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Spider-Man |OT| web's outta stock y'all


Here's a guy saying people are claiming they like the game just because it's a Sony exclusive. So yeah, the same shit you up there USING ALL CAPS TO LMAO about has already happened. If you so fond of trying to call out what you think is bullshit why didn't you call out xviper on his bullshit? Maybe you only call it out when it goes one way.


Just got done playing a lot more, combat is much deeper than I thought. I look forward to bumping it up to hard difficulty but I want to get more of the hang of what I'm doing, plus when you start getting into the skill tree and opening up even more options I feel it might be overwhelming, so slow and steady. First thing I did when I got let loose was fix all the police signals, ran into a nice little vehicle chase crime that I loved. I only stepped away cause I need to eat, don't wanna overdo it lol.

Still feel like I kinda suck though, with swinging and fighting, does anybody else have that feeling? Or maybe had it initially?
I sucked some with the fighting at first because I was so used to Arkham. The fighting is heavily influenced by Arkham. But trying to Batman in Spider-Man = losing once enemy variations come about.

Invest skill points into skills that are swing based. Then you can hit X twice between swings. Much faster.

L2+R2 then immediately hit X when feet touch building. Hit X twice, swing. Repeat for zoom.

Also skill for R2+X and charge for Kurt Cobain high as shit jumps.

This game is surprisingly dead.


Man, this game really surprised me, it has the best open world city I've ever seen, it's crazy!

And they managed to diverge from Arkham's combat by making it a little more combo-based than crowd management, it's fun as hell!


Gold Member
Already played it for an hour as it is 1am in Germany and I am really enjoying it. The gameplay is great and the first main quests were very fun. The open world could get repetitive though.

I am really enjoying it too, but my kid wanted to be Spider-Man. I handed the controller to her. Her first thought, "let's crawl". So 20 minutes of crawling into building textures. :messenger_hushed::messenger_hushed::messenger_grimmacing_
Is anyone else having an issue with random crimes no longer happening or do I have to advance the story for more to trigger? I'm 12 hours in at the Shocker bank fight. I haven't had a random encounter in a long time now.

EDIT: Looks like they're limited until post game when they become endless. That is so incredibly stupid.

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Insomniac included "QTE Auto Complete" and "Option to Skip Puzzles" in the Accessibility menu.

Do they think actual monkeys are playing their games? The QTEs are easier than Detroit while the puzzles are easier than Uncharted 4. A child could beat most if them one-handed.

They did this bullshit with Ratchet and Clank and I knew they'd yuck this game up somehow. Glad I rented this instead.

Hell no. This should be a trend more developers need to follow. Nothing wrong with having options.

I for one am glad I can skip boring ass puzzles in games. Thank you insomniac.


Game is awesome. I want to say this is finally the best spiderman game out there, like Arkham Asylum was for Batman. I haven't done much story but the intro stuff. Been unlocking towers, doing crimes, getting backpacks.

And the game runs like a dream and looks great, even on a standard PS4.


Game is awesome. I want to say this is finally the best spiderman game out there, like Arkham Asylum was for Batman. I haven't done much story but the intro stuff. Been unlocking towers, doing crimes, getting backpacks.

And the game runs like a dream and looks great, even on a standard PS4.
I felt the same thing. I even think the combat is better than Arkham. Once you get the hang of it you feel like a god swinging around, throwing objects at the bad guys, doing crazy acrobatics, etc. I'm loving it.


Darkness no more
I played a few hours so far. Graphics, combat and cruising around the city are all great. The map seems to be littered with tons of repetitive collectable objectives. That's the only negative I have so far.


I see more people complaining about puzzles, QTEs and wanting to skip cutscenes. What are you guys expecting out of this game? The game itself has been really good for me. Great graphics, voice-acting, gameplay, music and pacing has been consistent so far. For me, I have been enjoying the heck out of the game minus some annoying game freezes that I randomly experienced. My PS4 pro is fine when I checked it and it plays other games just fine, so I hope it's just some in-game anomaly that can be fixed via future patches.
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I also picked up the PS4 Pro bundle. That thing is super sexy. Almost makes me want to put it back in the box and never use it. But I’m weird like that.

Dr. Claus

Got the game today and played for nearly 7 hours straight without getting bored. The websinging is fast, fluid, and traversal is always fun. Combat is good, but I wish there were some easier "short cuts" to the various spiderman abilities like Arkham does - unless there are and I simply haven't figured out how to do it yet.

The story is pretty interesting so far, but the characters all just look... off. Not sure if it is the facial modeling or what, but I am getting some very... meh feelings from that.

New York is absolutely beautiful to view and swing through. I wanted to see New York in a proper hi-fidelity setting ever since Spidey 3 which looked... awful. This makes me want to visit the city and see it first hand.


I finished up the game for the night. It's extremely derivative and hits all the usual lazy western game design elements so hard that it almost makes the new Tomb Raider games look original. There are a few nuggets of potential in the combat and traversal but overall it's far too limiting to really be all that exciting for me as far as the gameplay goes. Locking so many skills behind the level system doesnt help either.

