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Spider-Man |OT| web's outta stock y'all


so i finished the fisk arrest and did some missions side quest things with doc ock. Its ok but i'm really bad at the combat. It doesn't flow as easy as batman.
I stuggled with it at first, one tip: even though the roots of the combat clearly are from Arkham, it is really quite different. Don't try to play it like Batman (better be in air than on the ground). The flow is definitely there, but it's a different kind of flow.
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After quite a few hours (not finished yet), I must say it is an excellent game and I'm having a great time. I'm surprised by the divisive reactions, specially about some of the issues people are having, like the stealth parts. They work great for me, if anything I wish there were more of them and they weren't so easy (Spidey is OP). But there is a lot to like in the game: combat works well, it looks amazing, it's well written and the main missions are great and have some very cool set pieces.

I could see people having problems with the camera, as combat arenas are big and very often you'd have a lot of people out of view. I didn't have a problem with that, thanks to Spiderman's mobility and his ability to zip towards people who are out of view, which works great to escape situations or counter weapon fire from out of view. Well, except perhaps with finisher moves, which use a cinematic approach that will mess your camera. I would have abused them a lot more if it weren't for that, but at least they give you invulnerability, disable bomb threats nearby, and leave all the AI in an idle state for a second, so you have some time to get away or check the situation around.

I must agree about the side missions, though. They are not that bad, but there are way too many of them and every mission of the same type is mostly the same. I specially hate the 'challenge tokens' missions, which not only are really bad, but half of the late unlocks in the game are locked behind them for some reason. Perhaps I'm missing something, but they just seem to be broken. For example, you are supposed to press L1+R1 when you're close to the items you need to collect, but half of the time the prompt just won't activate despite standing right there. [Edit: as I learned later, there are multiple kinds of challenge missions and this happens in only one specific type, but they are all terrible anyway, every one of them I've played had some issues].

The game also needs another patch or two, I've had multiple instances of broken missions because enemies got stuck inside walls or under the floor and I couldn't proceed, and two crashes so far.
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Got this yesterday and have been playing for most of the day. Having fun seems solid so far. Nothing amazing yet.

Just met MJ, and they've made her so... generic. Why is she a reporter? What happened to her personality?


This game was only slightly on my radar. After reading reviews I was surprised. Picked this up late last night. So far very surprised, really enjoying this game. I think what's pulling me in is not the overwhelming amount of side missions constantly pulling you from the main story. I tend to get bored of open world games with repetitive side missions.

Game looks beautiful, combat is great, IMO better than Arkham. But does take a decent amount of time to get used to the combat.


the side activities should be unlocked from the beginning, it's annoying to do all the side activities available and then suddenly new ones unlock through progression and they are scattered all over NY

these side activities are pretty much collectibles, so they should be available to do from the beginning and not locked behind story progression
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the side activities should be unlocked from the beginning, it's annoying to do all the side activities available and then suddenly new ones unlock through progression and they are scattered all over the NY

these side activities are pretty much collectibles, so they should be available to do from the beginning and not locked behind story progression
An open world game requiring you to constantly explore its open world, how dare they! Shame on Insomniac.
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Nose how to spell and rede to
Yo the movement in this game is some good - it’s one of those times where I’m driven to get better because I can imagine how awesome it would look and feel with smooth execution. Excited to see how my style progresses
It took some time but I finally have a firm grasp on the combat and as a result I'm absolutely loving the game. This game does to Spiderman what Arkham did to Batman - makes you actually feel like said character in combat. Traversal feels perfect as well.
I have to admit it was a bit of a rough start, though (the Kingpin fight, specifically - on Hard he was KO'ing me in 2 hits lol).

My only real complaint right now is the fact that there are some missing options in the game, like analog stick preference in the weapon wheel (I only want to use the right stick - using the left stick to move also switches weapons) or even HUD element visibility (I don't want to see the damn main mission icon at all times).
I do appreciate the options to turn off Chromatic Aberration, Film Grain, and Motion Blur though!
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One thing: the Peter Parker story sections does a great job at building up the narrative, it actually makes you really feel like a superhero, unlike the Arkham games, which are set during one night

The "Aristotelian unities" kind of story that Arkham games had damaged the realism and imersion (specially in Arkham Knight and Origins), Insomniac made a great choice in not following those rules


Got this yesterday and have been playing for most of the day. Having fun seems solid so far. Nothing amazing yet.

Just met MJ, and they've made her so... generic. Why is she a reporter? What happened to her personality?

