Haha, it seems everyone has a female char but me.
Room - GAF
Pas - 1234
So how do divines play in end game stuff in the Japanese scene? Is soloing end game stuff a pain?
Finally defeated Carnivorous Slime inside Pandora's Box. I think the volt mine spell I recently acquired made all the difference.
Is this still going? Search gives me nothing.
Guess that's what everybody's been complaining about..
Geez! If there were ever a mission that seemed impossible..
Guess I need to grind for sigils.
Let's try again. We got Phoenix to yellow faster than I expected?
Yeah, it's a difficult arena to fight it in. Got cornered more than once and the only way out was a weapon's hold attack knockback.I got stuck below the slime trying to save my companion. That level is hard because of the lack of space. In a second try I golemed him to death, using that same lack of space.
Sure, you host!
lol, Network error near the end =/
It was sad but i as able to defeated alone. Not bad. Let's go o/Ok. Same name and pw.
Hope it doesn't disconnect again.
If we can't do it let's go farming other things then lol.
Try again xPIs this still going? Search gives me nothing.
It was sad but i as able to defeated alone. Not bad. Let's go o/
Try again xP
Seems like it. There's an (L) as well.Does (s) after a spell name mean small, and (m) medium?
Seems like it. There's an (L) as well.
Try again xP
Damn network error again. Guess it's getting hard to play now.
Guess to much players for the server.
So the network errors aren't just happening to me and nerdstick?
agreed. Good idea and hopefully something that can be realised in potential future releases!Yea I think it would be awesome to have each setting have a town/hub with NPCs that do a bit of world telling and upon meeting some NPCs you would trigger an event in the book like it is now that gives you some lore and a mission, both mainline and optional stuff.
Then make Avalon an actual place to go.
Everyone disconnected when the battle was loading.
had one when we were fighting two elf queens
Networks errors aren't helping. Guess we better leave the online for later xPMust be full, doesn't show up even with case sensitive letters.
Perhaps the area of impact?
That's in the spell details though isn't it? It's also on the shields, I'll try and test by taking one of them from three * to... er, whatever the next ranks are called.Perhaps the area of impact?
Doesn't seem to be since it applies to single target healing spells too. Looks like you gain a lot more power and casts going from small to medium.
I still thought five secs if i would try it or
Everyone disconnected when the battle was loading.
Looking up at the boss alone..
Name: Poo
PW: 666
Come if you're man enough to face Avalon X Griffin + Phoenix!
Anybody know the best spells to bring for this?
Tons of ice with a little shock and someone with Gleipnir as their black rite.
Apparently the network errors are happening to everyone?
The M bulb bombs are much bigger and each hit for 300. It's insane. Can't wait to use the L version.
Oh my god, I suck, I need to roll with you guys. Any rooms accepting a 17/20?
Bulbs + blankets + eggs = wow
Pass - 1234
Lol, I can drop 4 bombs before a boss triggers it at the start. If I could get 3 others to do the same it would be pretty awesome. 4000+ damage in the opening seconds.
Let's try it out. You on now? Let's beat up on some archfiends!
Shame i have to sleep xP2 slots available!
I think the filtering system could have included filters for spell affinity because often I'm not trying to choose based on how the spell works (homing, summon, etc.) but rather what elemental type the spell is
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