The game is pretty but man some of the animation and NPCs are so ugly that it really clashes.

This is the first Spider-Man game I've played since the third movie game so I think I'm going to go back and play some older ones to compare. I dont think any of them have the Scarlet Spider suit though which blows. I gotta give Insomniac props for letting me unlock it so early in this one.
Traversal has finally clicked for me. Point launch boosts are just so satisfying. I don't think it's possible to make a traversal power more fun than web-swinging.


Being from NYC I'm having a blast just walking/swinging around and looking at the city trying to get my bearings..it's pretty accurate for the most part ..there are some odd omissions though, like for some reason I can't find Canal St!!(or maybe I'm just missing it) .Makes me wish they modeled Brooklyn or at least some parts of it...Another thing that's kind of weird ( this is true of most superhero games) is why can I stop a car from flipping over on me and lift what is probably a few tons of rubble off of 2 people and save them but Goon A and Thug 2 pose a threat , with their fist no less, for some reason..I mean I know why (gameplay reasons ) but still funny ..the game is a blast , I really am enjoying it .This game wasn't even on my radar till earlier today because I had some money in my PSN wallet and said why not and I'm glad I did .


Ah I guess I just never see it.

You have to really kind of be watching for it which you don't have time to do unless they were the last enemy around, and even then it's more hand-wavey than practical looking.
There's no way that doesn't snap a neck at least 25% of the time.

This game seems looooooooooooong, though. Holy crap. I've been playing a day and a half now and I haven't even seen any of the Sinister Six and a ton of other stuff is still just foreshadowing, at this point.
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I finished up the game for the night. It's extremely derivative and hits all the usual lazy western game design elements

Pretty much how I'm feeling about the game. I didn't plan on buying it, but after seeing reviews going "a defining game of this generation", I thought why not. Now I wonder what those people were smoking, because I can't see how anyone can play this game and think it's one of the best games of this generation.

It's not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but it's also not a masterpiece. The open-world activities are quite bland and generic (towers to reveal areas on the map, in 2018? I thought we were past this). I did a side-mission that was basically just "go to three locations and beat up dudes, then go to a final location and beat up more dudes". Standard fare for a game of this nature, but nothing riveting. The masterpiece everyone is ranting and raving about- I'm just not seeing it in this game.

It's not super polished either. Twice now I've encountered a visual bug where the majority of my screen turns into black boxes for a few seconds. The camera isn't great and is often a hindrance in combat because the character doesn't always 'flow' towards off-screen enemies like in the Arkham games. There are also minor technical issues that ruin the immersion. One of the first things I did once I got access to the open world was drop into central park, just to watch NPCs swivel around to face me without moving their feet.

I'm still having fun with it, but I suspect it's a play-once-and-shelve-it game. I would be incredibly surprised if most people are still talking about this game in 2 weeks, much less remember it when the end of the current gen consoles rolls around and we start reminiscing about the best games of this gen. Spider-Man is my favorite superhero, period, but sadly I had more fun with Arkham Knight than I'm having with this game, even taking into consideration how flawed Arkham Knight was (especially compared to Asylum and City).


Gold Member
I’m really enjoying it but it has its flaws. I feel like it has all these different parts, which are amazing, but it never becomes more than the sum of those parts.

Also, does anyone else feel the odd contrast in Spidey’s incredible fluidity when swinging through city canyons against how poorly he controls up close, trying to jump up a ledge.


Absolutely loving this game so far. It's really making the sony haters come out of hiding once again. I've noticed that because the other consoles/pc can't compete anymore all they can do now is try to downplay any sony exclusive game that comes out. They can't be happy we finally get a great spiderman game... Quite sad really.
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Just beat it. Stayed up till 4 am for 2 days. The swinging is incredibly addicting once you understand the mechanics.

The game is VERY cinematic and I really enjoyed it a lot. Did a bunch of collectibles and unlocked all but 1 suit.

I am a huge fan of the Arkham series and I feel that Spider-Man has dethroned the series as best superhero game of all time. I'm insanely impressed and can't believe how well Insomniac pulled it off. I shouldn't be too surprised as I loved Sunset Overdrive, but this game just set a new standard in regards to presentation and gameplay that I'm excited to see other devs try and top. They did a stellar job and I really hope the dlc can live up to the standards that the base game put out.

The only thing that didn't really grab me was the musical score as it didn't feel too memorable. I say that though as an orchestra junkie and think most people won't care. Most superhero properties have a very memorable theme and it felt like Spider-Man's a bit unforgettable. Not bad, just unremarkable compared to how great the rest of the game really is.

The lighting and the animation are real standouts. Textures look great and facial animations could easily stand with Naughty Dog on many levels.

