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Spider-Man |OT| web's outta stock y'all

So I finally found the downgrade. I did the leg work so you don’t have to.


Sneaky Squirrels thought they could just be part of Spider-Man PS4.

It was hiding in plain sight.


Gold Member
So I finally found the downgrade. I did the leg work so you don’t have to.


Sneaky Squirrels thought they could just be part of Spider-Man PS4.

It was hiding in plain sight.

No squirrels? How about roaches on 5th Avenue?

They need to patch them in, STAT!


As for the MJ stuff. I thought it was fine for the most part. really liked it when they combined MJ and Peter moments. The one at the convention? was really cool. What I did not like were the Miles sections. Besides his last one maybe they felt a bit out of place to me. Also MJ and Miles were both stealth but luckily they were over pretty fast.


As for the MJ stuff. I thought it was fine for the most part. really liked it when they combined MJ and Peter moments. The one at the convention? was really cool. What I did not like were the Miles sections. Besides his last one maybe they felt a bit out of place to me. Also MJ and Miles were both stealth but luckily they were over pretty fast.

The MJ and Miles segments are important for characterization of Peter's allies, but especially because they allow you to feel menaced by the situations the character's are in from the perspective of a mostly-powerless bystander. You couldn't get the same feeling controlling Peter unless he was gimped temporarily by the narrative, somehow, and even then it'd be more frustrating than effective.

The tension of the scenes works because it builds up the villains as actual threats the way random citizen would see them, rather than challenges, rivals or "speed bumps" the way a superpowered individual like Peter does. Peter's "threats" are very rarely about what will happen to him, it's more about what will happen to the city and the people who happen to get caught up in the chaos of the moment.
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so i finished the fisk arrest and did some missions side quest things with doc ock. Its ok but i'm really bad at the combat. It doesn't flow as easy as batman.
The combat has a much steeper learning curve than Batman because it has a lot of disparate moves mapped to a lot of different buttons, but once it clicks, it's very fun.


The combat has a much steeper learning curve than Batman because it has a lot of disparate moves mapped to a lot of different buttons, but once it clicks, it's very fun.

Batman is more dial a combo, whereas this game you're more in control.
lol the fuck is up w/ this thread.

one dude complains about the game calling out that you failed an objective and other people having inane conversations about race. sheesh
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Well, I just finished the main story and my opinion of the game went up. It is an excellent Spiderman story and the main missions get better as the game goes on. I was positively surprised by the writing and acting, specially towards the end of the game. It's a shame they went ahead and added so many side missions and stuff, because I think the game works much better as a focused narrative. Well, most of the side stuff seems to be optional, as I stopped doing them as soon as the 'challenge missions' went up and still had all the skills purchased by the end of the game (then again, at many points in the story your are told to 'go patrolling' and the next main mission won't appear until you do some side stuff, I wonder if there is a level check anyway).

The worse levels in the main campaign are the times you control a secondary character and do some kind of clumsy on-rails stealth section. They remind me of The Order, because being seen is an instant game over, although fortunately they are easy and short. I understand those parts are there just to give you some downtime between the action, but still, there are too many of them. Later in the game the sections are a bit more open and you have some tools to your disposal, but they are never fully realized. They contrast clearly with the Spidey stealth gameplay, which plays decently mostly because Spidey is completely OP for the task.

In any case it is my new favorite Insomniac game, by far. The level of polish and care is outstanding. I hope for the game's success, I'd gladly play a sequel which addresses the rough edges.

And, for those who have finished the main story,
do you think we may have a Mary Jane Spider-Woman in the sequel? They had an interesting opportunity of giving her the powers right here, but they went with Miles instead. Venom is going to be in the sequel in some form if I understood the post-credits scene correctly, so who knows.
lol the fuck is up w/ this thread.

one dude complains about the game calling out that you failed an objective and other people having inane conversations about race. sheesh
The fail screen is hilarious to me during the MJ sections.

It's like they can't show her being attacked or killed because women. Meanwhile Spiderman has been getting destroyed and I'm only halfway through the game.


The fail screen is hilarious to me during the MJ sections.
It's like they can't show her being attacked or killed because women. Meanwhile Spiderman has been getting destroyed and I'm only halfway through the game.

I'm pretty sure it's just because it's generally against the bibles of these sorts of media properties to show major supporting characters being definitively killed off in "optional" gamestates.
The way violence is depicted is right in line with the Marvel movies, like in Black Panther where a woman has her throat cut directly on-screen but it leaves no wound and happens bloodlessly.

MJ's also shown helpless at gunpoint about to be killed during the same segment, and there's later sequences where women are injured and menaced on-screen.
Also, if you fail some of the art gallery segments as Spider-Man, you're blatantly shown the Demons executing the gallery owner (who is a woman,) so nice attempt at politicizing things, but you're wrong.
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The MJ and Miles segments are important for characterization of Peter's allies, but especially because they allow you to feel menaced by the situations the character's are in from the perspective of a mostly-powerless bystander. You couldn't get the same feeling controlling Peter unless he was gimped temporarily by the narrative, somehow, and even then it'd be more frustrating than effective.

