guess you can add me to the list too now.
PSN ID: Kewlmyc (NA)
Keep playing. Watch what other players are doing to be successful and watch the enemies to learn their attacks and movements. At the very least, being able to move effectively and not take damage while throwing out the occasional attack or heal will ensure that you aren't wasted space or hurting your team.
The game actually reminds me of small scale MMO raids sometimes, especially with the Archfiends. You learn what works and doesn't work through trial and error and having other folks tell you and then you put it into practice with (hopefully) a good group of players and watch a previously insurmountable boss fall at your feet. And it feels good.
I was just in an online group where it was a 3 man team vs Cerb. The host dropped out 2 minutes into the fight leaving me and one other person who was luckily stacked with golem power and had a pretty beefy divine build going. I didn't think we could pull it off with just the 2 of us but we ended up only having one death apiece and took the Cerb down in 14 minutes while breaking all of the cursed parts. It was intense and awesome and a good reason why I've got over 10 hours in just the demo!
Does Newegg have the preorder stuff? They always seem to be missing that which is why I stopped doing the preorders for things like that.
I don't have the patience to wait for an opening.Why does all of the randoms I play with not use counter attacks? >:/
I kill an orc with one counter and look back to see everyone else just spamming offerings on the second one till it dies. So maddening.
Don't mind me, just venting.
I don't have the patience to wait for an opening.![]()
I'm pretty much the same. At least with Cerb, I summon a golem and counter the Orcs with my shield if they get close enough, then sacrifice them to get my golem casts back.
I actually haven't played onllne yet at all because I'm afraid to screw up other people's games, haha.
don't worry, unlike other games, if you are a letdown for the team and/or there's an asshat in the team, you'll get sacrificed ipso-facto
Has there been any info on how you transfer your save from demo to real game?
I'm mainly concerned because I Don't have enough space to download both games onto my Vita at once (using a 4GB card) and want to figure out how to best negotiate the transfer. I'll take any tips from vita pros - I'm kind of new to the system....
Whaaaat? Yesss! Last minute save by Sony. could not be more excited for the digital version to drop.
Are you sure that PSN is correct? I don't think spaces are allowed.May as well add me to the Soul Sacrifice list as well.
PSN - Snapshot King
Character Name - Patron
Do you have to do something special for + drops?
Oh yeah, my PSN is nya_08 if anyone wants to play.
Every boss character that has a human form should be saved if you want to unlock the character as an AI partner. Saving and sacrificing certain bosses will lead to more missions, depending on your decision. You can replay missions to "rewrite" the book and unlock the alternate path.
Scroll up!Still no word/confirmation on the digital copy having the preorder stuff? >_<