trejo said:No idea. I only remember it because he made a joke about it in Kannagi.
He did Kannagi? That was pretty good. Disappointed to hear that Fractale did him in.
trejo said:No idea. I only remember it because he made a joke about it in Kannagi.
doomed1 said:Which is a problem because if the boy is "just a plot device" then it shows how shallow the show really is. If he's just being used as a way to "show" something, he's not a character, he's a flat board.
]Likewise, if they needed that cardboard cutout to justify bringing Sayaka, then it shows how shallow HER character is and that her only purpose is tointo becoming a witch. If everyone is just a cardboard cutout plot device tobecome a plot device herself to drive the exhibition of OMG, meguca is suffering, then that's a tremendous weakness of plot right there.make Homura go Bill Murray
Having a sophistic perspective on plot like that is dangerous because it focuses too much on the ends rather than the means, but literature and media is about the journey, not JUST the destination.[/b]
So what I'm gathering here is that you think the justification for these actions are weak? Correct me if I'm wrong.
BTW, understand that I don't share this view of Madoka, but labeling entire characters as "plot devices" in SRS BZNSS shows is not a good thing. It is in fact a bad thing, since it exposes incredible weakness in the writing (which definitely isn't Madoka's strong suit).
I feel like we just have different views of narrative. I firmly believe that "characters" are merely tools that are used to present the narrative as a whole. If a particular character/his actions does not "inform" me of what's going on, then I simply don't care. Whether a character is "well-written", "realistic", "three-dimensional", "identifiable" or whatnot is secondary to how they relate to the story that's being told. Or, in the case of comedy, whether they work to provide humor.
The plot of Madoka is just incredibly interesting to me, and I was engaged from day one as to what would happen next, how it would happen, what the ultimate result will be, etc. etc. The thrust/style of the writing is towards having the characters move the story forward in some way, whether by acting in a particular fashion or revealing things about themselves that are relevant to the situation we're presented with (ie Madoka feels useless and unremarkable, Sayaka values justice over pragmatism, Kyoko is the opposite, Kyubey is amoral, etc.) This works as is, and thus, I don't need the characters to be anything more than what they already are. Simple as that.
It's hard to recommend without knowing what you've already watched.Extollere said:I miss K-on! ..... =(
What should I watch instead of watching K-on! again??
Kannagi had some really AWESOME episodes, but it kind of fell apart at the end when it got all srs business.Kannagi was good though. He should have just stuck with awkward nerd humour and harems.
Miri said:That divide is where my issue lies. It wants the viewer to take this goofy ass premise, and look at it with a serious eye. It becomes kind of hard to do that when the focal point is crying every 5 minutes.
Extollere said:I wanna watch something shallow, boring, slow paced, yet impeccably cute - like K-on
I haven't watched anything else... except for the shows that I've already watched.
Well,Extollere said:I wanna watch something shallow, boring, slow paced, yet impeccably cute - like K-on
I haven't watched anything else... except for the shows that I've already watched.
Extollere said:I miss K-on! ..... =(
What should I watch instead of watching K-on! again??
Miri said:That divide is where my issue lies. It wants the viewer to take this goofy ass premise, and look at it with a serious eye. It becomes kind of hard to do that when the focal point is crying every 5 minutes.
hosannainexcelsis said:I think part of what Madoka is trying to do is to draw attention to how goofy and hopelessly naive the magical girl premise is. Living by idealistic principles may only bring more harm than good in the end. Although the show is predominantly tragedy, and I partly agree that there's one too many scenes of Madoka in tears, I do believe there's more to it than shallow emotional manipulation.
Similar premise, yes. Outcasts who want to make a difference.Mr Nash said:Anyone else get a strong Akihabara@Deep vibe from SKET Dance?
Mr Nash said:Anyone else get a strong Akihabara@Deep vibe from SKET Dance?
Extollere said:I miss K-on! ..... =(
What should I watch instead of watching K-on! again??
Hidamari SketchExtollere said:I miss K-on! ..... =(
What should I watch instead of watching K-on! again??
DrForester said:Could put yourself up against the most Moe things you'll ever see. I dare you.
Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar
Bottle Fairy
Magical Meow Meow Taruto
Oh you passed episode 8 when shit got real. I think episode 15 is the next big one.cosmicblizzard said:Mai-Hime 9
And we're back to the school silliness with a hint of romance. With how the previous episode ended, you would think there wouldn't be such a big mood whiplash. Oh well, I guess they should enjoy it while they can before things go really wrong.
Oh, does the anime even reach this part in the anime, or does it diverge from the manga plot? Worth checking out?flawfuls said:Yumekui Merry
And it's over. The ending was kind of eh, but overall I really liked the show. I really wish they stuck with the manga and ended at the glorious fight where Yumeji summons that cat army. I would have really liked to see them animate that part.
hosannainexcelsis said:I think part of what Madoka is trying to do is to draw attention to how goofy and hopelessly naive the magical girl premise is. Living by idealistic principles may only bring more harm than good in the end. Although the show is predominantly tragedy, and I partly agree that there's one too many scenes of Madoka in tears, I do believe there's more to it than shallow emotional manipulation.