Politics. It's a shame too because MJ is actually a great character without giving her superpowers or aping Lois Lane. It's pretty depressing that the real MJ never makes it out of the comics most of the time.
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Gold Member
I am a huge fan of the Arkham series and I feel that Spider-Man has dethroned the series as best superhero game of all tim

I'm the opposite.

Played for another five hours today and, for as much as I am enjoying the game, it's reminded quite how amazing the Batman games are, especially City.

Spiderman feels disjointed - it's too stop and start. The nature of the traversal means that you don't really feel like you're part of the NY city. In contrast, Batman's Gotham is incredibly well done and visceral; you feel like you're part of a living, breathing city that's gone to hell. I also prefer the combat in Batman, if only for the weight that the fighting has.

That said, I fully expect the second Spiderman game to get even better, so there's no reason why it can't get to Arkham's, ahem, heights.


the side activities should be unlocked from the beginning, it's annoying to do all the side activities available and then suddenly new ones unlock through progression and they are scattered all over the NY

these side activities are pretty much collectibles, so they should be available to do from the beginning and not locked behind story progression
I agree with you. If they were all unlocked from the start it'd make the world feel more alive and give the player a sense of of exploratoon. As it is right now I keep completing them as soon as they appear.


I'm the opposite.

Played for another five hours today and, for as much as I am enjoying the game, it's reminded quite how amazing the Batman games are, especially City.

Spiderman feels disjointed - it's too stop and start. The nature of the traversal means that you don't really feel like you're part of the NY city. In contrast, Batman's Gotham is incredibly well done and visceral; you feel like you're part of a living, breathing city that's gone to hell. I also prefer the combat in Batman, if only for the weight that the fighting has.

That said, I fully expect the second Spiderman game to get even better, so there's no reason why it can't get to Arkham's, ahem, heights.
Meh, traversal in City felt really limiting. Grapple and gliding is so linear and rigid. Spiderman definitely has it beat with how free and fast you can move around. You can't do a sudden 90 degree turn into a different street in Batman, well, not like there's an opportunity to since Arkham City is so small, and traversal in City was so bad, that's why they completely got rid of it and went with the cool Batmobile in Arkham Knight.

And Batman's combat is just mashing attacks for combos until you need to dodge, maybe an occassional gadget. It gets really boring and defensive. In Spiderman, you need to be proactive about which enemies you want to bring down and how to bring them down, and you have a lot of tools and a lot more mechanics to worry about than simply dodging. It's way more interesting than Batman.


Ugh, trying to make this car chase crime happen. I had it happen once in the past two hours, and I automatically failed it because the car was already at the edge of 200m when it popped up.

I hate how this is a missable.


I watched a Spiderman stream of a guy farming the town, like in those terrible Assassin Creed map, to unlock some coin to enhance some stuff, who need upgrade mods, who are hided in menu of menu... Looked so tedious and boring.

Is there a point? They're playing the game in a way it's clearly not meant to be played, that is no metric of the actual game.
Anyone else feel like this game controls like a ham sandwich outside of the swinging? And although expansive, I think I was more impressed with sunset overdrive’s graphics. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Xaero Gravity

The fact that day one of every single playstation exclusives you have people coming in to every topic regurgitating the same crap. Happened with god of war/uncharted/horizon/etc and I'm sure it will happen again with days gone, last of us 2 and ghosts of tsushima. The most hilarious thing about this is that liking bloodborne is ALWAYS the scapegoat they use to try to add credibility to what they say.
That happens to every game that's exclusive to a platform though.


Anyone else feel like this game controls like a ham sandwich outside of the swinging? And although expansive, I think I was more impressed with sunset overdrive’s graphics. 🤷🏽‍♂️

The combat can be a bit unresponsive and the more basic movement/crawling could use some work, yeah. Cant say much about the graphics since I dont play that many high end AAA games to compare it to really.


One thing I definitely think is bad design is when the game talks about your failures, even when sometimes it's not even your fault.

Got some tweet about missing some kid's balloon, which I saw but it disappeared. Another one was about the car chase which I spent too long setting up to complete the don't get hit objective. JJJ's podcast talked about it and it felt shitty to have that being talked about.

You think it's bad design that failures be cheekily acknowledged?
You don't want a video game. You want a robot that will blow you while telling you "I'm proud of you" in your dad's voice.
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Is anyone else having an issue with random crimes no longer happening or do I have to advance the story for more to trigger? I'm 12 hours in at the Shocker bank fight. I haven't had a random encounter in a long time now.

