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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Sony still getting final creative say is frighting though, I'll tell y'all that.
I think a lot of people are glossing over that unfortunately.

It's still all the same people that screwed it up in the first place, and Marvel still won't be able to do exactly what they want. This has warning written all over it.



From the sounds of it, Marvel will do a lot of heavy lifting in Spidey's solo films, and Sony will approve stuff like storylines and costumes, alongside Kevin Feige. People shouldn't be worried.

I'm on team Logan Lerman for Spidey, I like him.


Ben Fritz ‏@benfritz · 2m2 minutes ago
Marvel + Sony finally make a deal. Spider-Man to appear in Marvel's Civil War. Marvel/Feige will co-produce Sony's next Spider-Man for 2017

marvel is going to make SO MUCH money


Mr. Iger is the real hero here, I bet he had to suck some serious D to make this shit happen.

I still can't believe it, this is amazing. I am in other, joyful shock.

I wonder if it will be Peter Parker or Mike Morales. if it were up to me, it would be the Superior Spider-Man (AKA best Spidey).
The wording of 'The Amazing World of Spider-Man' lets me believe that, and how it's the "next installment". Although it could go either way, it'd be a bit too much to reboot it for a second time.

IMO they don't need to "reboot" it. No way Marvel wants to make a THIRD "origin story" movie. What they'll likely do is introduce the new Spidey as an adult, well established into his superhero role.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I imagine Marvel will still have plenty of pull in this. Plus, Sony can't exactly afford to pull the same stunts these days.


Doesn't it sound like Sony came out the winner of this deal?

They keep the Spidey movie IP, are benefitting from MCU integration, and while they won't be Marvel Studios stuff, given MCU integration, they'll get to leech off a bit of Feige to reduce the chances of it sucking.

Im fine with Sony benefitting. The first spiderman was huge, they have lost their way since those days but theres nothing wrong with them wanting to get it back on track. This is a good way to do it. MCU benefits, Sony benefits.

Thats plenty good enough. We may actually get better standalone Spidey movies now. But even if we don't Im sure his appearances in the MCU during Civil War will be awesome.

It means that with Civil War he'll be in at least ONE good movie.

Exactly. Either way this swings on Sonys side, its an improvement.


I think a lot of people are glossing over that unfortunately.

It's still all the same people that screwed it up in the first place, and Marvel still won't be able to do exactly what they want. This has warning written all over it.

Caution indeed. But something tells me Sony will listen because after all, they made hits while Sony is struggling with Spidey.


I think a lot of people are glossing over that unfortunately.

It's still all the same people that screwed it up in the first place, and Marvel still won't be able to do exactly what they want. This has warning written all over it.

Nah, Kevin Feige isn't a pushover, he should be able to get what he wants. I don't think Sony will move in their way, they probably want to follow the formula that brought Marvel success.



From the sounds of it, Marvel will do a lot of heavy lifting in Spidey's solo films, and Sony will approve stuff like storylines and costumes, alongside Kevin Feige. People shouldn't be worried.

I'm on team Logan Lerman for Spidey, I like him.

We can only hope, but the sting of ASA 2 is still too strong for my taste.
fans will never be happy.

No doubt. There's people up ins already complaining that Fox won't do the same for X-Men, or that Sony got "the win" in this partnership.

The only "win" that matters is that Spidey will be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and there's going to be a new Spidey, with a new creative direction shaped by the people who have successfully made Marvel Studios a legitimate phenomenon in Hollywood.

That's the fuckin "win" here.

That and the fact it's probably either The Russo Bros, or Lord & Miller that's gonna be making this goddamn Spidey flick in 2017.


Ben Fritz ‏@benfritz · 2m2 minutes ago
Marvel + Sony finally make a deal. Spider-Man to appear in Marvel's Civil War. Marvel/Feige will co-produce Sony's next Spider-Man for 2017

I hope it's not just a cameo or an after the credits tease. Cap, Iron Man, and Spidey in a Civil War film is pretty exciting!


Ben Fritz ‏@benfritz · 2m2 minutes ago
Marvel + Sony finally make a deal. Spider-Man to appear in Marvel's Civil War. Marvel/Feige will co-produce Sony's next Spider-Man for 2017

Jezzus, Civil War might as well be renamed Avengers: Civil War.



Looking at the calender, Thor 3 and the next Spider-man film are currently scheduled for the same release date
Sony still getting final creative say is frighting though, I'll tell y'all that.

That's just in there so Sony saves face. It basically translates to Sony yelling in the background like "WE STILL GETTIN' PAID OFF THIS Y'ALL, DON'T GET IT TWISTED. WE ARE ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN SO THANK US, NAH'MEAN."

Marvel will be calling the shots.
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