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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe

If/When Venom shows up again in the new Spider-man series my vote is for the original Venom. Look to Robert Deniro's character in Cape Fear for an idea what a good Venom should be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe9o_IwY3Fs

There is a way better story to be told with the original Venom. Vemon as the sleek, creepy "jilted ex" stalker. Watching and tormenting Peter from the shadows, he knows all of Peter's secrets and can counter all of Spider-man's moves. A mysterious figure who can go undetected by Spider-man's spider sense.



I really hate how silly and extreme they made venom over the years. Giant rampaging monsters are a dime a dozen.


If/When Venom shows up again in the new Spider-man series my vote is for the original Venom. Look to Robert Deniro's character in Cape Fear for an idea what a good Venom should be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe9o_IwY3Fs

There is a way better story to be told with the original Venom. Vemon as the sleek, creepy "jilted ex" stalker. Watching and tormenting Peter from the shadows, he knows all of Peter's secrets and can counter all of Spider-man's moves. A mysterious figure who can go undetected by Spider-man's spider sense.



I really hate how silly and extreme they made venom over the years. Giant rampaging monsters are a dime a dozen.
truth, that look is totes better than teeth and tongue venom
If/When Venom shows up again in the new Spider-man series my vote is for the original Venom. Look to Robert Deniro's character in Cape Fear for an idea what a good Venom should be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe9o_IwY3Fs

There is a way better story to be told with the original Venom. Vemon as the sleek, creepy "jilted ex" stalker. Watching and tormenting Peter from the shadows, he knows all of Peter's secrets and can counter all of Spider-man's moves. A mysterious figure who can go undetected by Spider-man's spider sense.



I really hate how silly and extreme they made venom over the years. Giant rampaging monsters are a dime a dozen.

The current "agent venom" interpretation isn't bad at all, and Mac gargan as venom before that was an interesting twist on it.


Membero Americo
I think it's time for Carnage to appear in a movie.

And I want Jim Carrey to play Cletus Cassidy. It just makes sense.
If/When Venom shows up again in the new Spider-man series my vote is for the original Venom. Look to Robert Deniro's character in Cape Fear for an idea what a good Venom should be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe9o_IwY3Fs

There is a way better story to be told with the original Venom. Vemon as the sleek, creepy "jilted ex" stalker. Watching and tormenting Peter from the shadows, he knows all of Peter's secrets and can counter all of Spider-man's moves. A mysterious figure who can go undetected by Spider-man's spider sense.



I really hate how silly and extreme they made venom over the years. Giant rampaging monsters are a dime a dozen.
This confuses me. Spidey also made a black suit? I just assumed once he separated from the symbiote he went back to his old threads.


Online Ho Champ
I think it's time for Carnage to appear in a movie.

And I want Jim Carrey to play Cletus Cassidy. It just makes sense.

maybe im all alone i just never liked carnage, its a cool idea but i knew it would lead to like 45 symbiote flavors....i wish it was just venom and carnage. And that Venom one day in a 6 part mini hunted down and finished carnage off in epic fashion. People are probably too attached to Carnage now for that to be ok, but i think it woulda been epic for a type of character that is a burn bright and die type of villain.
If/When Venom shows up again in the new Spider-man series my vote is for the original Venom. Look to Robert Deniro's character in Cape Fear for an idea what a good Venom should be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe9o_IwY3Fs

There is a way better story to be told with the original Venom. Vemon as the sleek, creepy "jilted ex" stalker. Watching and tormenting Peter from the shadows, he knows all of Peter's secrets and can counter all of Spider-man's moves. A mysterious figure who can go undetected by Spider-man's spider sense.



I really hate how silly and extreme they made venom over the years. Giant rampaging monsters are a dime a dozen.
I like this idea. Part of me is doubtful that this Venom will ever see a live action adaptation.


maybe im all alone i just never liked carnage, its a cool idea but i knew it would lead to like 45 symbiote flavors....i wish it was just venom and carnage. And that Venom one day in a 6 part mini hunted down and finished carnage off in epic fashion. People are probably too attached to Carnage now for that to be ok, but i think it woulda been epic for a type of character that is a burn bright and die type of villain.

