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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe

The main thing about that series that was handled well was what happened to cap in the end and how Iron man regrets it.

Civil War as a comic was pretty bad for Peter when it came ou and it led directly "to one more day" which took the title of the nadir of spider man comics from the clone saga that was made in the 90's? Like I know spiderman is in this movie but I still don't see them going all the way and doing to spidey what was done in the comics. It literally broke spiderman in the comics and forced a retcon
I don't think they're going to do that in the movies. There is no precedent for it. I'm just saying that Spider-Man is still very important in the comics.


Avengers (Civil War) boost. That plus higher quality from having Feige on board should do the trick.

The Shit tier amazing ones did 700 right? The MCU should at least get it to a billion going by the rest of the their movies.

Despite being in The Avengers neither Thor or Captain America sequels got near a billion dollars worldwide. Both were certainly hits but neither were billion dollar hits.

Factor in Spider-Man's 'franchise fatigue' and I don't think that anything is certain. I think people should be aware that if ASM 2 had made a billion dollars worldwide this deal would never have been made..., this deal was made because Sony, and Spider Man, needed help.

They'd have to actively try to make a worse movie than ASM2 and we're at a stage now where "internet hype" over things like Marvel re-acquiring creative control can translate to actual box office hype

I don't see how that statement is at all true at the moment.


I think most people on here are fine with Black Panther being pushed back for Spider-man to be in the MCU. Come on, it's not like they're cancelling Black Panther. This time we can have our cakes and eat it too. albeit some of the cakes will be a bit late. But still, its been years since fans has been asking for Spider-man to be in the MCU, now we got our wish.


The dude from Maze Runner will be an Amazing Peter Parker :




Online Ho Champ
holy crap man Marvel will now be putting out

Avengers 2
Spider Man!!!!!!!!!
GoTG 2
Cap 3
Thor 3
Avengers 3
Luke Cage
Iron Fist
Captain Marvel
Black Panther !!!!!!
Dr Strange!!!

over the next 3 to 4 years

im losin it! FUCK YES

why did you ruin the party btw Fox? Why?
Maybe, though I think they should go even younger. 18 year old.

Yeah, I want to see a really young Peter Parker with big goofy glasses. Just have a big contrast to his ass-kicking persona. I want him to be a different person, and not look cool or stylish at all. His aunt and uncle raised him, I want him to be a bit out of touch, shy and naive.

:: Crosses fingers ::


YESSSSS!! hopefully Sony is open to Marvel's advice for the next standalone Spider Man movie so, you know, it might actually be good. tired of Sony only getting half of the equation right each go around.


holy crap man Marvel will now be putting out

Avengers 2
Spider Man!!!!!!!!!
GoTG 2
Cap 3
Thor 3
Avengers 3
Luke Cage
Iron Fist
Captain Marvel
Black Panther !!!!!!
Dr Strange!!!

over the next 3 to 4 years

im losin it! FUCK YES

why did you ruin the party btw Fox? Why?

Look at it this way, if Fox didn't have FF and X-Men, then Marvel probably wouldn't be developing movies about Black Panther or any of the lesser known Marvel characters.
Yeah, I want to see a really young Peter Parker with big goofy glasses. Just have a big contrast to his ass-kicking persona. I want him to be a different person, and not look cool or stylish at all. His aunt and uncle raised him, I want him to be a bit out of touch, shy and naive.

:: Crosses fingers ::
And I mean someone who will be 18 (at the most) when they first appear, so someone who's 16 or 17 right now. Go real fucking young. He's gonna be the core of phases 4 and 5 until they replace him with Miles.

Imagine phase 5. Mature Peter Parker, Ghost Rider, dusty old Dr. Strange, Carol and Kamala, T'Challa, Hulk conquering another planet, retired Iron Man providing tech support, Richard Rider, a massive GotG roster, and more. It'll be beautiful.


Looks Young enough to me..

You are comparing him to a picture of a older Spider-Man. That guy could never pull off being a 16 year old high-school student. Which is for what Spider-Man was for a long time.