Solune said:Oh you passed episode 8 when shit got real. I think episode 15 is the next big one.
Mr Nash said:Anyone else get a strong Akihabara@Deep vibe from SKET Dance?
jman2050 said:I'd never wish any of those of even the most ardent of K-On lovers.
zeroshiki said:Oh god, seriously? No SKET Dance for me, then.
Solune said:Oh, does the anime even reach this part in the anime, or does it diverge from the manga plot? Worth checking out?
I'm no magical girl expert, but I did watch a lot of Sailor Moon growing up so I'm familiar with the basics. I don't think Madoka is meant for someone who hasn't had at least some prior exposure to the genre.Miri said:This works. I had begun to pick it up, but have never seen anything magical-girl related before, so the Madoka's attempts at trope deconstruction weren't all that apparent to me.
If this is true, I really need to watch Gintama.cosmicblizzard said:I really don't see many similarities other than some obvious character ones. Really, Sket Dance is more like Gintama in high school as others have said.
Extollere said:Thanks for recommendations - already seen the Miyazaki films :3
Yeah you think they would have put more effort into the last episode.7Th said:Merry 13 was like a poorly animated, badly directed parody of Casshern Sins. Almost as laughably bad as a not first/final episode of a Shaft show.
Yes you should. Sket Dance is pretty decent in it's own right, but really it's just a poor man's Gintama. So is Level E for that matter.hosannainexcelsis said:If this is true, I really need to watch Gintama.
But didn't the Level E manga come out before the Gintama manga?flawfuls said:Yeah you think they would have put more effort into the last episode.
Yes you should. Sket Dance is pretty decent in it's own right, but really it's just a poor man's Gintama. So is Level E for that matter.
EmmanuelMunoz said:Can someone help me find a video I saw linked in the last thread? It was a super moe video of a young female character saying something like "gyoo" or "nyaa" over and over again. She is also with an older guy
Aigis said:But didn't the Level E manga come out before the Gintama manga?
cosmicblizzard said:Uguu?
Every Key anime ever.EmmanuelMunoz said:Can someone help me find a video I saw linked in the last thread? It was a super moe video of a young female character saying something like "gyoo" or "nyaa" over and over again. She is also with an older guy
EmmanuelMunoz said:Can someone help me find a video I saw linked in the last thread? It was a super moe video of a young female character saying something like "gyoo" or "nyaa" over and over again. She is also with an older guy
That's from Kanon. Considering some brave soul was watching the 2002 version, I'd start with searching Kanon 2002. My heart goes out to you sir.EmmanuelMunoz said:YES! Thank you
Hellsing321 said:Every Key anime ever.
Miri said:Sounds like that vid of Ranka, from Macross frontier, doing the dance over and over and over and over again.
Might not be what you're looking for.
I tried starting with the Season 2 premier and didn't laugh once.hosannainexcelsis said:If this is true, I really need to watch Gintama.
Dance In My Blood said:I tried starting with the Season 2 premier and didn't laugh once.
Seems like the kind of thing you should really start up from the beginning.
Every time is a good time for Key bashing, but yeah we should save it again for a rainy day.Geneijin said:![]()
Let's get through a day at least before this begins again please =P
Oh no, I don't subscribe to that viewpoint, I was just describing how that sort of logic works against a positive view of Madoka. The down and dirty version of this is the Red Shirt, and I don't really consider the boy this sort of character either. It's really his INJURY that was a plot device, not really him as a person (though I thought his character was pretty shallow and predictable too).jman2050 said:I find this viewpoint somewhat shortsighted. The boy is not an important character in this story and the story never tried to indicate otherwise. His only role in the story is in his relation to Sayaka. No one would know or even care about how he is outside of that particular relationship because that's not part of the story. This is like complaining that Greedo from Star Wars only exists to explain Han's dangerous circumstances.
Yeah... that'll throw a wrench in the works... That's basically the exact opposite of how I see narrative. The narrative is a retrospective term for a sequence of events that has come to an "end". The narrative would not exist, nor would have any relevance if not for the characters that drive it. How the characters interact with each other and their circumstances is what interests me most. The narrative is a tool for communicating it. Now, the narrative is also very important since it defines how the audience see perceives the characters, the conflict, everything, it's basically a lens into another existence.I feel like we just have different views of narrative. I firmly believe that "characters" are merely tools that are used to present the narrative as a whole. If a particular character/his actions does not "inform" me of what's going on, then I simply don't care. Whether a character is "well-written", "realistic", "three-dimensional", "identifiable" or whatnot is secondary to how they relate to the story that's being told. Or, in the case of comedy, whether they work to provide humor.