I want Redneck Carnage, Axis showed me what I truly needed


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I hope the actor announcement comes sooner than later, I really want Dylan in this and for some reason each day makes it feel like more of a sure thing in my head. I rarely follow casting news but this is one time where I'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen.


If/When Venom shows up again in the new Spider-man series my vote is for the original Venom. Look to Robert Deniro's character in Cape Fear for an idea what a good Venom should be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe9o_IwY3Fs

There is a way better story to be told with the original Venom. Vemon as the sleek, creepy "jilted ex" stalker. Watching and tormenting Peter from the shadows, he knows all of Peter's secrets and can counter all of Spider-man's moves. A mysterious figure who can go undetected by Spider-man's spider sense.
80's Venom was quite creepy and obsessed, not the anti-hero that Marvel movie fans would like to see.


I really hope whenever we do see Venom in the MCU he's Alien Venom with the big gaping maw and that he's fucking huge, none of that anorexic topher grace shit.



Hope we get Carnage too.
Yeah I'll be honest I dont want to see X-Men in the MCU. They have a huge universe themselves and I dont feel like we need them in the MCU. They make sense on their own, unlike Spidey. He was all by himself and seeing him with the group will be great.

I do wish we could get just Hugh Jackmans Wolverine in the MCU though. He would be epic
I really hope whenever we do see Venom in the MCU he's Alien Venom with the big gaping maw and that he's fucking huge, none of that anorexic topher grace shit.



Hope we get Carnage too.

Yep, I want a giant muscular Venom with a huge mouth full of teeth and a giant tongue with spit everywhere.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
guess i'm gonna start Slott's Spider-Man run

any stand out arcs? I'm thinking Big Time, Spider Island & Remender's Venom run

not interested in Superior, just Parker


Junior Member
Dylan would do great as Spider-Man, but I'm not sure if he can nail the nerdy aspects of Peter Parker. I have the opposite concern with Logan Lerman.



This made me kind of sad that we won't have Garfield lol His films are ass but I really think he could have nailed the role under Marvel.

I hope the actor announcement comes sooner than later, I really want Dylan in this and for some reason each day makes it feel like more of a sure thing in my head. I rarely follow casting news but this is one time where I'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen.

I've been growing to accept Dylan more and more but the concern with him is that he has a lot of other films he's working on.


Spider-Verse takes place after Spider Island, right?

and is Superior required for SV?
Yes Supirior Spider-Man takes place after the Spider-Island event and Spider-Verse is an event that takes place a couple issues after Supirior Spider-Man which is required reading for the event.


I think for the mainstream audience that doesn't know much other symbiotes, Venom will be plenty and Carnage will be pushing it. It's cool for comic readers but if symbiote after symbiote shows up people will just be rolling their eyes.

Then again it would still fare a lot better than Rhino. :p


Online Ho Champ
The last two X-Men films have been great. Apocalypse is easily my most anticipated comic book movie.

I dont think there has been 5 min of Xmen on film in the 8 tries Fox has put out...its getting sad as the shitty 10 years of xmen comics that have been trying to grasp for glory yet write them like selfish losers.


Yeah I'll be honest I dont want to see X-Men in the MCU. They have a huge universe themselves and I dont feel like we need them in the MCU. They make sense on their own, unlike Spidey. He was all by himself and seeing him with the group will be great.

Yeah I'm fine with X-Men being a separate universe because the themes of human mutation, xenophobia, and mutant discrimination work fine on its own level, without muddying their story with alien invasions and other masked superheroes.

I do want the Fantastic Four in the Avengers universe. Especially to have Dr. Doom and Galactus as villains. Fox could also really benefit from a similar deal as Sony, since F4 hasn't been a good box office success. It's too bad the reboot is already coming out soon though. That would delay any possibility of F4 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe at least another 5 years.
I don't know if this has been discussed; but the deal is just for Spider-Man to show up in MCU films? The rest of the characters will only be in the Sony ones? Or could we see a new Norman Osborn show up in the MCU and possibly form the Dark Avengers or something?

Sorry if this was covered, but most of the articles just say Spider-Man and doesn't touch on his supporting cast of characters.
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