Overall just really impressed and think it's been a banner year for Sony as a whole. I don't really plan on picking up too much else this year other than RDR2 on the Xbox One X and maybe Fallout 76 on PC.

Any word on New Game+? I really want to play through again but would love to transfer over all my work from this playthrough.

Again, AMAZING job Insomniac, ya'll must be proud as shit.


One thing I definitely think is bad design is when the game talks about your failures, even when sometimes it's not even your fault.

Got some tweet about missing some kid's balloon, which I saw but it disappeared. Another one was about the car chase which I spent too long setting up to complete the don't get hit objective. JJJ's podcast talked about it and it felt shitty to have that being talked about.
One thing I definitely think is bad design is when the game talks about your failures, even when sometimes it's not even your fault.

Got some tweet about missing some kid's balloon, which I saw but it disappeared. Another one was about the car chase which I spent too long setting up to complete the don't get hit objective. JJJ's podcast talked about it and it felt shitty to have that being talked about.


I don't know wether to take people serious or not on here.

That's the whole point of JJJ, he's a constant source of derision for Spider-Man essentially since the inception of the character 40+ years ago.
I think I am nearing the end. Game is really good. Better than I was expecting after reading the reviews actually. Haven't been really bothered by the stealth stuff. They are all too forgiving if anything.

I love the JJJ podcast stuff. And all the writing snd VO is top notch.

And of course visually it is outstsnding!
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I don't know wether to take people serious or not on here.

That's the whole point of JJJ, he's a constant source of derision for Spider-Man essentially since the inception of the character 40+ years ago.
Uh no, that's not the point. To embellish on a player's failure is shitty design.


Uh no, that's not the point. To embellish on a player's failure is shitty design.

Come on, really? You feel shitty because a game is making fun of your mistakes in a canon-friendly way? I just cannot imagine being so thin-skinned that this is the kind of thing that makes you feel shitty.

You've gotta be trolling. Nobody can be that sensitive.


Come on, really? You feel shitty because a game is making fun of your mistakes in a canon-friendly way? I just cannot imagine being so thin-skinned that this is the kind of thing that makes you feel shitty.

You've gotta be trolling. Nobody can be that sensitive.
It doesn't matter what the context is, it's always shitty, and it was an insulting fail state remark.

I'm trying to figure out this stupid car chase objective without getting hit, and the caller to the podcast said that I "did nothing to stop the car chase". No, I was doing something. I was busy figuring out this bullshit objective because there's no way to dodge bullets while web swinging. I don't need my face slapped because of this broken mechanic.


I don't really want to insult or mock you, because I don't think you deserve that. But I do think you should try and get some perspective. If a game making fun of your mistakes is enough to get you riled up in real life, you should consider why that's the case.

Being riled up because a fictional character in a videogame mocks you is not rational. Especially not when said fictional character (and presumably his fans) has canonically always insulted and misrepresented Spider-man's intentions. It's just a game and it's absolutely harmless.


Uh no, that's not the point. To embellish on a player's failure is shitty design.
I disagree. In Spider-Mans case, JJJ is such an over-the-top character to begin with and he's already trashing Spider-Man every which way he can (which is great, I love the character), the fact that he may comment on something the player did is just icing on the cake. I don't take it personally though.

But a better example/implementation of that is Chloe, the main menu android in Detroit. If you enter the main menu every now and then, she'll comment on whatever you've been doing, sometimes quite frankly even. Playing the game first time, in the very beginning Kara is supposed to go upstairs to rescue Alice. But I was just waiting for a "press X to Alice"-prompt, which never came; if the player doesn't move Kara at all, her (and Alice's) story will end up very short. Realizing what I had done, I thought I'm so early in the game I'd restart. And going to the main menu and having Chloe scorn me along the lines of "how could you???" was great in my opinion, but as stated, I don't take it personally.
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So what happened to spiderman webbing people to safety? lol

I'm just killing everyone now
No you are not. If you follow them they get automated webbed on the wall etc XD

That said. I jsut finished the game and I must say that this it was a really really good game. Only complain I had were too many stealth sections but luckily they were also pretty short. Otherwise I really enjoyed even the side stuff (of what I did) Did not feel boring at all. And I can not wait for a next one and the season pass XD


Absolutely loving this game so far. It's really making the sony haters come out of hiding once again. I've noticed that because the other consoles/pc can't compete anymore all they can do now is try to downplay any sony exclusive game that comes out. They can't be happy we finally get a great spiderman game... Quite sad really.

The fuck you on about?
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so i finished the fisk arrest and did some missions side quest things with doc ock. Its ok but i'm really bad at the combat. It doesn't flow as easy as batman.


The fuck you on about?

The fact that day one of every single playstation exclusives you have people coming in to every topic regurgitating the same crap. Happened with god of war/uncharted/horizon/etc and I'm sure it will happen again with days gone, last of us 2 and ghosts of tsushima. The most hilarious thing about this is that liking bloodborne is ALWAYS the scapegoat they use to try to add credibility to what they say.
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