The tension of the scenes works because it builds up the villains as actual threats the way random citizen would see them, rather than challenges, rivals or "speed bumps" the way a superpowered individual like Peter does. Peter's "threats" are very rarely about what will happen to him, it's more about what will happen to the city and the people who happen to get caught up in the chaos of the moment.
For MJ I agree and maybe the last scene from miles bt otherwise I think that they do not add much. especially the checkpoint one with Miles. They did not add much and had the same mechanics as with MJ. And the first one was just there to fuck with you.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I'm confused, why are people saying the combat is from Arkham?
Arkham had like SM2 TM PS2 combat, it was just better and more polished.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
About 2 hours into this game and I honestly feel like returning it. This just isn't that fun.

Had to reset the whole system after the game froze about 4 minutes in.
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About 2 hours into this game and I honestly feel like returning it. This just isn't that fun.

Had to reset the whole system after the game froze about 4 minutes in.

I'd probably give it another couple hours. I just beat it and it took me around the 2 hour mark for it to click. I wouldn't spend too much time on the side quests, the best part of the game are the story missions. I don't think it's a masterpiece but the story really surprised me as a spiderman fan and I haven't enjoyed a spiderman story this much in years. Upgrading your skill tree will improve the combat and traversal quite a go a long way.

Or you could return it but I feel like you would be doing yourself a disservice it's easily one of the better games of the year
Been playing for about 3 hours so far and my feelings are mixed. The graphics are amazing, 10/10. The best Ive seen on the Pro. I really like swinging through New York. But thats about it.

Everything else is "meh". Really not liking the fighting and couldn't care less about the "story". Also the puzzles are a joke and kindoff boring.
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I'd probably give it another couple hours. I just beat it and it took me around the 2 hour mark for it to click. I wouldn't spend too much time on the side quests, the best part of the game are the story missions. I don't think it's a masterpiece but the story really surprised me as a spiderman fan and I haven't enjoyed a spiderman story this much in years. Upgrading your skill tree will improve the combat and traversal quite a go a long way.

Or you could return it but I feel like you would be doing yourself a disservice it's easily one of the better games of the year

I think he was referring to having to reset after the game froze. It happened to me 3 times. It was so annoying when you are into the game and it had to freeze...


Writes a lot, says very little
Swinging around the city, I saw Peters Apartment and I'm not able to find how to enter it, anyone have any luck?


I think he referring to the people claiming Spider Man was downgraded in this threa... Holy shit dude you practically "liked" every stupid downgrade post in that thread.
And ya asking "the fuck you on about? " to people? 😂


I was talking about the utter nonsense you and other morons that attack people and labelled as a sony hater when they have a different opinion or are critical about something related to sony. Hence your salty response.

I have been a loyal sony fan since the day I fell in love with GT1 and wipeout on PS1. I have purchased all their consoles, tv's and home theater systems. So I am labelled as a sony hater because I am critical of a highly praised sony game? Do you realize how stupid and cringy you **MOD EDIT** "People" sound?

No wonder no one takes the gaming industry seriously, Its impossible to have a debate or have a critical opinion without some hive mind echo chamber getting triggered.

I'm out. :messenger_peace:
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I'm confused, why are people saying the combat is from Arkham?
Arkham had like SM2 TM PS2 combat, it was just better and more polished.

That's a really good point, I sort of forgot that's how the combat worked in that game.


Wow, I wasn't even aware of what exactly the pre-order DLC was for this game, I forgot about it until now.

Just redeemed the code and it gives you 5 skill points, which is pretty nice, and access to 3 of the suits, plus the spider drone.

I feel like the charge jump is really buried in the skill list and should have just been a fundamental move, because it's the best way to get off the ground and start swinging from a good height, and doesn't really provide so much benefit that it warrants being so far down the skill tree.
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An open world game requiring you to constantly explore its open world, how dare they! Shame on Insomniac.
i'm not talking about side missions, i'm talking about the collectibles and mini-games like the pigeons and the taskmaster challenges

these should be available from the start

but the side missions are okay to be locked behind story progression like any other open world game, but i finished them all and they all sucked and there is like 10 side missions


This game could really use a no HUD feature, I hope maybe that gets added at some point.

Turning off the Follow Camera lets you get some cool angles while swinging if you can manage the camera.

Dr. Claus

This game could really use a no HUD feature, I hope maybe that gets added at some point.

Turning off the Follow Camera lets you get some cool angles while swinging if you can manage the camera.

This is what I was kind of hoping for with the hardest difficulty. Removal of the hud and focusing entirely on *your* spidey sense. Would have made it a good bit more challenging as the game is pretty easy otherwise.