EDIT: Looks like they're limited until post game when they become endless. That is so incredibly stupid.

I take this back. The crimes ramping up as the story progresses is better that having them all unlocked from the start.


You think it's bad design that failures be cheekily acknowledged?
You don't want a video game. You want a robot that will blow you while telling you "I'm proud of you" in your dad's voice.
It wasn't cheekily acknowledged. It was "player is stupid because the game mechanic is busted."


This MJ stuff is trash. I want to play as Spider-man for fucks sake, not Nancy Drew sneaking around an art museum.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
This MJ stuff is trash. I want to play as Spider-man for fucks sake, not Nancy Drew sneaking around an art museum.

It was well done and like 4 minutes. I swear people around here are raging 12 year olds.


This MJ stuff is trash. I want to play as Spider-man for fucks sake, not Nancy Drew sneaking around an art museum.

Again, the attention span of a fruit fly.
"Oh man, what's this narrative and characterization in my story-focused video game!? I just wanted 20 hours of punching stuff in the face ! How dare this product attempt to be engaging! Everything created must cater to my individual tastes!"
Again, the attention span of a fruit fly.
"Oh man, what's this narrative and characterization in my story-focused video game!? I just wanted 20 hours of punching stuff in the face ! How dare this product attempt to be engaging! Everything created must cater to my individual tastes!"
Cut it out.

This is a superhero game. Whose idea was it to play as characters that aren't superheroes? The stealth sections with MJ and (spoiler?) are easily the weakest parts of the game. And so far most of them are done in flashbacks - they couldn't even use the present timeline to prove the significance to these side characters.

If I wanted to look at old artifacts and sneak past enemies I'd play Uncharted.


I just think it needlessly diverts from the gameplay shown prerelease, and from what players expect from these games. This is the only spiderman game I can think of where I've played as someone without superpowers. I just didn't find it fun in the slightest. Glad it only lasted 10 min.

Loving the rest so far, the swinging is great and I am digging the combat, characterizations seem interesting and the graphics are great. Like many I have opinions on the little things about how the swinging and general traversal mechanics work, but I'm gonna give it some more time before I weigh in on those parts. Generally I think it feels pretty damned good though and I'm going to enjoy playing this game for quite a while.
Cut it out.

This is a superhero game. Whose idea was it to play as characters that aren't superheroes? The stealth sections with MJ and (spoiler?) are easily the weakest parts of the game. And so far most of them are done in flashbacks - they couldn't even use the present timeline to prove the significance to these side characters.

If I wanted to look at old artifacts and sneak past enemies I'd play Uncharted.

Oh great there's more of them ffs
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Cut it out.

This is a superhero game. Whose idea was it to play as characters that aren't superheroes? The stealth sections with MJ and (spoiler?) are easily the weakest parts of the game. And so far most of them are done in flashbacks - they couldn't even use the present timeline to prove the significance to these side characters.

If I wanted to look at old artifacts and sneak past enemies I'd play Uncharted.

I thought they were brilliant. Mary Jane's comments on the exhibits added a lot of backstory and characterization, and the auction house set itself was beautifully realized.
I wandered around far longer than I needed to just to take in the exhibits and appreciate the modeling and texturing.
Even the initial cutscene where MJ tricks her way inside by calling the DMV and pretending she's having a chat with her boss was slickly done and gave MJ a ton of personality.

I have absolutely no problem with "action" games having slower and more thoughtful sections.
The contrast allows differing styles and settings to shine more than if you'd become desensitized to them.

And your complaint that they're done as flashbacks is just stupid - and incorrect, on at least one count.
Literally the very second segment like this you encounter in the game is done in the present with a great sense of urgency.
I think you just don't have the attention span for anything that isn't a constant series of fireworks, bells and whistles and pats on your back telling you what a great gamer you are.

I feel like if you'd designed this this game it'd just be a conveyor belt of supervillian battles with no nuance or ambition.
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I thought they were brilliant. Mary Jane's comments on the exhibits added a lot of backstory and characterization, and the auction house set itself was beautifully realized.
I wandered around far longer than I needed to just to take in the exhibits and appreciate the modeling and texturing.
Even the initial cutscene where MJ tricks her way inside by calling the DMV and pretending she's having a chat with her boss was slickly done and gave MJ a ton of personality.

I have absolutely no problem with "action" games having slower and more thoughtful sections.
The contrast allows differing styles and settings to shine more than if you'd become desensitized to them.

And your complaint that they're done as flashbacks is just stupid - and incorrect, on at least one count.

