I don't think you can really say it was a foregone conclusion especially the whole everyone being dead part. His experimenting could have lead to numerous outcomes. This is the big problem I have with these type of stories and with people relying on what someone sees to happen is absolutely actually going to happen. It doesn't help that this whole thing played out in the dumbest way fucking possible. I'm glad the Reed isn't around any more because we have reached the quota for people who are smart acting stupid.
you absolutely can. like him or not, the visions have a 100% accuracy rate. The Avengers sat on the witness stand and testified as such, and there have been other operations outside of that (with the Xmen, with Spider Man) that rack up that number substantially.
The accuracy of the visions isn't in question. Banner at that point was going to transform and going to kill them.
The problem is that no one knows how the mechanism works, and if this guy is somehow putting events in play that LEAD to a feared outcome- we've seen this happen in spider man this week, and again in civil war 3. If the visions were never made public, those events would have been avoided. Spider Man also brings up the issue of interpretation: he sees a fight between spidey and an opponent, but can't hear words and doesn't know the context. The background of that story makes it a lot more complex than the vision would make it appear at first glance.
I still don't see the big discrepancy. Here's an image of when Banner first comes out:
Same colors with even a nice little glare artifact going on in the center of his pupil, just like the panels you showed.
that's not a glare artifact, that's clearly green- its telegraphing banner's agitation after he finds an army at his door- a door that was supposed to be secret.
try finding that artifact when he's indoors. it doesn't exist. Nor does the green artifact exist in the eyes of anyone else in that book, front to back.
edit: this is immediately BEFORE banner finds an army at his door, stealing his work.
Neon Green centers to his eyes is not an artist error, or a glare artifact. Its clearly telegraphing an imminent transformation because banner is scared/angry/agitated