The age range of actors should be around 18 to pull that off effectively for multiple films.
holy crap man Marvel will now be putting out

Avengers 2
Spider Man!!!!!!!!!
GoTG 2
Cap 3
Thor 3
Avengers 3
Luke Cage
Iron Fist
Captain Marvel
Black Panther !!!!!!
Dr Strange!!!

over the next 3 to 4 years

im losin it! FUCK YES

why did you ruin the party btw Fox? Why?

Fox created the party, breh.


Yeah, the Black Panther pushback really does dampen this. 3 1/2 years? It's like it doesn't exist anymore.

Yeah, Spidey's where the money's at, but Marvel doing BP could have some cultural impact. I was really excited to see how it would turn out and even more; see how people would respond to it.

Ok, so in three and a half years when you're watching it in the cinema, I think you can safely say "it exists".


You are comparing him to a picture of a older Spider-Man. That guy could never pull off being a 16 year old high-school student. Which is for what Spider-Man was for a long time.

The age range of actors should be around 18 to pull that off effectively for multiple films.

Fair enough, Who would you like to see then ?
Why the hell do people want Miles in this? Peter is a way better character than Miles. Plain and simple.
Maybe, but after 2 movies series in the last 15 years I think I'm done with Peter Parker for now. I don't want to see any more Mary Jane or Gwen Stacey love story stuff with Peter for a while, it would be nice to see them do something different. I think it will be interesting how this reboot of Marvel treats Spidey, could be some clues about things going forward.

As for Civil War, I don't think Spider-Man would have the same role he had in the series, I feel that requires too much set up as to why he needs to hide who he is and why he trusts Stark to unmask. I'd rather see them give him the role of Speedball in it, a young untrained hero, does something he shouldn't and causes a villain to kill lots of people. Spidey gets the blame for it all.


What's the rush for having Spider-Man back so quickly that you have to push other movies back? Just have him come out in Phase 4, let the franchise breathe. The worst thing Sony did was rebooting it only a decade after the Raimi movies, now we are getting something new in a shorter span of time. There's no rush Marvel.

Considering those leaked e-mails, it seems like Marvel's idea for a reboot wouldn't involve starting the story from the beginning or repeating past events, but starting with an already active Spider-Man and deal with villains and stories that haven't been covered yet in the movies, or with past villains in a way that doesn't blatantly contradicts what the audience already knows about Spider-Man or those villains. That could avoid the problems that came from Sony's attempt.


41 > 38
Yeah, I would be shocked if they decide to do another origin. My guess is that we'll jump into the action with Peter already having been Spider-Man for years, and at the end of the movie the likes of Rogers and Stark will start to take notice of him and begin his recruitment.
You are comparing him to a picture of a older Spider-Man. That guy could never pull off being a 16 year old high-school student. Which is for what Spider-Man was for a long time.

The age range of actors should be around 18 to pull that off effectively for multiple films.

I can't think of too many famous 18 year olds that look like Peter. IDK if they'll go for a no-name. Logan Lerman looks pretty young for his age, so he could work.

They ruined it too.
Basically by not even attempting to negiotiate with Marvel about the X-Men's, Deadpools and the Fantastic Four's appearance in any Avengers or other Marvel crossover movie.

And how do you know this is true? We only learned about Sony from the leaks.


Yeah, I would be shocked if they decide to do another origin. My guess is that we'll jump into the action with Peter already having been Spider-Man for years, and at the end of the movie the likes of Rogers and Stark will start to take notice of him and begin his recruitment.

Yes. No young spidey please, we've had 5 of those movies already


. If Marvel got the Xmen and FF tomorrow, you could pretty much say goodbye to properties like BP, Strange, Captain Marvel or Ant Man EVER getting developed.

I disagree. GoTG has shown that there is appetite for original/unconventional superhero movies as long as they are done well *shifty eyes at Green Lantern*. Marvel has a potential gold mine to explore and I don't think they're afraid to dig.
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