I feel like if you'd designed this this game it'd just be a conveyor belt of supervillian battles with no nuance or ambition.

I am glad you got something out of it, and I'm sure other people like it. I literally ran past all the exhibits immediately, to the press triangle prompt that would advance the story so I could get back to playing as spiderman asap. Surely you can understand how some people might find this a boring diversion, it's the first time in a spiderman game you are playing as someone without any powers.
I thought they were brilliant. Mary Jane's comments on the exhibits added a lot of backstory and characterization, and the auction house set itself was beautifully realized.
I wandered around far longer than I needed to just to take in the exhibits and appreciate the modeling and texturing.
Even the initial cutscene where MJ tricks her way inside by calling the DMV and pretending she's having a chat with her boss was slickly done and gave MJ a ton of personality.

I have absolutely no problem with "action" games having slower and more thoughtful sections.
The contrast allows differing styles and settings to shine more than if you'd become desensitized to them.

And your complaint that they're done as flashbacks is just stupid - and incorrect, on at least one count.
Literally the very second segment like this you encounter in the game is done in the present with a great sense of urgency.
I think you just don't have the attention span for anything that isn't a constant series of fireworks, bells and whistles and pats on your back telling you what a great gamer you are.

I feel like if you'd designed this this game it'd just be a conveyor belt of supervillian battles with no nuance or ambition.
Spiderman has had several slower moments where he doesn't fight anyone but I liked those parts (besides the fact that all of his puzzles are skippable).


I thought they were brilliant. Mary Jane's comments on the exhibits added a lot of backstory and characterization, and the auction house set itself was beautifully realized.
I wandered around far longer than I needed to just to take in the exhibits and appreciate the modeling and texturing.
Even the initial cutscene where MJ tricks her way inside by calling the DMV and pretending she's having a chat with her boss was slickly done and gave MJ a ton of personality.

I have absolutely no problem with "action" games having slower and more thoughtful sections.
The contrast allows differing styles and settings to shine more than if you'd become desensitized to them.

And your complaint that they're done as flashbacks is just stupid - and incorrect, on at least one count.
Literally the very second segment like this you encounter in the game is done in the present with a great sense of urgency.
I think you just don't have the attention span for anything that isn't a constant series of fireworks, bells and whistles and pats on your back telling you what a great gamer you are.

I feel like if you'd designed this this game it'd just be a conveyor belt of supervillian battles with no nuance or ambition.
I liked the sequences myself too, it's nice to have some downtime every now and then.

However her character and her personality is so generic. It's cookie cutter white girl that you see everywhere nowadays.

MJ in the comics is a bombshell with a sparkling and feisty personality. A great contrast to Peter and his awkward, mild and introverted persona.

If they wanted a reporter they should have used Ben Urich. If they wanted a female reporter perhaps maybe Betty Brant would have been the way to go but not Mary Jane.


Im a big spiderman fan but ultimate spiderman was my favorite game. Its going to take me a while to beat this since my son is watching and i only play when he wants. But I need to master the combat still as it is a little different than batman flow wise for me. But I saw the replies and I'll keep plugging away until i get it. I liked what I played so far and how the spider sense works. I'm glad i didn't have to start with the ugly white spider suit. Looking forward to my scarlet spider suit ;D


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I'm enjoying this game but I'm not blown away by any means. I'll finish it for sure but idk if I'll remember it 6 months from now.


Is anyone else experiencing game freezes? I had like 3 separate freezes on my ps4 pro so far...It was quite annoying as I was enjoying the game a lot and it froze on me. I had a friend who also experienced the game freezing up randomly.
Yeah I had one in like the first 15 minutes but none since. Also on Pro (found a Spidey Pro bundle! Woohoo!)


Also, this game is more or less what I wanted out of a new Infamous, but with the benefit of the Marvel Universe. Super fun traversal, an huge, super detailed city, and some actual quality bespoke level design to break up the open world stuff.

The controls scheme feels a little over complicated in some ways and a lot of the side mission stuff is repetitive, but the basics are all super fun.
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Also, this game is more or less what I wanted out of a new Infamous, but with the benefit of the Marvel Universe. Super fun traversal, an huge, super detailed city, and some actual quality bespoje level design to break up the open world stuff.

The controls scheme feels a little over complicated in some ways and a lot of the side mission stuff is repetitive, but the basics are all super fun.
Yeah I'm thinking the same thing. Aside from First Light's arena challenges there's no reason to go back to Infamous over this.

I just wish they cared about me doing the puzzles and didn't make me play boring characters with no powers.
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