Can someone explain the "Chain Finisher" ability to me? I'm not understanding it.

It doesn't seem to trigger automatically, and when you do it "manually" it's not any faster or safer than when you used Finishers without the skill, nor does it negate using the second Focus Bar.
So...What's the point? How is it triggered? What's its benefit? It doesn't get an entry on the Move List page and its blurb on the Skill List page is vague and completely unhelpful.
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Your game is glitched. Are you pressing left or right too?
Yes, I even see the very sudden mid-air jerk to the left or right, and I still get hit.

Also, there's no reason for the criminals in car to have super accurate aim against a fast moving, mid-air target, while in a speeding car.

The dodging isn't the only infuriating thing. I had even dived bomb onto the car, mashing triangle, and it didn't even work. I would be in the cars path, which worked once, but it never worked again. The only time it worked, I still failed it because of some bullshit with heavies being magnetically taped to Spiderman every time he dodges and getting hit every time.

Another problem is that this crime is RNG, and it's also hard to track. I had a couple of times when Parker said "I gotta catch that speeding car before it hurts someone!", and a second later "Ah crap, I guess I was too slow." because I automatically failed it since it spawned right at the edge of the fail distance.
Just beat the main story..took about 6 hours ..i didn't really do any of the side quests as i found them really repetitive
game was great...graphic wise really impressed however no reflections on windows really does look weird
game is definitely loaded to deliver more DLC

I would love to see what insomniac could do with the full avenger licence ....the combat and movement in this game were the best part

Xaero Gravity

Just beat the main story..took about 6 hours ..i didn't really do any of the side quests as i found them really repetitive
game was great...graphic wise really impressed however no reflections on windows really does look weird
game is definitely loaded to deliver more DLC

I would love to see what insomniac could do with the full avenger licence ....the combat and movement in this game were the best part
6 hours!? Weren't people saying the main story alone would take about 25 to 30 hours to playthrough? I have no idea how long I've been playing, but 6 hours is incredibly short for an open world game.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius

Having characters switch between active/fatigued voice track and at rest one based on what you are doing (this dynamically) is great!
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Anybody else loving the Scarlet Spider outfit? It's so comic book. Ever since unlocking it I've been sticking with it. It's a longshot but I would love it if Insomniac released artist variation suits, I'd be particularly happy if my Spider-man looked like he was drawn by Mark Bagley (ASM not USM).
I've read that its a button masher.

Not true at all, you'll die pretty quickly if you don't apply some tact.
6 hours!? Weren't people saying the main story alone would take about 25 to 30 hours to playthrough? I have no idea how long I've been playing, but 6 hours is incredibly short for an open world game.
no...there is lots of filler
you can skip most of the side stuff and just do the story

Bill O'Rights

Seldom posts. Always delivers.
Staff Member
@thread I've removed a few posts which were going off on the usual racial tangent. They served no purpose except to try and inject controversy into the thread. If you want to discuss those specific issues as they pertain to Spider-Man then please do so in another thread. The OT is not for that purpose, and the majority of the people in the OT are interested in actual game detail like controls, graphics, enjoyment etc. This is the line in the sand for this thread.
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Anyone else notice that guys you knock off buildings don't fall to their death, but get caught in webs off the side of the building?


Darkness no more
Just beat the main story..took about 6 hours ..i didn't really do any of the side quests as i found them really repetitive
game was great...graphic wise really impressed however no reflections on windows really does look weird
game is definitely loaded to deliver more DLC

I would love to see what insomniac could do with the full avenger licence ....the combat and movement in this game were the best part

You saw the credits roll at 6 hours? I’m just doing the main story only and am somewhere around 15 hours and have not beat it yet.


It took me about 12-15 hours to reach the end credits. I finished about 25% of the side content and died many times (at the harder difficulty setting, which is not really hard at all though).

6 hours looks like rushing a bit to me, but it may be reasonable if you focus on story missions only.


Gold Member
I'm probably 10 hours in with 30% progression. I am doing a lot of the side stuff and have died a good bit on Spectacular mode.
Anybody else loving the Scarlet Spider outfit? It's so comic book. Ever since unlocking it I've been sticking with it. It's a longshot but I would love it if Insomniac released artist variation suits, I'd be particularly happy if my Spider-man looked like he was drawn by Mark Bagley (ASM not USM).

Not true at all, you'll die pretty quickly if you don't apply some tact.

Yes, I find it hard to switch to anything else. I want the outfit for myself, lol! And yes, I am on the hardest difficulty and can confirm I need to use everything at my disposal plus ambush the enemy to survive. I even run away and have to get a good angle sometimes.
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I've read that its a button masher.

Definitely not true, much to my girlfriend's displeasure. You have small four hit combos, but you have to use the Dodge button constantly to escape incoming attacks, and fights get pretty frantic. It's also fairly challenging. I died more than I was expecting to.
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