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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe


But is Spidey in MCU or is MCU now in Spidey? :p
Guess it doesn't matter which way they want to spin it but too bad "Sony Pictures will continue to finance, distribute, own and have final creative control of the Spider-Man films". :-

This is probably more along the lines of them not doing anything radical to hurt the Spider-man/Sony brand, like make Spider-man a communist, assassinating Kim Jung Un or rocking an Xbox One tee shirt. :p If the story connects him to the MCU then Marvel will have 99% control, Sony just needs to sign off on it.


I dont get it, that Garfield dude will not play as ASM in the new Marvel movie? Sony is gonna reboot the character and then a new movie for 2017?

Also did Sony do this to get some green??
Is something like this a first? I've never seen a company let another company have creative control of their movies in exchange for their character appearing in crossover movies with that company


tagged by Blackace
Are you joking? They'll rubber stamp whatever Mahvel says, they know they don't have a fucking clue.
That's just in there so Sony saves face. It basically translates to Sony yelling in the background like "WE STILL GETTIN' PAID OFF THIS Y'ALL, DON'T GET IT TWISTED. WE ARE ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN SO THANK US, NAH'MEAN."

Marvel will be calling the shots.
I hope you guys are right. I sincerely hope.


I'm still suspicious over this deal. All this could mean is Spidey might get a cameo appearance in Civil War or Doctor Strange, and then we still get more shitty Sony movies afterwards.
That's just in there so Sony saves face. It basically translates to Sony yelling in the background like "WE STILL GETTIN' PAID OFF THIS Y'ALL, DON'T GET IT TWISTED. WE ARE ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN SO THANK US, NAH'MEAN."

Marvel will be calling the shots.

Yep, Sony wants the money. They don't care about the Universe.

Marvel wants money, too. But they're smart enough to know that Spidey being smartly included in the MCU is gold in the bank for a lot longer.


Rodent Whores
Hahaha, wow. It's almost surreal when you think about how something like a stoner Seth Rogan movie, North Korea, and hacking was a part of this story.

My advice, as always: Don't fuck it up.


Not only were the rumors dead on about Sony and Marvel negotiating, but they were even right about the announcement being made in February




I wonder if this means the Spider-man films will get rebooted

Soooo...Garfield is out...?

According to those leaked e-mails yup. He's out and most likely this will be a fully reboot, but with the MCU people in charge.

Avi Arad is still on as executive producer? Gross.

Probably in the way that Stan Lee is credited as executive producer, just as a courtesy and a "thanks for your input, we're looking to add that" and throw that idea immediatly.
I don't think anyone from either the Amazing or Raimi runs is coming back.

Start thinking of a new JJJ while you're fancasting Parker.

This changes everything.

See X-men getting a deal in the near future.

Why would you see that? X-Men are doing just fine. Fox has no reason to run back to Marvel for any help with their superhero series.


well not really...yet
Didnt the emails say they were looking at Logan Lerman or was that rumour from somewhere else?


I have feeling that the only impact Sony will have on the Spider movies from now on will be that they'll continue to have Sony products everywhere. Hell, all the Marvel movies will now have Sony products.

I would love this. Sony electronics are sexy.



But what about that Sinister Six movie and female Spidey character based film? All scrapped? Please say yes.
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